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SCIO press conference on supporting high-level reform and opening-up of Pudong New Area and building Pudong into a pioneer area for socialist modernization

Around China
On July 20, the State Council Information Office (SCIO) held a press conference in Beijing on supporting the high-level reform and opening-up of Pudong New Area and building Pudong into a pioneer area for socialist modernization.  July 29, 2021


General Secretary Xi Jinping has called on Pudong to strive to become the central node of the domestic circulation and the strategic link between the international and domestic dual circulations. What considerations has Shanghai made to support Pudong in serving the country's establishment of a new development pattern? Thank you.

Chen Yin:

Thank you for your question. The important speech made by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the grand gathering celebrating the 30th anniversary of the development and opening-up of Pudong can be said to be a plan for Pudong's high-level reform and opening-up, and the instructions on what banner should be upheld and in which direction it should be oriented. The CPC Central Committee's recent guideline further clarified the way forward and strategic priorities. Shanghai will thoroughly implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the requirements of the CPC Central Committee's guideline, and support Pudong to accelerate building itself as a central node and then into a strategic link, to accumulate new experiences, explore new paths, and achieve new breakthroughs for serving the country in building a new development pattern.

First, we will focus on building the "two specials" (special economic function zone and special customs supervision area), and explore a new system to serve the building of the new development pattern. We will promote the creation of a special economic function zone across the whole district of Pudong, and make new breakthroughs in the reform of the market-based allocation of factors, the reform of the commercial system, and the deepening of the reform of "single industrywide permits." We will also make good use of the open carrier role of the Yangshan Special Comprehensive Bonded Zone to promote institutional innovations for trade and investment facilitation and liberalization. In addition, we will give full play to the radiation and leading role of the Yangtze River Delta, deepen cross-regional cooperation in key areas for the need of the country, for the relevance of the market and for the anticipation of the market, and explore more effective and win-win institutional supply.

Second, we will build "four core zones," which refers to the core zones of Shanghai as an international financial, trade, shipping and tech-innovation center, and enhance the new momentum to serve the building of the new development pattern. We will strengthen independent innovation capabilities and build a number of national innovation bases, functional industries and service innovation platforms in key areas such as integrated circuits, biomedicine, artificial intelligence and aerospace. We will also deepen financial opening-up and innovation, develop RMB offshore transactions, cross-border trade settlement and overseas financing services, and increase the two-way opening of the market. In addition, we will upgrade the energy level of trade services, and strengthen the alignment with high-standard international rules in the fields of investment access, service trade and digital trade. We will also accelerate the joint efforts of the Yangtze River Delta to build a global shipping hub, expand the shipping network with countries and regions along the Belt and Road, and build a core hub for the international shipping system.

Third, we will build "one center," namely an international consumption center, to add momentum for fostering a new pattern of development. We will support Pudong to lead in domestic consumption upgrades and prioritize the "debut of new products" economy and brand economy. We will build world-class commercial areas in Lujiazui, the Lingang Special Area of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, and the Qiantan area of the World Expo Park as consumption clusters to guide and create new consumption demands with high-quality supply.

Fourth, we will build "one standard model," namely a standard model for urban governance toward better livability and working conditions. We will develop an urban governance system that is comprehensive, rational, rule-based, and effective. First, we will innovate the urban governance system, accelerate its digital transformation, and further promote the "one unified management network" to synergize economic, social and urban governance. Second, we will promote organic urban renewal through coordinated efforts, implement the strictest ecological environmental protection system and improve the ability to respond to major emergencies. Third, we will improve the pattern for developing people's well-being, preserve the city's distinctive culture, and create a standard model for urban governance toward better livability and working conditions in a bid to build a people's city.

The guideline also included instructions on establishing a legal system to support Pudong to make bold attempts and trials and carry out independent reforms. We will make full and good use of the local legislative rights granted to Shanghai by the central government, establish a working mechanism that is commensurate with the rights to legislate by reference to special economic zones, and introduce a list of creative legislation and a list of adapted legislation in certain areas to provide a solid legal guarantee for fostering a new pattern of development. Thank you.

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