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SCIO briefing on white paper 'Poverty Alleviation: China's Experience and Contribution'

White Paper
On April 6, the State Council Information Office (SCIO) held a press conference in Beijing to brief the media on a white paper titled "Poverty Alleviation: China's Experience and Contribution."  April 14, 2021

China Central Television (CCTV):

During his remarks at the grand gathering this February to mark the nation's poverty alleviation accomplishments and honor model poverty fighters, General Secretary Xi Jinping noted that China has accomplished its poverty alleviation target of the new era as scheduled and secured a complete victory in its fight against poverty through eight years of sustained work. My question is: how do we understand this "complete" victory? Thank you.

Tang Renjian:

Thank you for your question. At the ceremony to mark the nation's poverty alleviation accomplishments and honor model poverty fighters, General Secretary Xi Jinping declared that China has secured a complete victory in its fight against poverty and created another miracle that will go down in history. It is a historic and comprehensive victory.

First, China has completely eliminated extreme poverty for the first time in its history. Through eight years of arduous work, the 98.99 million people in rural areas who were living below the current poverty threshold all shook off poverty ; all 832 designated poor counties and 128,000 impoverished villages got rid of poverty; and China has eliminated poverty over entire regions, fulfilling its solemn commitment of "leaving no one behind" as it builds a moderately prosperous society in all respects. China has completely eliminated extreme poverty for the first time in its history of thousands of years, and realized a century-long aspiration of the Chinese people.

Second, those people who have been lifted out of poverty have seen significant improvement in their living standards. The per capita disposable income of the rural poor more than doubled, increasing from 6,079 yuan in 2013 to 12,588 yuan in 2020, up by 11.6% per annum on average. The Two Assurances and Three Guarantees [referring to the assurances of adequate food and clothing and guaranteeing access to compulsory education, basic medical services, and safe housing for impoverished rural residents] have been realized. People who have been lifted out of poverty now have adequate food and clothing. Nine-year compulsory education is now available to all children from rural poor households. All poverty-stricken populations now have access to basic medical insurance, critical illness insurance, and medical assistance, thus effectively resolving the problem of access to and affordability of medical services. Around 25.68 million impoverished people from 7.9 million households have moved into proper accommodation, bidding farewell to their dilapidated houses built of materials like beaten earth mixed with straw. Rural subsistence allowances, extreme poverty relief funds, and basic pension schemes now cover almost all people in need. The welfare of special disadvantaged groups is constantly improving. Over 24 million poor people with disabilities as well as the severely disabled have now been provided with living allowances and nursing subsidies.

Third, poverty-stricken areas have gotten rid of backwardness. Infrastructure has been improved. Lack of access to transport, electricity, drinking water, and means for communication have been resolved. By the end of 2020, impoverished areas had gained 1.1 million kilometers of reconstructed highways and 35,000km of new railways, making all villages, townships, and towns in poverty-stricken areas with the right conditions accessible by paved road and provided with bus and mail routes. Effective irrigated areas have increased by more than 5.35 million hectares. Almost all rural areas enjoy a steady power supply. Over 98% of poor villages have access to optical fiber communications (OFC) and 4G technology. Tap water coverage has increased to 83% in regions that have been lifted out of poverty. Arid areas like Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Gansu province now have access to clean and safe drinking water. Each impoverished county has created a batch of new industries with distinctive features and greater capacity to facilitate poverty alleviation efforts, and increased their industrial sustainability, laying a solid foundation for rural vitalization for the next step.

Fourth, those who have been lifted out of poverty have adopted a new mindset. The battle against poverty is a complete victory on both the material and mental level. It has rekindled people's desire to seek a better life. Impoverished people have been inspired to seek prosperity through hard work, self-reliance, and entrepreneurship. They have gained a stronger sense of self-reliance and a deeper desire to rid themselves of the shackles of poverty and achieve prosperity. Each household now tries to find ways to become prosperous and each village builds businesses that help them get rid of poverty. They are ready to compete in the race to prosperity. The impoverished have been constantly upgrading their mindsets and gained a deeper understanding of markets, technology, and innovation. They have greater confidence, more active minds, and higher aspirations. Good social practices, including filial piety, harmonious neighborhoods, and modest weddings and funerals, have been promoted. A healthy and civilized lifestyle has become the new pursuit of the people who have been lifted out of poverty.

Fifth, grassroots social governance in poverty-stricken areas has been greatly improved. More than 3 million first Party secretaries and resident working team members have been selected and dispatched to carry out anti-poverty campaigns on the frontlines. Grassroots Party organizations have improved their capabilities while carrying out CPC's rural work and poverty alleviation efforts. With closer relations between the villagers and village officials, and between the Party and the people, people in poverty-stricken areas have greater trust and confidence in the Party. Self-governance by villagers is becoming more effective. As villagers are involved in discussions and management of their own affairs, they become more active in participating in grassroots governance. Collective income in impoverished villages has greatly increased. Currently, the average collective income in impoverished villages across the country has exceeded 120,000 yuan. Village organizations have become more capable of serving the people. Grassroots management and service systems in those areas are constantly improving, inspiring vitality in local communities, and forming a new dynamic for social harmony, stability, and progress.

The complete victory in poverty alleviation has fully manifested the strengths of the CPC leadership and the advantages of the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. A will to unite as one, do our best, set targets, adopt a pragmatic approach, be pioneers, innovate, tackle tough issues head-on, and live up to our people's trust, has formed in the great endeavors of poverty alleviation. It will continue to inspire us to fully vitalize the countryside.

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