ㄑ Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee holds press conference on China's achievements in water development since the 18th CPC National Congress

Press conference on achievements in water development since the 18th CPC National Congress | September 22, 2022

The Poster News APP:

Implementing the major projects of the national water network is the major decision and plan of the CPC Central Committee. At present, China has basically formed the overall landscape of water resource allocation with water diversion channels transferring water from south to north and connecting east and west. On that basis, what can be done to accelerate the development of the national water network and ensure water security for the development of a modern socialist country in all respects? Thank you.

Zhang Xiangwei:

Thank you for your question. The spatial and temporal distribution of water resources in China is extremely unbalanced. Accelerating the construction of the national water network and building a high-quality modern infrastructure network for water conservancy are urgently needed to optimize the strategic landscape of China's national water resources, and have a bearing on national development and security. We will fully implement the guiding principles of General Secretary Xi Jinping's speeches at the 11th meeting of the Commission for Financial and Economic Affairs of the CPC Central Committee and the symposium on promoting the high-quality follow-up development of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project. Focusing on building connections, improving the network and strengthening links, we will make science-based plans for the hierarchical layout comprising three levels, taking the natural water system of major rivers and lakes, major water diversion projects, and key water transfer channels as the main structure, with connection projects of regional rivers and lakes and water supply channels at the secondary level, and key water resource regulation and storage projects at the primary level, to construct a national water network that is complete, safe, efficient, green, intelligent, circulates smoothly and is regulated in an orderly manner. We will enhance the capacity for coordinating the allocation of national water resources, flood control and improving strategic water resource reserves. Next, we will work on the following four aspects:

First, we will accelerate the construction of the backbone of the national water network. Focusing on national major strategies, based on the mainstreams of large rivers as well as major rivers and lakes, giving priority to the eastern, central and western routes of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, we will promote the planning and construction of a number of trans-basin and cross-regional major water diversion projects in a scientific manner. Based on the ongoing construction of the central route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project diverting water from the Yangtze River to the Hanjiang River, we will continue to work on the planning and demonstration of the follow-up construction of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project to ensure its high-quality development.

Second, we will improve the system of regional water resource allocation. Based on the needs of ensuring water security for the country, regions and different provinces, we will strengthen connectivity between national major water resource allocation projects and regional important water resource allocation projects, advance connectivity among regional rivers and lakes and the construction of water diversion projects, forming a water network system across provincial, municipal and county levels featuring integration between urban and rural areas and interconnectivity.

Third, we will advance the construction of water resource regulation and storage projects. We will fully tap into the potential of existing water resource projects in water resource regulation and storage, accelerate the construction of key water resource projects in accordance with the plans, and implement small and medium-sized water resource supporting projects to enhance the capacity for ensuring the water supply of urban and rural areas and for improving the national strategic water resource reserves.

Fourth, we will develop the digital twin water network. Through the use of digital scenarios, intelligent simulations and precise decision-making, we will vigorously promote the development of the digital water network, intelligent water diversion, automatic monitoring and early warning, so as to build a digital twin water network with forecasting, early warning, previewing and contingency plan functions, fulfilling our goal of building a more digitalized, internet-based, and intelligent water network. Thank you.

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