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SCIO press conference on China's COVID-19 assistance and international development cooperation

International Cooperation
The State Council Information Office (SCIO) held a press conference on Oct. 26 in Beijing on China's COVID-19 assistance and international development cooperation.  November 2, 2021

Southern Metropolis Daily:

What is the overall situation of the Chinese government's foreign aid in the fight against the pandemic, and what's the next plan? What basic role has China's vaccine assistance played for recipient countries? Compared with the vaccine assistance of the US and the West, what are the characteristics of China's vaccine assistance? 

Deng Boqing:

Thank you for the question. In March of last year, I introduced the 

anti-COVID assistance situation to you on behalf of the China International Development Cooperation Agency (CIDCA). Now one and a half years have passed, the pandemic is still raging worldwide. I checked the data today. So far, the cumulative confirmed cases worldwide have exceeded 244 million, the cumulative number of deaths is over 4.96 million, and fatality rates have reached 2%. Therefore, in such a special period, countries in the world should help each other more than any time to overcome these difficulties together. Under the personal leadership and deployment of President Xi, China has taken the lead in both epidemic fight and economic recovery. Meanwhile, we uphold the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind and actively carry out international cooperation in the fight against the epidemic. We have carried out the most concentrated emergency humanitarian assistance on the most wide-reaching scale since the founding of the People's Republic of China. Let me show you some figures.

In terms of material assistance last year, we provided a large number of anti-epidemic materials such as masks and protective clothing, as well as a large number of medical materials such as ventilators and oxygen cylinders, spanning more than 150 countries and 13 international organizations. We have provided a large number of nucleic acid testing reagents and equipment. We have also sent 37 batches of medical experts to 34 countries, organized technical guidance, and shared anti-epidemic experience with other countries. We have also donated US$50 million to the World Health Organization and US$50 million to UN agencies and other relevant international organizations.

This year, we have fully implemented President Xi's promise to make Chinese vaccines global public goods. So far, we have provided more than 1.5 billion doses of vaccines to 106 countries and four international organizations. Many heads of states thanked President Xi, saying that China's precious support and help is a vivid portrayal of "a friend in need is a friend indeed" and has set a model for international cooperation in COVID-19 response. More than 30 presidents and premiers received Chinese vaccines at the airport and attended handover ceremonies. More than 10 foreign leaders took the lead in receiving a shot of Chinese vaccines. International media have praised the Chinese vaccine as "timely rain."

Now there is also a voice in the international community that questions the safety and effectiveness of Chinese vaccines. There are so many heads of state that spoke highly of and welcome Chinese vaccines. In our work, we have also noticed that the safety and wide use of Chinese vaccines have been widely recognized. The World Health Organization has included Sinopharm vaccines and Sinovac vaccines on the emergency use list, a recognition from the professional and authoritative international organization. From the practical view, first, the safety and effectiveness of Chinese vaccines have been fully verified through the large-scale vaccination in China. Second, the international community has full confidence in Chinese vaccines. International scientific research and clinical data from various countries also provide strong support. We have read some materials and collected some typical data. For example, in Sri Lanka, 95% of the population produced antibodies after receiving two doses of the Sinopharm vaccine, and 81.25% of the population could produce vaccine-induced neutralizing antibodies. The Sinopharm vaccine is effective against the Delta variant of COVID-19. The infection rate after people in Dominica were inoculated with Sinovac vaccines was only 0.04%. In Indonesia, 96% of medical workers vaccinated with Chinese vaccines were exempt from hospitalization, and 94% were exempt from infection. It can be said that China's foreign aid and vaccine exports have made positive contributions to the world, establishing an immune barrier for various countries.

In the next step, we will continue to implement President Xi's important commitments. This year, we will strive to provide two billion doses of vaccine to the world, donate another 100 million doses of vaccine to developing countries, and donate US$100 million to the "COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access (COVAX)." We are willing to work with the international community to advance international vaccine cooperation and promote the building of a global community of health for all. Thanks.

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