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SCIO press conference on implementing major decisions of 20th CPC National Congress, promoting high-quality development of healthcare security

The State Council Information Office held a press conference on May 18 in Beijing on implementing the major decisions of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and promoting the high-quality development of healthcare security.  June 6, 2023


As we know, healthcare security plays a pivotal role in preventing individuals from descending into or reverting back to poverty due to illness. Could you elaborate on the specific measures you have taken to tackle these issues? What additional measures will you take to consolidate the progress made in poverty reduction and stimulate rural revitalization? Thank you.

Hu Jinglin:

Thank you. I'll take this question.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has led the Chinese people in winning the battle against poverty, putting an end to the long-standing issue of absolute poverty that has plagued the Chinese nation for thousands of years. This remarkable achievement is nothing short of a miracle in human history. As General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, "Being lifted out of poverty is not an end in itself but the starting point of a new life and a new pursuit." Following the successful poverty alleviation campaign, the healthcare security departments have been resolutely implementing the decisions made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council in synchronizing poverty alleviation with rural revitalization. We have continuously deepened the reform in the healthcare security system, steadfastly provided basic healthcare security to low-income rural residents, and ensured that individuals do not fall back into poverty on a large scale due to illness.

First, we have ensured key populations are provided with comprehensive healthcare. The central government has consistently increased subsidies for residents' medical insurance. It also offers targeted financial assistance to individuals facing extreme difficulty, recipients of subsistence allowances, and those who have fallen back into poverty or are at risk of falling back into poverty. It also ensures that rural low-income individuals can access institutional safeguards for medical treatment. In 2022, 97.66 million people in need received subsidies, and the insurance participation rate among rural low-income individuals remained stable at over 99%.

Second, we have strengthened the effectiveness of the three-tier relief system. This system encompasses basic medical insurance, serious illness insurance, and medical assistance. First, we strive to maintain a stable level of inpatient benefits for basic medical insurance and improve the mechanism for outpatient mutual aid. Second, we enhance the reimbursement levels for residents facing major illnesses while implementing targeted and preferential payment measures for special vulnerable groups. Third, we reinforce the medical insurance and assistance system for major and catastrophic diseases, ensuring comprehensive safeguarding measures are in place. According to monitoring data, in 2022, the three-tier relief system benefited rural low-income individuals with 145 million outpatient visits, alleviating their financial burdens by 148.7 billion yuan.

Third, we have improved our long-term mechanisms to prevent people from falling back into poverty because of illness. We are guiding regional departments in monitoring and issuing early warnings for patients burdened by high medical expenses. We promptly included eligible individuals under key monitoring into the scope of medical assistance and coordinated with relevant departments to provide comprehensive support. Since 2021, over 7.4 million warning messages have been sent nationwide. Additionally, we have adjusted the healthcare insurance catalog and implemented regular volume-based procurement of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies to reduce healthcare costs for low-income rural residents.

Moving forward, we will resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. Building on the achievements of "guaranteeing access to basic medical services," we will actively promote healthcare security to support the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas. Our key priorities include the following: First, we aim to establish a diversified medical assistance system, perfect a unified and standardized medical assistance system, and coordinate efforts to improve assistance for families grappling with major illnesses. Second, we will strengthen the comprehensive support mechanism for patients burdened with high medical expenses by engaging various social forces such as charitable organizations, commercial health insurance, and mutual medical aid to better harness collective support. Third, we will consolidate and expand the achievements in poverty alleviation through healthcare insurance by establishing liaison offices, learning from local best practices, and exploring targeted assistance initiatives to support key counties in the national rural revitalization campaign through healthcare security. Thank you!

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