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State Council's interagency task force briefing on promoting COVID-19 vaccination

Around China
The State Council's interagency task force held a press conference on Monday in Beijing to brief the media about issues on promoting COVID-19 vaccination.  March 18, 2021

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the inoculation, we have mainly done the following work.

First, we have urged the relevant departments and local governments to perform their due responsibilities. A working mechanism of "daily reporting, weekly scheduling and semi-monthly announcement" has been in operation, and a monthly dynamic adjustment mechanism for vaccination supply and demand has been established. All relevant departments have shouldered their responsibilities to see that all vaccination tasks are fulfilled properly. Vaccination is the main task of epidemic prevention and control and has been carried out in all provinces. All localities have strengthened the coordinated management of vaccine supply within their jurisdictions, and accurately calculated the demand for vaccine use according to the vaccination plan and the capacity to guarantee services. Vaccine delivery and quality supervision of stored vaccines, as well as specific inoculation responsibilities, are implemented at the municipal and county levels. At present, localities have formulated step-by-step vaccination plans based on the statistical situation of various groups of people and set detailed timetables, so that the vaccination of various groups of people are advanced steadily and seamlessly. For people who have not yet completed vaccination, timely arrangements should be made. We can also move ahead of the vaccination schedule when it is possible. In these ways, the inoculation plans are arranged with national-level coordination. At present, the State Council's interagency task force has sent 15 instructor groups to various provinces to ensure that all measures are put in place.

Second, we are making every effort to roll out vaccination. The State Council's interagency task force has established relevant work systems to coordinate the supply of vaccines nationwide and strive to ensure that vaccines are produced at full capacity and expand capacity. The relevant departments have stepped up efforts to coordinate the supply and demand of vaccines, regulate the storage and transportation of vaccines, improve the efficiency of distribution, and guarantee the supply of vaccines. All localities set up sufficient vaccination stations with enough personnel and equipment, according to the amount of people that need vaccination and the amount of people that have been vaccinated. Vaccination workers must receive training before they are qualified for the job. They must strictly adhere to the principle of "three checks, seven verifications and one match" to ensure safe and standardized vaccination, including checking the recipient's health condition, contraindications and their vaccination cards and also recording the appearance, batch number, and expiration date of the vaccine and syringe. They must also verify the recipient's name, age, and the vaccine's product name, specification, dosage, injection site, and route of administration, and ensure that the information of the recipient, vaccination card and vaccines are all matched.

Third, we strictly implemented vaccine control measures. In terms of traceability, the country established a platform for nation-wide, coordinated, and electronic vaccine tracing, with stipulated information from various regions being reported to the platform in a timely and accurate manner. This enables the full traceability of vaccines covering the source and whereabouts. In terms of distribution and usage safety management, disease prevention and control departments and vaccination units made great efforts in strictly controlling vaccines on their way in and way out, and regularly monitor and record temperatures of COVID-19 vaccines during storage and transportation, so as to ensure safety. 

Fourth, we strengthened efforts to guarantee treatment for adverse events following immunization (AEFI). Class-two general hospitals and above were organized to provide medical treatment at vaccination spots they have been paired with. Experienced personnel for emergency treatment were sent to offer on-site support with necessary medical equipment and medicines. Ambulances were stationed on site. Personnel participating in medical treatment were given strict training to make sure suspected AEFIs can be identified in a timely manner and treated immediately. We made all-out efforts in organizing medical treatment, with barriers cleared for referrals and green paths for treatment established. 

Fifth, we carried out science popularization activities. We made timely releases of information relating to the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines, as well as knowledge regarding which kind of people the vaccines are suitable for and what to keep in mind during vaccination. This was done via official websites and official accounts on WeChat. We offered timely answers for the questions in people's mind, cleared their doubts, and earned the public's cooperation for the vaccination task. 

I just offered a brief introduction. Next, my colleagues and I will answer your questions. Thank you.

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