ㄑ SCIO briefing about Master Plan of Guangzhou Nansha on Deepening Comprehensive Cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao with Global Perspective

SCIO press conference on Master Plan of Guangzhou Nansha on Deepening Comprehensive Cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao with Global Perspective

China SCIO | July 1, 2022

Macao Daily:

The central government has rolled out a series of supporting policies and measures in recent years to bolster the development of the GBA, such as the plans for Hengqin and Qianhai. And now comes the Nansha plan. How are they different from one another regarding functions and positions? What's unique about the Nansha plan? Thank you.

Guo Lanfeng:

Thank you for your question. The three platforms- Hengqin in Zhuhai, Qianhai in Shenzhen, and Nansha in Guangzhou, are major cooperation platforms announced in the Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Last September, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the General Plan for Building the Guangdong-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin and the Plan for Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Opening-up for the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone. This June, the State Council introduced the Master Plan of Guangzhou Nansha on Deepening Comprehensive Cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao with a Global Perspective. The Hengqin plan focuses on the original aspiration of promoting Macao's moderate economic diversification and aims to serve Macao's development and advance its integration with Hengqin. The plan defines the strategic position of the zone as a new platform to boost Macao's moderate economic diversification, a new space that provides convenience to Macao residents' life and employment, and a new model to enrich the practice of "one country, two systems," as well as a new high ground for building the GBA. The Qianhai plan is mainly about expanding the existing zone and further opening up. Centering on promoting the modern service industry - one of Hong Kong's competitive industries, it aims to deepen cooperation between Shenzhen and Hong Kong and jointly build a test platform for comprehensively deepening reform and innovation as well as a high-level gateway for opening up. It is set to provide more space for Hong Kong's economic development and accumulate experience for the reform and opening-up of Shenzhen and the mainland beyond. The plans for Hengqin and Qianhai emphasize serving Macao and supporting Hong Kong, respectively, to further advance the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao cooperation.

Highlighting two key components -- "comprehensive cooperation in the GBA" and "a global perspective," the Nansha plan stresses synergetic development between Nansha and Hong Kong and Macao for a wider opening-up of the GBA. The project is attributed to the domestic and global landscape and the foundations of Nansha's development. The two components were our focus during the Nansha plan's compilation. 

On the one hand, we consistently pursue synergetic development between Nansha, Hong Kong, and Macao. We firmly bear in mind the critical mission of supporting Hong Kong and Macao's integration into overall national development, improving Hong Kong and Macao compatriots' well-being, and maintaining longstanding prosperity and stability in the two special administrative regions. In the strategic context of developing the GBA, we are giving full play to Nansha's advantages. We are using exchange mechanisms like the Guangdong-Hong Kong Cooperation Advisory Committee and major cooperation platforms like the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. We coordinate the "hard connectivity" of infrastructure with the "soft connectivity" of rules and mechanisms. We attach more importance to industrial cooperation on science and technology innovation as well as youth's employment and business start-up and accelerate factors' efficient and convenient flow in the GBA to promote extensive consultation, joint contribution, and shared benefits in the region.

On the other hand, we consistently open up to the world. To build a new development paradigm, we explore resources in both domestic and global markets and synergize with Hong Kong and Macao in establishing an institutional system and regulation mode conforming to international rules and norms. Leveraging the rules of international high-level free trade agreements, we actively integrate into the global market to realize high-quality "bringing in" and "going global" and increase the GBA's edge in terms of international cooperation and competition. 

Despite their unique strategic positions, the three cooperation platforms of Hengqin, Qianhai, and Nansha mutually reinforce each other, with a view to piloting critical links in key areas and accumulating experience. They are expected to power extensive cooperation in the GBA, expand development space for Hong Kong and Macao, support their socio-economic development, and sustain their longstanding prosperity and stability. Thank you.

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