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SCIO briefing on China's renewable energy development

China.org.cn | April 2, 2021

Beijing Daily:

The replacement of fossil energy by non-fossil energy is an important measure in promoting the low-carbon energy transition. How will the NEA accelerate the development of non-fossil energy during the 14th Five-Year Plan period? Thank you.

Zhang Jianhua:

I'll let Mr. Li Fulong answer this question.

Li Fulong:

This question is very important. Vigorously developing non-fossil energy is an important measure in promoting the transition to low-carbon energy. Just now, Mr. Zhang Jianhua gave a very clear and detailed explanation of major measures, actions and policies related to achieving peak carbon dioxide emissions and carbon neutrality in the energy sector. During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption in China increased from 12.1% to 15.9%, representing an average annual increase of 0.76 percentage points.

By 2030, the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption will reach around 25%. Over the next 10 years, this should increase by 0.9 percentage points per year on average, which is equal to an average annual increase of non-fossil energy of around 70 million metric tons of standard coal. The task is indeed very arduous. The NEA is currently conducting in-depth studies and formulating relevant policies and measures to strengthen its efforts in four aspects to promote the accelerated and high-quality development of non-fossil energy.

First, we will make plans, provide guidance, and carry out regulation. We are studying and drawing up modern energy system plans and sector-specific energy plans for the 14th Five-Year Plan period, which emphasize the development of non-fossil energy and the promotion of low-carbon energy transition. Our preliminary estimates show that clean energy will account for 80% of the increase in energy consumption during the 14th Five-Year Plan period, which is 20 percentage points higher than the 13th Five-Year Plan period. Non-fossil energy will make up the majority of the increase in energy consumption. This will lay a solid foundation for achieving the target of obtaining 25% of energy consumption from non-fossil energy. At the same time, we will ensure the national and provincial energy plans are linked together to accomplish the goals and tasks of promoting low-carbon transition.

Second, we will develop non-fossil energy in diversified ways. Under the condition of ensuring safety, we will take active and orderly measures to promote the construction of coastal nuclear power stations; continue to prioritize ecological conservation; develop and construct hydropower stations mainly on key river basins such as those in southwest China and the upper reaches of the Yellow River, with the firm goal of generating over 1.2 billion kW in 2030; and vigorously develop wind and solar power generation. At the same time, it is necessary to promote the development and utilization of other renewable energy sources such as biomass and geothermal energy according to local conditions.

Third, we will optimize the layout of new energy development. On one hand, we will continue to strengthen accommodation of power generated from new energy and cross-regional transmission capacity, promote the centralized development of wind and PV power generation in an orderly fashion, and actively promote the construction of clean energy bases featuring complementary use of diverse energy sources. On the other hand, it is necessary to increase the on-site development and utilization of new energy, and actively develop distributed energy resources, in particular promote the development of distributed PV power generation and decentralized wind power in China's central and eastern regions.

Fourth, we will strengthen the flexibility and adjustment capacity of the power system. We will continue to implement the flexible transformation of thermal power. Under the condition that gas sources are guaranteed, we will develop peak-shaving natural gas power stations according to local conditions, and accelerate the construction of pumped-storage power stations as well as R&D and application of new energy storage. We must adapt to the large-scale and high-proportion development of new energy, and accelerate the construction of a new, safe and efficient power system with new energy as the mainstay. As Mr. Huang Xuenong explained, this is key to ensuring the stable operation of the power system and promoting the high-quality development of new energy. Thank you.

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