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SCIO briefing on China's financial statistics in H1 2021

On July 13, the State Council Information Office (SCIO) held a press conference in Beijing to brief the media about China's first-half financial statistics of 2021.  July 16, 2021

China Daily:

My question is about the achievements of financial measures for targeted poverty alleviation. How can we ensure that financial support can consolidate and expand the achievements in poverty alleviation and advance rural vitalization? Thank you. 

Zou Lan: 

Thanks for your question. In recent years, the PBC implemented the decisions and deployments of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, improved the policy system and organizational system of financial measures for targeted poverty alleviation, and encouraged the financial sector to increase support to poverty-stricken areas. Since the battle against poverty, micro credit provided to the poor amounted to more than 710 billion yuan; poverty alleviation re-lending totaled 668.8 billion yuan; and targeted loans for poverty alleviation reached 9.2 trillion yuan, giving strong support to the complete victory in the battle against poverty. 

As of this year, the PBC also introduced a number of policies and measures and made solid efforts to make sure that financial support can consolidate and expand the achievements in poverty alleviation so as to help achieve rural vitalization. 

First, this includes strengthening top-level design. In June, the PBC issued opinions on financial support for consolidating achievements in poverty alleviation and comprehensively advancing rural vitalization, which adjusted and improved financial assistance policies. The PBC also introduced measures on appraisals and evaluations for financial institutions serving rural vitalization, stressing the incentive role of assessment and guiding more financial resources to be invested in the areas relating to agriculture, rural areas and the wellbeing of farmers. As of the end of June, the loans to agriculture, rural areas and farmers totaled 41.66 trillion yuan, up 10.1% year on year. 

Second, by giving full play to the guiding role of monetary policy tools. The PBC issued a notice to further give full play to the stimulating and guiding role of re-lending, saying that poverty alleviation re-lending can be extended in accordance with regulations. It also guides financial institutions to expand credit supply for rural vitalization by using monetary policy tools such as re-lending to agriculture, rural areas and farmers and small businesses. 

Third, by increasing support in key areas. In May, the PBC took the lead in issuing opinions on extending financial support for the development of new types of agribusinesses to promote the integrated development of primary, secondary, and tertiary industries in rural areas. 

Next, the PBC will promote the implementation of the measures that have already been introduced, focus on key areas such as key counties assisted in the country's rural vitalization drive, and increase financial support for them. We will ensure financial services for new-type agricultural business entities and strengthen financial support for food security, seed industry development, and other fields. We will also work hard to ensure risk prevention and strive to form a long-term, effective mechanism for financial support for rural vitalization. Thank you.

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