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SCIO briefing on plan for Shenzhen park of Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone

China.org.cn | September 21, 2023

Shou Xiaoli:

We have time for two more questions.


The HTCZ was under the principle of "one zone, two parks ," as it consists of Shenzhen park and Hong Kong park. As the plan for the Shenzhen park has already been issued, when will the plan for Hong Kong park be released? How will Hong Kong park synchronize its development, construction, and science and technological industrial chain with Shenzhen park? What influence will Shenzhen park's plan have on the other park? Thank you.

Chan Kwok-ki:

Thank you for your questions. The cooperation zone plays a crucial role in Hong Kong's future innovation and technology development. Abiding by the "one country, two systems" principle, the construction of the "one zone, two parks" enables Hong Kong to leverage its advantages of enjoying strong support from the motherland and remaining connected to the world, and helps Hong Kong contribute to the national strategy of building strength in science and technology. The Hong Kong SAR government promulgated the Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Development Blueprint last year to establish a clear development path and formulate systematic strategic planning for Hong Kong's innovation and technology (I&T) development over the next five to 10 years, charting Hong Kong in moving towards the vision of an international I&T center . The blueprint sets out strategies for enhancing the I&T ecosystem, actively integrating it into the national development agenda, and serving as a bridge between the Chinese mainland and the rest of the world . Considering Hong Kong's strategic advantages, the blueprint also suggests focusing on developing life and health scientific technology, artificial intelligence (AI), and data science, as well as advanced manufacturing, new energy technologies, and other industries.

To actively align with national development, the Hong Kong SAR government will make efforts to build the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park . At the same time, it will also actively explore other innovative growth models and accelerate the development of the San Tin Technopole in the Northern Metropolis to provide critical support for promoting the expansion of Hong Kong's science and technology industry.

Upon assuming office last year, Hong Kong SAR Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu prioritized the accelerated development of the Hong Kong park while also emphasizing the optimization of the park's functions. Currently, the first phase of land use planning and layout has been basically completed. The strategies and development directions set out in the Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Development Blueprint indicate that different sections will be dedicated to different industries. We will further advance the development of facilities in the park and release more details in the next few months. 

To ensure alignment between Shenzhen park and Hong Kong park, close communication has been maintained between the joint task forces at the government level. Moreover, Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park 's board of directors, which includes members nominated by Shenzhen, has maintained close contact with its Shenzhen Park counterpart, especially on matters concerning park development and industrial chain arrangements. Such contact will continue moving forward.

The plan for the Shenzhen park is about the development orientation of intermediate tests between research achievements and their real-world applications . The plan highlights information technology, biomedicine, AI, and the digital economy, which align with the points set out in the blueprint and industries the Hong Kong park will focus on. 

Hong Kong boasts the advantages of international influence and a solid I&T foundation. It's home to five of the world's top 100 universities and testing facilities accredited by both domestic and international institutions. It can pool the innovation resources of the GBA and the world at large. Furthermore, it can provide services in science and technology R&D, intellectual property trading, financing, legal mediation, and other services for the mainland. 

Furthermore, a slew of measures favorable to Hong Kong's scientific and technological development have been issued over recent years, facilitating the effective flow of innovation factors between Hong Kong and the mainland. In March, the Hong Kong SAR government signed the Mainland and Hong Kong Arrangement on Accelerating the Development of Hong Kong into the International Innovation and Technology Centre with the MOST. This is a significant stride towards promoting the transformation of Hong Kong into an international I&T center. The Hong Kong SAR government will continue to work with the MOST and other ministries and commissions in policy formulation. This collaboration aims to foster enhanced exchanges between mainland and Hong Kong departments on issues like I&T policies and resources. The objective is to rationalize the policies and arrangements involved. Since personnel, research materials, and funding are important innovation resources, forging deep-rooted exchanges and collaborations is critically important.

In general, in the light of the development plan for the Shenzhen park, the Hong Kong SAR government will continue to maintain close contact and strengthen cooperation with the Shenzhen Municipal People's Government. Particularly, on the basis of the "one zone, two parks ," we will strive to implement measures to promote the cross-border flow of various innovation elements in the software field. This aims to bring together the advantages of both Shenzhen and Hong Kong in the cooperation zone to turn it into a bridgehead for deep cooperation in innovation and technology.

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