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SCIO briefing on 'China's Political Party System: Cooperation and Consultation' white paper

White Paper
On June 25, the State Council Information Office (SCIO) held a press conference in Beijing to brief the media on a new white paper titled "China's Political Party System: Cooperation and Consultation."  June 30, 2021

Read in Chinese


Xu Yousheng, deputy head and spokesperson of the United Front Work Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee

Zhang Jian, director of the Research Office of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee and spokesperson of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee

Sang Fuhua, head of the Bureau of Non-CPC Political Parties Work of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee

Wang Lianhai, head of the Theory Bureau of the Research Office of the General Office of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference


Chen Wenjun, head of the Press Bureau of the State Council Information Office (SCIO) and spokesperson of the SCIO


June 25, 2021

Chen Wenjun:

Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Welcome to this briefing held by the State Council Information Office (SCIO). As the Communist Party of China (CPC) celebrates its centenary, the SCIO issued a white paper today titled "China's Political Party System: Cooperation and Consultation." The white paper reviews the creation, development and constant improvement of China's political party system, elaborates on its distinctive characteristics, and shares China's achievements and experience in developing the system over the years, particularly since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012. Based on a previous white paper titled "China's Political Party System" issued by the SCIO in 2007, the new one demonstrates new progress in multiparty cooperation in the new era and provides a comprehensive picture of China's political party system.

The white paper, which extends to around 14,000 Chinese characters, consists of a preamble, the main body of text, and a conclusion. The main body is divided into nine parts: China's Political Parties, A Unique Political Creation, Close Cooperation Between Political Parties, China's Political Party System Has Distinctive Characteristics and Strengths, the CPC Consults with Other Political Parties and Non-Affiliates, the CPC Supports Other Political Parties and Non-Affiliates in Conducting Democratic Oversight, the CPC Cooperates with Other Political Parties and Non-Affiliates in Governing the Country, Non-CPC Political Parties and Non-Affiliates Provide Advice on Economic and Social Development, and the CPPCC Is an Important Political and Organizational Platform in China's Political Party System.

The white paper is published in eight languages – Chinese, English, French, Russian, German, Spanish, Arabic and Japanese, by the People's Publishing House and the Foreign Languages Press. It is available at Xinhua Bookstore outlets across the country.

In order to help you gain an accurate and deep understanding of the white paper, we are holding this press conference. We have invited Mr. Xu Yousheng, vice minister and spokesperson of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee; Mr. Zhang Jian, director of the Research Office of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee and spokesperson of the department; Mr. Sang Fuhua, head of the Bureau of Non-CPC Political Parties Work of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee; and Mr. Wang Lianhai, head of the Theory Bureau of the Research Office of the General Office of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

Xu Yousheng:

Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. In a few days, we will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC. During its century of exploration and struggle, the CPC has succeeded in applying the basic principles of Marxism to the Chinese context, rallied all the forces that could be united into a united front, and developed China's political party system, which is a system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC. This system has demonstrated its unique advantages and strong vitality in both the political and social life of our country.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, with the aim of developing socialist democracy and realizing the Two Centenary Goals and the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation, has laid out a series of new ideas, new thinking, and new strategies for developing and improving China's political party system. It has also made a series of major policy decisions and plans to ensure standardized consultation between political parties, strengthened participation and deliberation in the administration of state affairs, and improved democratic oversight. By doing this, it has given full play to the important role of China's political party system in helping modernize China's system and capacity for governance. 

China's political party system is rooted in the best of Chinese traditions and began during the democratic revolution. The system took shape during political consultations in preparation for the founding of the PRC and has developed in the course of socialist revolution, economic development, and reform. It is improving in the new era of Chinese socialism. The system is a unique political structure created by the CPC, the Chinese people, the non-CPC political parties, and non-affiliates. According to the white paper, China's political party system sprouted from Chinese soil and evolved over time based on China's historical heritage, cultural traditions, and economic and social development.

Under the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the essence of people's democracy is that problems should be solved through consultation, and anything that concerns the public should be discussed by the public, through which the people are able to build the broadest possible consensus that reflects the aspirations and expectations of the entire society. The white paper has stressed that based on cooperation, participation and consultation, and by following the principle of unity, democracy and harmony, China's political party system plays an important role in encouraging the people to participate in politics, voice their views, and achieve social integration, democratic oversight and sustained stability. The system embodies the interests of the widest range of social groups, reflects the shared goals of all, promotes sound decision-making and implementation, and ensures effective state governance. It is a major institutional channel for socialist consultative democracy through which the people's position as masters of the country is ensured.

While striving for the goals of achieving national independence, the people's liberation and wellbeing, and the prosperity of the country, the CPC has worked together and shared a common destiny with the non-CPC political parties, forming a new type of relationship featuring cooperation, unity and harmony. In this system, the CPC represents the leadership of socialism with Chinese characteristics, which was confirmed and consolidated in the course of China's revolution, economic development, and reform. It is the choice of history and of the people. The non-CPC political parties accept the leadership of the CPC. They carry out cooperation with the CPC and are close friends to the CPC. They participate in state governance under Chinese socialism, and their basic functions are to discuss and participate in the administration of state affairs, and to engage in democratic scrutiny and political consultation. Non-affiliates, an important force in Chinese politics, perform their duties by reference to that of the non-CPC political parties. The CPPCC is an important political and organizational platform in China's political party system. It offers platforms for the non-CPC political parties and non-affiliates to conduct political consultation, exercise democratic oversight, and deliberate on and participate in the administration of state affairs. The white paper offers a detailed introduction to the subjects, forms, institutional support, and achievements of consultation with the non-CPC political parties and non-affiliates performing their three major duties. It better explains the strengths of China's political party system and provides Chinese ideas to the world in terms of developing political party systems. 

Over the past seven decades and more, China's political party system has grown and matured. However, China will not stop exploring and moving forward. The white paper proclaims that China will, as always, learn and draw from the positive experiences of other countries but will not imitate other political party systems mechanically or impose its own on any other country. China respects the right of other countries to choose a political party system best adapted to their own realities. Based on equality and mutual respect, China is willing to strengthen cooperation and mutual learning with other countries, promote democracy on the international stage, and eventually build a global community of shared future.

My colleagues and I would now like to answer your questions. 

Chen Wenjun:

Thank you, Mr. Xu Yousheng. The floor is now open for questions. Please identify the news organization you represent before asking your question. 

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