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SCIO briefing on China's import and export performance in H1 2022

The State Council Information Office (SCIO) held a press conference on July 13 in Beijing to brief the media about China's import and export performance in the first half of 2022.  July 21, 2022

Tianmu News:

The ninth edition of COVID-19 prevention and control guidelines has shortened the quarantine time for inbound arrivals, which actually puts forward higher requirements for epidemic prevention and control at points of entry. We want to know how customs are doing in science-based and targeted epidemic prevention? Thank you.

Li Kuiwen:

Thanks for your question. Customs resolutely implement the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, adhere to the general strategy of preventing imported cases and domestic resurgences and the general policy of dynamic zero-COVID, and strictly and unremittingly take various measures to prevent and control the epidemic at ports. After the ninth edition of COVID-19 prevention and control guidelines was issued, customs have followed the principles of "ensuring epidemic prevention and control in compliance with the law, enhancing coordination, and taking science-based and targeted measures covering different levels and categories," and focused on optimizing the work processes involving sampling and testing of inbound personnel, the proportion of inbound cargo aircraft randomly boarded for quarantine inspection, the epidemic prevention and control for imported goods, and the closed-loop management system for staff in high-risk positions of customs. Customs organized the revision and release of the ninth edition of the technical plan for COVID-19 prevention and control at ports to guide customs at all levels to continue to do well in the pandemic prevention and control at ports, prevent the cross-border spread of the pandemic, ensure the health and safety of people entering and leaving the country, and avoid unnecessary disruption to international traffic and trade.

Regarding more information, my colleague Li Zhengliang, deputy director general of the department of health quarantine at the GACC, made a detailed introduction at a press conference held by the State Council's inter-agency task force on July 8.

It is worth mentioning that since the outbreak of COVID-19, customs staff across the country have devoted themselves a total of 2.47 million times to epidemic prevention and control on the front line, among which they carried out 86,000 missions entering the closed-loop management area. Every day, more than 3,500 officials wear protective suits to fight the virus directly, and more than 20,000 officials perform their duties on the front line against the epidemic. Having worked for more than 900 days, they practice the great spirit of combating COVID-19 with actions.

Next, the GACC will continue to dynamically improve port quarantine measures in accordance with the unified deployment of the State Council's inter-agency task force, strengthen joint prevention and control, and effectively guard the country's ports.

Thank you!

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