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SCIO briefing on overall progress in preparations for Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Beijing 2022

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The State Council Information Office (SCIO) held a press conference on Oct. 27 in Beijing to brief the media on China's overall progress in preparations for the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Beijing 2022.  October 30, 2021

Cover News:

During preparations for the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, General Secretary Xi Jinping has given important instructions on hosting a "Green Olympics." He stressed that we should prioritize ecological conservation, conserve resources and stick to an environment-friendly approach to make "beautiful China" a defining feature for the Games. What are the specific measures that Zhangjiakou city has taken to ensure a "Green Olympics". Thank you.

Yan Pengcheng:

Thank you for your interest in the implementation of "green Olympics" in the Zhangjiakou Competition Zone. General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly stressed the commitment to hosting a green, sharing, open, and clean Olympics. We have always kept General Secretary Xi Jinping's remarks firmly in mind. Under the strong leadership of the Central Committee of the CPC and the State Council, and the unified command of the Beijing Organizing Committee for the 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, we are carrying out all of the preparation work in a meticulous manner. As the Capital Water Source Conservation Functional Zone and the Ecological Environmental Supporting Zone, we are attaching more importance to the implementation of "green Olympics" in Zhangjiakou. Over the past few years, we have resolutely implemented Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, and demonstrated the concept of "green Olympics" through the whole process and all aspects of the preparation for the Winter Olympics. In doing so, we have focused on the following five aspects:

First, green venues. All construction work has been carried out to a high standard and high quality. We have protected the structures and landscapes of the mountains to the greatest extent, decreased the negative impact on the environment and reduced resource waste. We have arranged and built low-energy venues and "sponge competition zones." Four competition venues have been recognized as three-star green snow sports venues. The Zhangjiakou Olympic Village has also been recognized as a three-star green building.

Second, green ecology. The city of Zhangjiakou has continued to carry out campaigns to keep skies blue, waters clear, city green, and lands pollution-free. Since the successful bid for the Games, the city has added 13.68 million mu of afforestation. The current average density of PM2.5 particles stands at 29 micrograms per cubic meter, while that of Chongli district 16 micrograms per cubic meter. The Bashang region has taken the lead in striking a balance between underground water exploitation and replenishment. The safe utilization rate of contaminated soil has reached 100%.

Third, green industries. We have vigorously promoted the development of such industries as ice and snow gear manufacturing, ice and snow tourism, big data, high-tech equipment manufacturing, and modern services. The proportion of high energy-consumption industries in industrial enterprises above designated size dropped by 7.2 percentage points compared to 2015, the initial year of the preparation work. The proportion of the added value of high-tech industries in industrial enterprises above designated size has increased by 20 percentage points over five years. In particular, the Ice and Snow Sports Equipment Industrial Park has been honored as a national demonstration base for new industrial industries. The "cold resources" have gradually helped heat up the economy.

Fourth, green energy. We have actively promoted the development of wind power generation and photovoltaic power generation. The Zhangbei renewable energy flexible DC grid test and demonstration project officially entered into operation, and can deliver 14.1 billion kilowatt-hours of clean electricity to the Beijing area every year and ensure a 100% clean energy power supply for the Zhangjiakou Competition Zone during the Winter Olympics.

Fifth, green transport. Zhangjiakou has strived to become a national transit metropolis and preferentially developed demonstration city for public transportation. The city has added over 800 clean energy buses, upgraded a total of 48 bus routes, and added 68 bus routes. Bus stops at intervals of 500 meters have covered more than 90% of the downtown area.

We firmly believe that with the implementation of the "green Olympics" concept, the development of the construction of the Capital Water Source Conservation Functional Zone and the Ecological Environmental Supporting Zone, and the further improvement of the Beijing-Zhangjiakou eco-environment joint prevention and control mechanism, the ecological environment of Zhangjiakou and even the entire Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region will continue improving and become better and better. Thank you.

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