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SCIO press conference on ensuring energy supply and winter heating

The State Council Information Office held a press conference in Beijing on Jan. 13 to brief the media on ensuring energy supply and winter heating.  January 20, 2023

China News Service:

What have been the climatic features of China since the beginning of winter? What challenges will these conditions bring to China's energy supply? What is your outlook for the weather during the Spring Festival? Thank you.

Zhang Zuqiang:

Thank you for your questions. Since the beginning of winter, China's climate has shown two prominent features. First, from the perspective of temperature, China has been 0.3 degrees colder on average compared to usual, but the temperatures have also fluctuated greatly. In December, the average temperature in China was 1.2 degrees lower than that in the same period on average. From Jan. 1 to yesterday (Jan. 12), the average temperature in China was 2.3 degrees higher than that in the same period on average, so the fluctuations in temperature have been relatively large. The second feature is that overall precipitation has been relatively small. According to our statistics, the national precipitation since the beginning of winter has been nearly 40% less than that of the same period on average.

The main impact on our energy supply is that cold air activity will bring low temperatures, rain, and snowy weather, which will affect energy supply in terms of both supply and demand. On the one hand, low temperatures brought by cold air activity will lead to an increase in residents' demand for heating; on the other hand, rain and snow may create some adverse effects on power supply facilities and raw materials, such as the transportation of coal to generate electric power. Therefore, from the perspective of supply and demand, there exist some pressures. The country's energy management and meteorological departments will maintain close communication and cooperation, respond in a timely manner, and take timely measures to minimize the adverse effects of the weather.

As for the weather during the Spring Festival, sunny to cloudy weather are expected to prevail in the north, while cloudy and rainy weather will prevail in the south. Generally speaking, based on current weather conditions, there will be three cold air events that will affect China. The first is the one that is affecting us now, that is, the large-scale nationwide rain and snowy weather from Jan. 11-15, which is expected to end on Jan. 15 or 16. The second cold air snap will occur between Jan. 19-20, which will affect northern China. The third cold air event will affect most of China's central and eastern regions around Jan. 23. Meteorological authorities will strengthen monitoring and forecasting and release relevant early warning information in a timely manner, making every effort to provide meteorological support services for the people in order to ensure a safe and peaceful Spring Festival.

Thank you.

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