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SCIO briefing on implementing the Outline of 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) and accelerating the strengthening of intellectual property in China

Around China
The State Council Information Office (SCIO) held a press conference in Beijing on Sunday about implementing the Outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) and accelerating the building of China's strength in intellectual property.  April 29, 2021

Xinhua News Agency:

We have noticed that Chinese enterprises are encountering more and more intellectual property disputes in the process of going global. What are the initiatives of the NIPA to support Chinese enterprises to better deal with IP disputes overseas? Thank you.

Shen Changyu:

Thank you for your question. In recent years, the NIPA has consistently stepped up efforts to build mechanisms and platforms to better help Chinese enterprises handle overseas IP disputes.

First, we established the National Guidance Center for Handling Overseas Intellectual Property Disputes and ten local sub-centers, as well as a coordination mechanism for handling major IPR cases, instructing Chinese enterprises to take active steps to respond to overseas IP disputes. So far, the national center and local sub-centers have offered guidance and consultation in more than 300 cases.

Second, we have consistently improved, a national platform for overseas IPR information services. Currently, the website provides information regarding 1,339 IP laws, regulations and international treaties from 189 countries and regions, as well as more than 40 guidelines for overseas work involving IP.

Third, we have improved risk prevention and control mechanisms in overseas IPR protection, focusing on several key issues. For example, in response to pirate registration of Chinese trademarks in the overseas market, we have drafted and issued guidelines on safeguarding trademark rights in pivotal countries.

Fourth, we have intensified efforts to promote training. So far, we have trained more than 45,000 people, effectively raising the capacity of Chinese enterprises to protect overseas IP rights.

Next, we will continue to improve the overseas IP dispute response mechanism, fully leverage the role of the National Guidance Center for Handling Overseas Intellectual Property Disputes and local sub-centers, accelerate the establishment of overseas sub-centers, and provide high-standard guidance and services for Chinese enterprises that "go global." Thank you.

Xing Huina:

This concludes today's conference, thank you to the three speakers and thank you to all the journalists, goodbye everyone!

Translated and edited by Zhang Liying, Zhou Jing, Zhang Rui, Huang Shan, Guo Yiming, Liu Qiang, Zhu Bochen, Li Huiru, Li Xiao, Fan Junmei, He Shan, Liu Jianing, Wang Qian, Wang Yiming, Wang Wei, Xiang Bin, Yuan Fang, Dong Qingpei, David Ball, Jay Birbeck, and Tom Arnstein. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese texts, the Chinese version is deemed to prevail.

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