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SCIO press conference on white paper 'Youth of China in the New Era'

White Paper
The State Council Information Office held a press conference in Beijing on April 21 to brief the media about a white paper titled "Youth of China in the New Era."  April 27, 2022

A record 10.76 million new graduates are expected to enter the job market this year, adding to the challenges the market is already facing due to COVID-19. What support measures are there to solve the employment difficulties of young people? Thank you.

Fu Zhenbang:

Employment is the cornerstone of youth well-being and development. The Party and the State have been attaching great importance to employment and strengthening the implementation of the employment-first policy. Different departments, including the Ministry of Finance, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, have made concerted efforts to take various measures to promote the full employment of young people. Based on its own responsibilities, the CYLC has also done its best to promote youth employment. Faced with great employment pressure this year, China has increased finance input and policy support. The authorities have made great efforts in easing the difficulties of businesses, keeping the operations of market entities stable, and stabilizing employment. Great efforts have also been made in expanding the implementation of programs such as "San Zhi Yi Fu" and "Xibu Jihua" (through which graduates take community-level posts in education, agriculture, health care and poverty relief in the rural area and in western China) to continuously increase employment opportunities in the public sector. Much effort has been made in the introduction of special projects for the promotion of employment of college graduates, including the introduction of public employment services to campuses and visits of Party secretaries and presidents of colleges and universities to enterprises to expand job opportunities and bolster employment, to further improve the youth employment service system. Guided by the core principle of serving the youth and making full use of our organizational strength, the CYLC gives priority to the following four areas of work.

First, we guide young people to establish a positive outlook on employment, career choice, and how to strive for goals. More than a year ago, we published a book about interactions between Xi Jinping and college students . Recently, China Youth Daily serialized the stories from the 26th to 50th issue of the book, telling many vivid stories about choices of life paths and careers, offering valuable experiences for our contemporary college students to learn from.

Second, we have strengthened our work on ensuring employment for key youth groups. Since the end of last year, we have promoted the employment of college students, with a focus on providing targeted assistance and support for students from low-income households in non-key colleges and universities. This year, we have organized and mobilized league cadres at all levels, especially cadres of the youth league committee in colleges and universities, to offer one-on-one assistance to 72,000 such students. We do this by finding out about their basic situation before providing employment guidance and job matching. So far, we have found jobs for 25,000 disadvantaged students. We strive to provide targeted assistance and support for more than 50,000 students from low-income households in non-key colleges and universities this year.

Third, we promote youth entrepreneurship to boost employment. The CYLC has initiated a program for promoting youth entrepreneurship in China since 1998. This year, with mass entrepreneurship and innovation as the backdrop, we have further deepened the promotion of youth entrepreneurship and driven more youth employment through youth entrepreneurship. We encourage young people to start their own businesses, and place special focus on supporting college students' entrepreneurship, young people returning to their hometowns to start their own businesses, and technology-based entrepreneurship.

Fourth, we safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of youth in employment. On one hand, we cooperate with the authorities to strengthen policy advocacy, actively promoting the protection of employment and labor rights and interests of people working in new business forms and occupations. On the other hand, we pay special attention to the unfair treatment and infringement on rights and interests that college graduates may encounter during job hunting and provide necessary legal aid to support and guide graduates to consciously and effectively protect their rights and interests in employment.

We believe that, with the attention and support of the government and the care and support of the society, the Chinese youth in the new era will strive on their own, have their talents fulfilled, and create a fabulous life through hard work and wisdom. Their young lives will shine brilliantly as they participate in the great efforts of building a modern socialist country in all respects and realizing the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation. Thank you.

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