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SCIO press conference on promoting high-quality development of civil affairs work

People's Livelihood
The State Council Information Office held a press conference on Sept. 12 in Beijing to brief the media on promoting the high-quality development of civil affairs work.  September 21, 2023

Cover News:

Social organizations play an important role in China's modernization efforts. To our knowledge, there are nearly 900,000 social organizations in China to date. How has the MCA promoted the high-quality development of social organizations? Thank you.

Tang Dengjie:

Thank you for your question. This is a very good question. Social organizations are an important force in driving China's socialist modernization. Over recent years, we have strengthened the Party's overall leadership over these organizations, steering and supporting them to achieve well-regulated and orderly development and play a positive role. Concurrently, we have prevented and resolved risks and potential dangers related to social organizations. All these measures aim to continuously advance their high-quality development. For more information, I would like to invite Mr. Zhan Chengfu to give a more detailed introduction.

Zhan Chengfu:

Okay. As the reporter just said, there are currently nearly 900,000 social organizations in our country, encompassing every facet of the economy and society. To be more specific, among these, there are over 370,000 social groups, upwards of 510,000 non-enterprise private entities, such as privately-run kindergartens and schools, and approximately 10,000 foundations. These entities employ over 11 million people and have over 580 billion yuan in assets. Social organizations have made important contributions to the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, especially in our critical battle against poverty.

Since the beginning of this year, civil affairs departments at all levels have thoroughly implemented the guiding principles of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on social organization work and the major decisions and plans of the 20th CPC National Congress. With a key focus on promoting high-quality development as our primary objective, optimizing structural layout as the key approach, and serving the country and society as the mission, we have taken a series of measures to propel social organizations of all types and at all levels to make new contributions to the building of a stronger nation and national rejuvenation. The specific steps can be summarized as "five measures."

First, offering a correction direction. We remain committed to achieving unity in thinking, will, and action with Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. We have upheld and strengthened the overall leadership of the Party over social organizations, and made coordinated efforts to promote Party building and the effective coverage of Party initiatives in social organizations, so that they follow the Party and its guidance and make steady and continuous progress along the development path with Chinese characteristics.

Second, ensuring institutional guarantees. We have worked with relevant departments to increase the implementation of policies with regard to government purchase of services, tax and fee incentives, and human resources to stimulate the internal vitality and driving force of social organizations.

Third, giving full play to the roles of social organizations. We have mobilized industry associations and chambers of commerce to help improve our economic development and modernization. We have encouraged academies and research societies to boost China's scientific and technological innovation, invigorate the country through science and education, and improve workforce development. We have mobilized social service agencies to bolster support to ensure people's basic living needs and provide services. We have also mobilized environmental protection social organizations to help build a beautiful China. We have encouraged charity organizations to vigorously develop philanthropic undertakings on the new journey. Recently, we have organized some national and local social organizations in eastern China to pair up with 160 key counties receiving rural revitalization assistance across the country, which has achieved very good social effects and has been welcomed by all parties. Many journalists present here have covered the relevant news.

Fourth, enforcing rigorous supervision and management. We have enhanced the construction of social organization credit information platforms and continued to improve the transparency and credibility of social organizations. We have faithfully performed various administrative duties such as registration, annual inspection, evaluation, credit management, and law enforcement supervision of social organizations. We have promoted social organizations to consciously improve their internal governance mechanisms and continuously elevate their self-discipline and self-regulation.

Fifth, focusing on creating a favorable environment. We have identified a group of advanced social organizations to serve as models for high-quality development. We coordinate development and security, and take an unequivocal stance to continuously eliminate 'zombie' social organizations. We have taken strong measures to crack down on and rectify various illegal social organizations, thereby purifying the ecological space of social organizations.

The above summarizes the measures we have taken since this year. Thank you.

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