ㄑ Press conference on guiding principles of 6th plenary session of 19th CPC Central Committee

Press conference on guiding principles of 6th plenary session of 19th CPC Central Committee | November 17, 2021

People's Daily:

Today, the Party is decidedly leading the Chinese people toward national rejuvenation along the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. My question is: How does the resolution grasp the historical experience of the Party over the past century? Thank you.

Qu Qingshan:

I will answer this question. Over the past century, the Party has united the Chinese people and led them in great endeavors as we wrote the most magnificent chapter in the millennia-long history of the Chinese nation, accumulating valuable historical experience along the way. In the resolution deliberated over and adopted at the sixth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, those historical experiences are summarized as 10 points: upholding the Party's leadership, putting the people first, advancing theoretical innovation, staying independent, following the Chinese path, maintaining a global vision, breaking new ground, standing up for ourselves, promoting the united front, and remaining committed to self-reform. The 10 points flow seamlessly from one to the other and form a systematic and complete picture, bringing to light fundamental guarantees for the successes of the Party and people's endeavors, the source of strength that sustains the long development of the Party, the fundamental reason why the Party has seized the historical initiative, and the fundamental way for the Party to preserve its advanced nature and integrity and be a forerunner of the times. Therefore, invaluable experience has been gleaned from the Party's history. It has come neither from thin air nor from books or other countries. It is gained through painstaking efforts and great sacrifices over the past century by the Party and the people it united and led. The experience has come from both success and failure, both blood and sweat, and embodies wisdom, courage and perseverance. It is the product of historical development, practices and struggles, and reflects historical laws. The experience is a precious spiritual asset of the Party and provides sound guidance for the Party in leading China's future development. 

Regarding how to understand the Party's historical experience over the past century, I would like to share my views in two aspects.

First, the review of the historical experience in the resolution is aimed at grasping historical trends and revealing historical laws. Over the past century, the Party led the Chinese people in fighting with unyielding determination, achieving great success in the New Democratic Revolution; in working diligently for a stronger China with a spirit of self-reliance, achieving great success in the socialist revolution and construction; in freeing their minds and forging ahead, achieving great success in reform, opening-up, and socialist modernization; and in bolstering self-confidence and self-reliance and in innovating on the basis of what has worked in the past, thereby bringing about great success for socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. Over the past century, the Chinese people, united and led by the Party, have created an impressive miracle in the history of the Chinese nation, socialism worldwide, and human society. With the outlook that history is a continual process of closely-connected phases, the resolution made a profound review of the great journey and great path the Party has traveled and blazed by uniting and leading the people; of the distinctive features, goals fulfilled and major historical accomplishments of the different periods of the Party's history; of the great contribution the Party has made in achieving national independence and the liberation of the people, in making the country prosperous and strong and bringing happiness to the people, and in promoting the development of human civilization; of the historical inevitability of the leadership of the Party and the soundness of socialism with Chinese characteristics as the only correct road for China; and of the landmark significance of the new era in the historical process toward national rejuvenation. What is the hallmark of the new era? What is its position? What is its significance? I think the resolution provides sound answers. It fully demonstrates why the Party succeeded in the past and how it can continue to succeed in the future. It is the "golden key," providing the most sound and accurate answer to the question. We must cherish, uphold in the long term and enrich and develop the 10 points of historical experience in the practices of the new era.

Second, the resolution summarizes the Party's historical experience in order to achieve greater unity among the thinking of all Party members and forge a better future. The world today is undergoing changes unseen in a century, and China is at a critical stage in realizing the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In order to unite and lead the Chinese people to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics in a new era, and set out on a new journey towards a modern socialist country in all respects, the Party must reflect on history, get clearer understanding of the historic juncture at which China's development stands, grasp historical trends with precision, and guide every Party member to bear in mind the issues of fundamental importance – what the Party is and what its mission is. From the height of unifying historical regularity and historical initiative, the resolution profoundly summarizes the dialectical relationship between China's overall strategy of national rejuvenation and the larger context of once-in-a-century global changes and the laws governing them; summarizes the underlying logic of history, as China is implementing a new development philosophy and fostering a new development paradigm after entering a new development stage; raises new requirements for ensuring coordinated implementation of the Five-Sphere Integrated Plan and the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy under new circumstances; and summarizes the historical inevitability of national rejuvenation, thus calling on the whole Party to seize this historical opportunity, forge ahead, and pursue a better future on this new journey. Thank you.

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