ㄑ Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee holds press conference on China's achievements in industry and IT since 18th CPC National Congress

Press conference on achievements in industrialization and IT application since the 18th Party Congress | June 18, 2022

We notice that the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry has drawn much attention from the government and enterprises. Would you like to introduce the achievements China has made in the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry? Also, what did we achieve in terms of developing smart manufacturing and the industrial internet? What are the policies that will be taken into consideration in the future? Thank you.

Han Xia:

Thank you for your questions. Digital transformation is a general trend in current global economic development. In recent years, the integration of China's new generation of information and technology in the manufacturing sector has greatly improved. We worked to lay a solid foundation for integrated development and pushed development to a new level. The work was mainly as follows:

First, we deepened the digital transformation. By the end of 2021, the numerical control rate of key processes and the penetration rate of R&D and design tools for digital transformation in industrial enterprises nationwide reached 51.3% and 74.7%, respectively, up 30.7 percentage points and 25.9 percentage points over 2012. With the help of new technologies and applications, China's manufacturing sector has undergone rapid changes in its production methods, enterprises forms, business models, and means of employment, effectively helping the manufacturing sector to improve quality, lower costs, increase efficiency, and pursue a green and safe development. 

Second, we promoted smart manufacturing projects with great effort. We released 42 international standards and more than 300 national standards for smart manufacturing. The penetration rate of national standards, which are fundamental, generally applicable, and are for key technologies, reached 97.5%. We built over 700 digital workshops and intelligent factories. The average production efficiency of smart manufacturing demonstration projects increased by 48%, and the R&D period of products was lessened by 38% on average, with the non-performing rate of products dropping by 35% on average. So far, China has fostered more than 6,000 smart manufacturing system solution suppliers. China now leads the world in the smart manufacturing of refining, printing, and dyeing, as well as home appliances and other sectors. 

Third, we carried out industrial internet innovation and development action plans. We accelerated the building of three systems covering internet, platform, and security. The industrial internet has been applied in 45 major national economic categories. So far, more than 300 cities in China are connected to the high-quality extranets of the industrial internet. An analysis system for industrial internet identification has been basically constructed. The five major top-level nodes have operated steadily. The second-level nodes have almost covered all provincial-level regions in China. More than 150 large industrial internet platforms have been established, connecting over 78 million units (sets) of industrial equipment. A technical monitoring system has been established to coordinate the works at the national and provincial level and that of enterprises. 

Fourth, we made great efforts to enhance the supporting capacity of industries. From 2012 to 2021, the industry scale of China's electronic information manufacturing sector increased from 10.7 trillion yuan to 14.1 trillion yuan, and that of the software industry from 2.5 trillion yuan to 9.5 trillion yuan, both ranking high among the industries in the national economy, playing a fundamental role. The number of industrial apps exceeded 600,000, with those related to operation and management accounting for 70% of the total. The stability and reliability of products have been steadily improved.

Next, we will focus on smart manufacturing, promote breakthroughs in core technologies, continue to improve the policy system for integrated development, and push forward actions for developing industrial internet and smart manufacturing. Efforts will be made to push forward digital, internet-powered, and smart development. Thank you. 

Thank you.

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