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SCIO briefing on government work report

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The State Council Information Office held a briefing in Beijing on March 5 to brief the media about the latest government work report.  March 10, 2022

Shou Xiaoli:

Thank you, Mr. Xiang. The floor is now open for questions. Please identify your news outlet before raising your question.


This year's government work report pointed out in its beginning part that "last year was a milestone in the history of the Party and our country." The report also said, "Looking back on the past year, we can see that our achievements did not come easily." Could you specify what "a milestone" and "not easily" mean in this context? Thank you.

Xiang Dong:

Thanks for your question. The report pointed out that the year 2021 was a milestone in the history of the Party and the country. The CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core united and led the entire Party and the Chinese people of all ethnic groups to effectively manage many difficult and urgent matters and successfully hold many momentous and joyous events. We solemnly celebrated the centenary of the founding of the CPC, successfully convened the sixth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, and adopted the Party's third resolution on historical issues. We won the battle against poverty as scheduled, realized the first centenary goal of building our country into a moderately prosperous society in all respects as scheduled, and embarked on the journey of achieving the second centenary goal of building our country into a modern socialist country in an all-round way.

In the government work report, Premier Li Keqiang made a comprehensive summary of the achievements and work in economic and social development over the past year. I was impressed mainly by the following aspects. 

In the aspect of economic recovery and development, China's GDP increased by 8.1%, exceeding 110 trillion yuan. That was about US$17.7 trillion as calculated at the yearly average exchange rate, ranking second globally and was estimated to account for more than 18% of the world economy. The per capita GDP exceeded US$12,000 and reached US$12,500, which was expected to surpass the global per capita level. The aim of maintaining stable growth is primarily to secure employment. Last year, 12.69 million new urban jobs were added, and the average surveyed urban unemployment rate was 5.1%. Consumer prices rose by 0.9%. It can be said that China's economy has achieved a rapid growth with a relatively low inflation rate and a relatively high employment rate, which is an optimized combination.

In terms of scientific and technological innovation, the Shenzhou-12 and Shenzhou-13 manned spaceships were launched in succession, the Chinese people for the first time entered their own space station, and China's Mars probe Tianwen-1 successfully landed on Mars. China's strategic capacity in science and technology has become stronger, and a number of national laboratories have been established. China's manufacturing industry has seen continued development, and the resilience of industrial and supply chains has been improved.

As for reform and opening-up, supply-side structural reforms were deeply advanced, and reforms in key areas were accelerated. Progress was made in reforms to streamline administration and delegate power, improve regulation, and upgrade services. A market-oriented, law-based, and internationalized business environment was formed at a faster speed. By the end of 2021, China had more than 150 million registered market entities, and the number has now reached 154 million, among which 100 million are self-employed businesses and households. Foreign trade and foreign investment also witnessed rapid growth, with both the volume of trade in goods and foreign exchange reserves ranking first globally. In 2021, China's economic growth was estimated to contribute around 25% to the world economic growth, continuing to be an important force leading the recovery of the world economy.

In ensuring and improving people's living standards, the growth of residents' income has basically kept pace with the economic growth, the income gap between urban and rural residents has continued to narrow, and the achievements made in poverty eradication have been consolidated and expanded. Basic old-age insurance, basic medical care, and social assistance have been better ensured, and the standards for the basic pension and preferential treatment of the retired people have continued to be improved. New steps have also been taken in the reform and development of education.

Regarding the COVID-19 prevention and control, we have made continued efforts in our long-term fight against the epidemic. By the end of last year, more than 85% of the total population had been fully vaccinated. By the end of this February, the percentage has risen to 87%. We have responded to cluster cases in some areas in a timely and effective manner to safeguard our people's lives and health.

Meanwhile, we have also made progress in coordinated development between regions and between urban and rural areas, in ecological and environmental protection, and in social governance, among other fields.

The challenge was unknown until we ourselves went through the process. Looking back on the past year, China faced complicated and grave situations and a number of risks and challenges rarely seen in many years. Reeling from the severe impact of epidemic outbreaks, China's economy was still in the process of recovery which is not solidly based. In addition, as the domestic and overseas situations evolved, a series of new questions and challenges arose beyond expectations. Challenges came one after another: industrial and supply chain circulation was not smooth, commodity prices rose sharply, sporadic COVID-19 cases broke out in many places, severe floods brought damages to some areas, and electricity and coal were once in short supply. These challenges made it increasingly difficult for us to maintain economic stability and make decisions about macro-control measures. Many of you have been through these together with us. I believe we all feel the same in many aspects. Against such a background, it was not easy for China to attain these development achievements. All these achievements were made thanks to the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, the sound guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and the concerted efforts of the Party and the Chinese people of all ethnic groups. All of these have fully proved that policies and plans made by the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core are correct and fully demonstrated that China's economy has ample resilience, enormous potential, and risk resistance capacity. 

Thank you.

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