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SCIO press conference on making every effort to ensure sound transportation services during 2023 Spring Festival

Press Conference
The State Council Information Office held a press conference on Jan. 6 in Beijing to brief the media on the comprehensive measures being made to ensure sound transportation services during the 2023 Spring Festival.  January 11, 2023

Cover News:

It is expected that this year will see an increase in passenger flows compared to previous years. How will the transport authorities ensure the safety of passengers and guarantee emergency responses to avoid major traffic accidents? Thank you.

Cai Tuanjie:

Thank you for your question. Safety has always been our top priority during the Spring Festival travel rush. We can have a peaceful Spring Festival only if we do an excellent job of providing security. This year, we face significant challenges in conducting safety inspections for the travel rush due to multiple factors, including increasing passenger and cargo flows, the changing epidemic situation and extreme weather. We have already made systematic arrangements for ensuring safety and emergency responses for the travel rush. Next, we will guide local governments to pay close attention to passenger and cargo flows, the weather and the epidemic situation. We will also direct them to focus on core elements such as passengers, vehicles and roads. Multiple efforts will be made to guide local governments to take concrete steps to fully secure a safe Spring Festival travel season. 

First, we will strengthen the inspection and maintenance of facilities and equipment. Some of our facilities and equipment have been operating at low capacity, leading to an increased risk of safety hazards. We will urge transportation companies to fully implement all safety production requirements and conduct comprehensive inspection and maintenance on facilities and equipment planned to be used during the Spring Festival travel season, to ensure they are in good technical condition. We will prevent problematic facilities and equipment from operating.

Second, we will strengthen our efforts to raise safety awareness among employees. Some of our employees' skills have become rusty due to the low workload. We will guide transportation companies to conduct targeted training and safety education for all employees engaged in the Spring Festival travel season, especially drivers, to enhance their awareness of safe driving. We must conduct strict checks on drivers to ensure they can perform their work duties safely. If drivers have symptoms such as a fever or are unable to work due to physical conditions, they should not be made to work. We should ensure that employees are fit for duty and that vehicles are fit for operation.

Third, we will strengthen the dynamic monitoring of transportation vehicles. We will monitor and manage tourist buses, passenger buses, vehicles transporting dangerous goods, and high-speed ferries during their operation, and promptly discover and address violations of laws and regulations, including speeding and driving while tired. We will urge transportation companies to pay close attention to weather changes and road traffic conditions, and promptly adjust or suspend transportation plans for those not meeting safe traffic requirements. We strictly prohibit dangerous operations and transportation.

Fourth, we will strengthen efforts to ensure safety on the road network. We will guide local governments to strengthen the monitoring of key road sections and road networks and conduct risk assessments on road sections such as large and long bridges and tunnels, as well as long, continuous downhill slopes, to address safety hazards in a timely manner. We will release information on weather and traffic control to facilitate the public in making travel plans. Suppose there are extreme weather events, such as cold waves, freezing rain and snow, and dense fog. In that case, we will publish weather warnings and conduct emergency responses, as well as carry out snow removal and deicing work in a timely manner, to recover road conditions as soon as possible. We will step up efforts to provide health services for passengers. We encourage passenger hubs, highway service areas, "driver's homes," and other places where conditions permit to set up "health stations" and health service points to provide drivers and passengers of private cars, passenger buses and cargo trucks with medicine and separate areas for rest. It is particularly important to mention that we do not encourage drivers with symptoms to get behind the wheel. If they have symptoms during their work, they need to rest and get medicine at the nearest service area. It is also advisable to avoid driving after taking medication and only return to work after resting to ensure safety.

Fifth, we will step up our duties and emergency response capabilities. During the Spring Festival travel rush, transportation departments at all levels will strictly implement the 24-hour duty plan with both leaders and assigned persons on duty to closely monitor the situation of the travel rush. In case of emergencies like adverse weather and traffic congestion, we will organize, coordinate and direct the emergency response in time to ensure smooth and orderly progress during the Spring Festival travel season. When people are stranded, hot water, food and necessary health services will be provided in time to enhance their sense of fulfillment regarding Spring Festival travel services.

During the Spring Festival travel season, many people from rural areas travel to return home, visit relatives and friends, and go to fairs. We will strengthen transport capacity and safety supervision. We will work with related departments to strengthen law enforcement supervision by focusing on rural passenger transport routes, passenger terminals and ferry ports. Here, I'd like to remind travelers to enhance their awareness of self-protection and safe travel. It is suggested to travel in legal vehicles, reject vehicles with passengers beyond the seating capacity, fasten seat belts, resolutely eliminate driving a vehicle without a license plate or driver's license, and avoid drunk driving to prevent and curb safety accidents.

Safety work is a journey to which there's no end. Let's work together to ensure a safe, smooth and orderly Spring Festival travel season so everyone can have a happy and peaceful Spring Festival. Thank you!

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