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SCIO briefing on National Human Rights Action Plan of China (2021-2025)

Human Rights
On Sept. 14, the State Council Information Office (SCIO) held a press briefing in Beijing on the launch and implementation of the National Human Rights Action Plan of China (2021-2025).  September 17, 2021

Phoenix TV:

How does China participate in global human rights cooperation? What new measures will be taken next to participate in global human rights cooperation? Thank you.

Li Xiaomei:

Thank you for your question. You may notice that in this issue of the action plan, there has been a change in the title of the section concerning international cooperation. As for the last issue of the action plan, the section was titled "Fulfillment of Obligations to Human Rights Conventions, and International Exchanges and Cooperation in the Field of Human Rights." We changed it to "Participating in Global Human Rights Governance" in the new issue. We put forward China's new goals and commitments in promoting domestic and international human rights progress from four aspects, namely fulfilling obligations to international human rights conventions, engaging substantially in the work of UN human rights bodies, joining in constructive dialogue and cooperation on human rights, and contributing to the international cause of human rights.

Here I want to stress that running our own affairs well is the best way for China to participate in global human rights governance. China has built a moderately prosperous society in all respects and historically solved the problem of absolute poverty. This is the largest human rights project and the best practice for human rights progress. It not only writes a new chapter in China's human rights progress, but is also an important milestone in the development of the world's human rights cause. While enriching and developing the diversity of human rights, the country contributed Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions to solving human problems.

There are two things that China can be particularly proud of this year. One is that we achieved the poverty reduction targets in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 10 years ahead of schedule. The other is that we protected human rights in the process of fighting the epidemic from last year to this year, setting a good example for the world. These two points alone not only reflect the protection of human rights by the Party and the government, but also prove to the world that China has made huge efforts and achieved great success in implementing international human rights obligations and promoting and protecting the human rights of its people in combination with its own national conditions.

Against the backdrop of the combined forces of profound changes on a scale unseen in a century and the raging Covid-19 pandemic, the global human rights situation is facing severe challenges: the human rights deficit continues to expand, and the epidemic has impacted the human rights cause around the world, especially the right to health and development, which have been severely damaged. In this context, the voices for upholding multilateralism and improving global human rights governance have grown stronger. Developing countries have expected China to play a leading role. As I mentioned in the introduction, China has participated in four levels of human rights promotion, which can be said to be all-dimensional. In the process of participation, China's human rights concept has also been continuously accepted by the international community. The UN Human Rights Council opened its 48th regular session yesterday. In the UN Human Rights Council and the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly, China has put forward a series of propositions and proposals on human rights, which have received extensive support from developing countries and friendly countries.

In the next step, it is China's mission to promote the healthy development of the international human rights cause. The peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy, and freedom, are the common values of all mankind. Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy, we will continue to strengthen exchange and cooperation on human rights with all parties, jointly promote the healthy development of international human rights cause, and build a community with a shared future for mankind. Thank you.

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