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SCIO press conference on pandemic prevention policies and relevant preparations for Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games

Beijing 2022
The State Council Information Office held a press conference in Beijing on Dec. 23, to brief the media on pandemic prevention policies and relevant preparations for the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.  December 27, 2021

Han Zirong:

Friends from the media, good morning. On Dec. 13, the BOCOG, the International Olympic Committee (IOC), and the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) jointly released the second edition of the Beijing 2022 Playbooks, which provide epidemic prevention guidelines for all stakeholders to participate in the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics.

Now, I would like to give you a brief introduction from three aspects: the background and process of compiling the playbooks and basic principles of epidemic prevention.

I. Background of compiling the playbooks

Against the backdrop of COVID-19, the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics are facing tremendous pressure and challenges:

First, the Chinese government has always put people's lives first and implemented a dynamic zero-COVID-19 approach in line with the overall prevention and control strategy of preventing case import and domestic resurgence, which has effectively guaranteed the sustained and stable economic and social development of China and the health and safety of the people. Therefore, the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics must strictly implement the Chinese government's epidemic prevention principles and requirements and keep the bottom line of epidemic prevention and control in society.

Second, the COVID-19 pandemic, especially the spread of Omicron and other variants, has brought great uncertainty to the global COVID-19 situation. During the Games, many Olympic-related people from different countries and regions will come to China, increasing the number of people gathered. Therefore, many positive cases will be highly likely to happen.

In that context, we, together with the IOC and the IPC, have compiled and released the playbooks. The epidemic prevention content in the playbooks should first meet the needs of the Games and reflect the Games-centered, athletes-centered approach to ensure the regular operation of the Games. At the same time, it must comply with China's epidemic prevention and control principles. We hope that all stakeholders can strictly implement the epidemic prevention protocols, jointly respond to COVID-19 challenges, and make joint efforts to ensure the safety of all participants and the host cities and make the Games safe and smooth.

II. Process of compiling the playbooks

The process of compiling the playbooks can be divided into three phases.

First, the BOCOG worked independently on the preparation phase. In the first half of this year, we started the compilation of the playbooks. To present a streamlined, safe, and splendid Games on schedule, we set the six principles. They are a streamlined Games, vaccination, closed-loop management, effective emergency response, a combination of prevention and control, and a holistic and balanced approach. After several rounds of soliciting opinions in mid-September, six playbooks for six categories of stakeholders were completed and submitted to the IOC for review.

Second, we compiled the first edition of the playbooks with the IOC. In early October, we had three video communication meetings with the IOC and established the timeline and framework of the compilation. We agreed to condense the six playbooks into two, one for athletes and team officials, and another for other stakeholders, and set the essential principles of strengthening vaccination, pre-departure COVID-19 prevention measures, closed-loop management, and nucleic acid tests and emergency response. Nine rounds of consultations were held intensively to discuss the text item by item, and the consensus was reached before we jointly released them on Oct. 25. After releasing the first edition of the playbooks, we held nine briefings for all stakeholders, who generally expressed their understanding and recognition. In the recent international test events, we strictly followed the epidemic prevention standards and requirements that would be adopted for the actual games, through which the playbooks and the measures have proven effective.

Third, we compiled the second edition of the playbooks with the IOC. Since Nov. 5, we have held 14 consultation and review meetings with the IOC on the revision of the playbooks. While keeping the basic framework of the first edition, we have absorbed the opinions and suggestions of various stakeholders and taken into account issues discovered in the test events, and revised specific measures and related details concerning pre-games epidemic prevention, review of the previously infected, nucleic acid testing processes, list of permitted destinations for stakeholders, and isolation facility standards for the asymptomatic to make the playbooks more feasible. Finally, on Dec. 13, the second edition of the playbooks were officially released, followed by six briefings to respond to the specific concerns of various stakeholders.

III. Basic principles of the playbooks

The playbooks set out six principles:

First, vaccination. Vaccination is a crucial means to reduce the risk of infection and transmission and ensure the safety of the events. Except for athletes and team officials who are exempt due to medical reasons, all Olympic-related personnel must complete full vaccination at least 14 days before coming to China to be exempted from quarantine at the designated facility and enter the closed loop. Furthermore, given the complexity of the current COVID-19 situation worldwide, we especially recommend that all Olympic-related personnel receive booster shots against COVID-19.

Second, closed-loop management shall be applied. It is a special management system. Within the closed loop, all the people arriving in China for the Games, and domestic staff working for them directly are subject to daily health monitoring and nucleic acid tests, and need to stay in the hotels or the Olympic villages within the closed loop. They will be only allowed to take dedicated Olympic vehicles for moving between designated venues and places within the closed loop, and not allowed to meet people outside the closed loop, let alone the general public.

Third, a COVID-19 Liaison Officer (CLO) mechanism shall be established. All international organizations arriving in China for the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games must appoint CLOs to keep close contact with their members, ensure that they understand the contents of the playbooks, assist in their preparations before arriving in China, and carry out relevant coordination work, including epidemic emergency responses.

Fourth, tests, tracing, and quarantine shall be conducted. During the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, all people within the closed loop shall take nucleic acid tests every day. Those who test positive and test positive again after retesting must be quarantined and receive treatment. In accordance with the standards of epidemiological survey and close contact determination stipulated in the playbooks, we will learn about where the infected individual has been, so as to locate close contacts as soon as possible and take decisive measures to cut the chain of transmission.

Fifth, contact between people shall be reduced. In crowded spaces with poor ventilation, there is a greater risk of being infected with the novel coronavirus from close contacts. The playbooks stipulate that social activities should be minimized, masks should be worn at all times, and long-time stays, gatherings and close contact should be avoided in confined spaces.

Sixth, hygiene awareness shall be raised. All Olympic participants should wear N95/KN95/FFP2 masks without breathing valves or surgical masks of the equivalent standards during their stay in China. We must wash hands and disinfect frequently, and use soap-free sanitizer whenever possible. We encourage handclapping to encourage the athletes, rather than singing and shouting. We recommend trying to avoid the use of shared items, or sterilizing them before use. Rooms should be ventilated regularly to maintain good airflow.

Friends from the media, the Winter Olympics are just around the corner. To prevent and control the epidemic and ensure the safety of Winter Olympic events and participants, we will continue to do the following work: First, we will intensify publicity and training. We will invite the IOC, IPC, and Olympic committees of countries (regions) to offer training and interpretation of the playbooks to their CLOs and personnel arriving in China for the Games. We will also train the Olympic-related staff in host cities so that they know well the epidemic rules in the playbooks and follow these rules consciously and strictly. Second, we will improve our working mechanisms. We will set up a consultation mechanism between Chinese and foreign medical and epidemic prevention experts, improve the CLO communication and coordination mechanism, and enhance the mechanism of emergency response coordination in and out of the closed loop to ensure that all epidemic prevention measures are fully implemented. Third, we will strengthen coordination of the work in and out of the closed loop. Based on the epidemic prevention and control system of the host cities, the work in and out of the closed loop will be integrated to form synergy and establish a work pattern integrating commands and operations so as to ensure safety of the Games.

Friends, there are only 43 days to go before the opening of the Games. All the preparations are ready. We hope all the participants can understand the importance of the epidemic prevention and control measures in the playbooks and strictly abide by them. With the strong support of the Chinese people and the international community, we have the confidence and determination to stage a streamlined, safe and splendid Olympic Games for the world.

Finally, I would like to welcome friends from the media to continue to focus on, support, and participate in the preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics. Thank you!

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