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SCIO briefing on the CPC's philosophy and practice of respecting and safeguarding human rights

Human Rights
On June 24, the State Council Information Office (SCIO) held a press conference in Beijing to brief the media about Communist Party of China's philosophy and practice of respecting and safeguarding human rights.  June 30, 2021

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Lu Guangjin, secretary-general of the China Society for Human Rights Studies and professor at the School of Law of Jilin University

Li Xiao, first-level inspector of the Research Office of the Supreme People's Court

He Zhipeng, dean of the School of Law of Jilin University and director of Jilin University Human Rights Research Center

Zhang Wanhong, executive dean of the Institute of Human Rights Studies of Wuhan University


Shou Xiaoli, deputy head of the Press Bureau of the State Council Information Office (SCIO) and SCIO spokesperson


June 24, 2021

Shou Xiaoli:

Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. Today, the State Council Information Office (SCIO) released a white paper titled "The Communist Party of China and Human Rights Protection – A 100-Year Quest." We are holding a briefing here today to introduce relevant information on the CPC's philosophy and practice of respecting and safeguarding human rights. We will also take questions. Today, we are joined by Mr. Lu Guangjin, secretary-general of the China Society for Human Rights Studies and professor at the School of Law of Jilin University; Ms. Li Xiao, first-level inspector of the Research Office of the Supreme People's Court; Mr. He Zhipeng, dean of the School of Law of Jilin University and director of Jilin University Human Rights Center; and Mr. Zhang Wanhong, executive dean of the Institute of Human Rights of Wuhan University. 

Next, I will give the floor to Mr. Lu.

Lu Guangjin:

Friends from the media, good afternoon!

This morning, the SCIO issued a white paper titled "The Communist Party of China and Human Rights Protection – A 100-Year Quest," which systematically explains the achievements of the CPC in respecting and protecting human rights over the past 100 years. On the occasion of celebrating the CPC centenary, the release of such a white paper is of special significance and will help the international community gain a comprehensive and multi-dimensional understanding of the CPC and the logic of China's human rights development. We hope this will help them have a panoramic view of China. Today, four scholars from the China Society for Human Rights Studies would like to communicate with journalists here on the practice of the CPC in respecting and protecting human rights.

As you all know, the CPC's founding mission was to seek happiness for the Chinese people, rejuvenate the Chinese nation, and do common good for the world. The CPC was born to advance human rights and has continued to grow and develop because of human rights progress. Over the past 100 years, under the leadership of the CPC, China has made great achievements in the area of human rights. I would like to summarize the progress from the following three aspects.

First, China has made new achievements in respecting and protecting human rights. Over the past 100 years, the CPC has united and led the people in toppling the "three mountains" of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism, founded the People's Republic of China (PRC), completed the New Democratic Revolution and the Socialist Revolution, carried out reform and opening up, and ushered in a new era of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. The CPC adheres to the principle of the people's democracy, established a national system ensuring the people's position as masters of the country, and guaranteed that all power in the country belongs to the people. The CPC has led the people to achieve a comprehensive victory in the fight against poverty and build a moderately prosperous society in all respects. The people's basic rights such as the right to life and health, the right to employment, and the right to education are better protected.

Second, China has framed a new concept of respecting and protecting human rights. The CPC has always adhered to the people-centered approach to human rights, and has continuously enhanced the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security. The CPC regards the rights to subsistence and development as the primary and basic human rights and believes that living a life of contentment is the ultimate human right. It promotes comprehensive progress in human rights, the well-rounded development of all the people, and the coordinated development of civil rights, political rights, and economic, social and cultural rights, and ensures that people have equal opportunities for development and possess dignity and value of life.

Third, China has blazed a new path of human rights protection. The CPC believes that human rights are the gains of the progress of human civilization and are universal. At the same time, human rights are also historical, specific, and in a constant ongoing process of development. There is no end to human rights development, and human rights protection is an ongoing cause. There is no universal human rights standard or model, and each country should apply the principle of universality of human rights in the context of its own national conditions. The CPC has enriched and developed Marxist human rights doctrine with its own successful practices, showing a new successful model of human rights progress in the 21st century.

We often say that without the CPC, there would be no new China. Likewise, without the CPC, there would be no progress in China's human rights protection today. At present, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, the Chinese people are working hard to realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation and the second centenary goal: to build China into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious, and beautiful by the centenary of the PRC (2049). We will promote China's human rights protection to a higher level and make new progress. 

This is the basic introduction. We would like to communicate with you on issues of your concern and on this white paper. Please ask your questions.

Shou Xiaoli:

Thank you, Professor Lu Guangjin. Now, the floor is open for questions. Please identify your news outlets before asking questions.

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