ㄑ Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee holds press conference on achievements in China's natural resources development in the new era

Press conference on achievements in China's natural resources development in the new era | September 30, 2022

Red Star News:

Food security is a crucial strategic issue concerning national security. Farmland is the lifeblood of food security, and never crossing the red line for 120 million hectares of farmland is the prerequisite for food security. What measures has China taken to secure the red line in the past decade? What are the results? Thank you. 

Liu Guohong:

Thank you for your question. The CPC Central Committee and the State Council have attached great importance to arable land protection. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made important instructions on farmland protection and underscored practicing the strictest farmland protection system and protecting farmland just as we protect pandas. Firmly implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, we have taken tough measures to abide by the red line for 120 million hectares of farmland, which can be summarized into five aspects. 

First, we have enforced strict legal system on farmland protection. We improved laws and regulations, revised the Land Management Law and a regulation on implementing the Land Management Law, and promulgated the Black Soil Protection Law. The CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued a guideline on strengthening farmland protection and offsetting farmland used for other purposes. The State Council released documents to prevent the use of farmland for non-agricultural and non-grain purposes. Second, we have drawn red lines for farmland and permanent basic farmland. We launched the prioritized protection of farmland. In the national territorial space planning outline and in designating urban space, agricultural space, and ecological space with three red lines for urban development boundaries, permanent basic farmland, and ecological conservation, protection tasks of farmland, and permanent basic farmland with designated locations were deployed to local governments. Thus, we can ensure that farmland is prioritized as designated and will be protected as much as possible. Third, we have strictly prohibited non-agricultural use of farmland and maintained a balance between occupation and replenishment of farmland. The use of farmland for non-agricultural construction should be replenished before being occupied, and the size and fertility of the land should be ensured. Occupied paddy fields should be replenished with paddy fields. We strictly verified and confirmed the replenishment of farmland and set up a disclosure system for replenished land to ensure real replenishment. Fourth, we have strictly prohibited the use of farmland for other agricultural purposes and maintained a balance between usage and replenishment. The third national land survey exposed problems such as sharp decrease of farmland caused by use for other agricultural purposes. In response, we required that if the farmland is turned into forest, grassland and garden land, replenishment of equal amount and quality should be made to ensure stable and long-term use. Fifth, we have launched strict supervision and law enforcement for farmland protection. National natural resources departments have strengthened supervision and inspection of provincial governments' performance of their responsibilities in protecting farmland. Ledgers for problems are established to urge rectification. Satellite remote sensing technology has been applied to help law enforcement with satellite images so as to promptly detect, investigate and handle illegal practices. We made typical cases public to deter people from similar practices. 

Through the abovementioned measures, coupled with the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, the support and supervision from all sectors of society, and the cooperation among Party committees and governments at all levels as well as related departments, markable results have been secured in farmland protection over the past decade, meeting the target set by the State Council to keep a total of 1.865 billion mu of farmland in 2020, thus securing the redline. Particularly in the past two years, the decline of farmland has been initially curbed, and the total area of farmland in 2021 registered a net increase. Thank you.

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