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SCIO press conference on energizing market, solidifying foundation for high-quality development

The State Council Information Office held a press conference on April 13 in Beijing to brief the media on energizing the market and solidifying the foundation for high-quality development.  April 20, 2023


The CPC Central Committee and the State Council recently issued an outline to improve the overall quality of China's economy, which provides a guide to action on coordinating efforts in this regard. What's the SAMR's plan to implement the outline this year? Thank you.

Luo Wen:

Thanks for your question. Quality is an important guarantee for human production and life. Boosting the overall quality of the country's economy is a critical pathway to better meet people's desire for a better life and improve their well-being. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the Chinese people's awareness of quality has increased significantly, the overall quality of products and services has improved steadily, and quality safety has been continuously optimized. The outline issued by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council provides a guide to action on boosting the overall quality of China's economy. This year, we will make efforts to implement the outline mainly in the following three areas.

First, we will consolidate one foundation, which refers to quality infrastructure, encompassing measurement, standards, certification and accreditation, inspection and testing, and other sectors. Quality infrastructure is the fundamental support for boosting the overall quality of China's economy. We will accelerate the building of a modern, advanced measurement system, improve the supply structure of government and market standards, optimize the quality certification system, and increase the capability of comprehensive inspection and testing. We will build a batch of national quality standard laboratories and promote one-stop national quality infrastructure services to make our service more efficient.

Second, we will carry out two campaigns, which refer to quality-improving campaigns both in the product and service sectors. In terms of product quality, we will focus on key categories like food and drugs, as well as key groups, including the elderly, students, children, and people with disabilities. We will conduct regulations covering all groups, all categories and all stages to improve quality safety. In terms of service quality, we will strengthen quality supervision of life-related services and target prominent problems from one industry to another to enhance the consumption experience and guarantee a high-quality life for people.

The third is to launch "three projects." Regarding regions, we will launch a demonstration project on regional quality development, explore the building of role model cities that contribute to boosting China's strength in manufacturing, and develop a demonstration zone for quality brand promotion. Regarding industries, we will launch a project to improve the quality of the industrial chain and jointly advance breakthroughs in quality-related generic technologies. We will accelerate the quality upgrading of the industrial system, steer the industrial chain toward the medium- and high-end, and strengthen industrial competitiveness. Regarding enterprises, we will launch a project to develop Chinese brands and improve the mechanism to foster and grow brands. We will conduct evaluations for the fifth China Quality Award and honor its winners to help develop more quality Chinese products and time-honored brands. Thank you. 

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