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SCIO briefing on plan for Shenzhen park of Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone

China.org.cn | September 21, 2023

Shenzhen Satellite TV:

Since taking office, John Lee Ka-chiu, chief executive of the Hong Kong SAR, has paid great attention to sci-tech and innovation-related work. What efforts have been made by Hong Kong in promoting the development of the Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone? As this zone continues to develop, what will be Hong Kong's next steps to advance sci-tech cooperation with Shenzhen? Thank you.

Chan Kwok-ki:

Thank you for your questions. The Hong Kong SAR government has expressed its enthusiasm regarding the release of the Plan on Promoting High-Quality Development of the Shenzhen Park of the Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone . In its 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025), China has set targets to make itself a country of innovators and build greater scientific and technological strength. Part of this vision involves transforming the GBA into an international innovation and technology center. In addition to giving support to Hong Kong to develop an international innovation and technology hub, the 14th Five-Year Plan has also included the Hetao zone in the GBA's four primary cooperation platforms.

The Hong Kong SAR government is very thankful for the strong support from the central government and the Shenzhen Municipal People's Government for developing the Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone. The zone is located on both sides of the Shenzhen River and was built under the concepts of "one river, two banks" and "one zone, two parks." It includes the Shenzhen park, covering an area of approximately 300 hectares, and the Hong Kong park, 87 hectares.

A series of measures have been put forward in the Plan on Promoting High-Quality Development of the Shenzhen Park, including advancing international sci-tech and innovation in collaboration with Hong Kong. This move will inject new impetus into and bring about new development for the cooperation between Hong Kong and Shenzhen.

The Hong Kong SAR government will continue to actively cooperate with Shenzhen and promote the advantages of the Hetao zone under the concept of "one zone, two parks" underpinned by the principle of "one country, two systems." These include trying out exclusive cross-border policies to ensure a smooth flow of labor, materials, and data to make the zone a gateway to in-depth innovation and technology cooperation. Meanwhile, we will give full play to Hong Kong's distinctive advantages of enjoying solid support from the motherland and close connection with global markets. In doing so, Hong Kong will contribute its part to the development of the GBA international innovation and technology center.

President Xi Jinping paid a visit to Hong Kong last year when we marked the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland. He reiterated the central government's firm support for Hong Kong to build an international innovation and technology center. He expressed his keen hope for Hong Kong to contribute to national science and technology development. This fully demonstrates that our country attaches great importance to and acknowledges the innovation and technology development of Hong Kong. This has also given us tremendous confidence and greatly inspired us to develop innovation and technology in Hong Kong.

In October 2022, the chief executive of the Hong Kong SAR proposed in his policy address to study expediting the development of the Hong Kong park, namely the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park , of the cooperation zone and optimizing its functions. 

Initial planning for the first phase of the park has been completed, covering a total area of 10 million square feet. The park is designed to host various specialized sectors, including life and health technology, industry-academia-research cooperation, artificial intelligence and data science, new technology and advanced manufacturing, as well as accommodation for talent, commercial spaces and other supporting amenities. The goal is to build the park into an ecosystem featuring diversity and establish a lively and environmentally friendly community. 

The first three buildings within the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park are on track to be inaugurated by the end of 2024. Meanwhile, we will leverage the market to draw business and investment, enhancing construction quality and speed and establishing high-quality research and industrial facilities. 

Over the past several years, Hong Kong and Shenzhen have yielded fruitful results in the development of the Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone . Last year, the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation launched the "GBA InnoExpress " program, providing business development services for innovative and technological enterprises from Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland. In addition, operations at the Hong Kong Science Park Shenzhen Branch have been progressively commencing. 

Looking ahead, the Hong Kong SAR will actively integrate itself into the country's overall development and jointly advance the construction of the cooperation zone with Shenzhen. By doing so, we will promote the high-quality growth of innovation and technology in the GBA and build the cooperation zone into a world-class innovation platform. Thank you. 

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