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SCIO briefing on government work report

2021 NPC & CPPCC
The State Council Information Office (SCIO) held a press conference on March 5 in Beijing to brief the media about the Report on the Work of the Government.  March 12, 2021

Shangyou News:

The government work report is an annual guiding document for the exercise of government power. How did the drafting of the report respond to the concerns of the whole society and listen to and incorporate the views of various sectors of the society? Thank you.

Sun Guojun: 

Thank you for your question. In accordance with General Secretary Xi Jinping's requirement on soliciting public opinions in an open way, we pay great attention to the public's concerns and fully understand the opinions of people from all walks of life while drafting the government work report. The drafting process of the report was a process of gathering the wisdom of the people and pooling their efforts, as well as a process of planning specific policy measures, which was also introduced in the opening speech earlier.

Premier Li Keqiang collected views and suggestions by presiding over a number of symposiums, attended by representatives from non-communist political parties, chambers of commerce, public figures without party affiliation, experts and entrepreneurs, and representatives from the education, science and technology, culture, health, and sports sectors, as well as members of the public. Premier Li also solicited opinions by convening symposiums to analyze the economic situation. We were able to sort out 48 specific suggestions from the symposium attended by representatives from non-communist political parties, chambers of commerce and public figures without party affiliation.

We also extensively solicited suggestions from all localities and departments. After deliberation at the plenary meeting of the State Council, the revision of the drafted report was printed and distributed in accordance with due procedures to all localities, central departments in the Party, the government, the military, and people's organizations and some enterprises. Another thousand suggestions were then collected after this large-scale soliciting of views and suggestions.

In addition, we also collected opinions via media platforms. The event "Share your ideas with China's premier" was launched on for the seventh year to solicit netizens' opinions by joining hands with 21 online media platforms. The event classified 22 topics and received nearly 1 million suggestions. After sifting through the comments, submitted more than 1,200 representative views to the drafting team.

Meanwhile, during the drafting of the report, we paid great attention to social concerns and hot issues, and organized investigations into the prominent issues most concerned by the public so as to propose policy recommendations accordingly.

Generally speaking, despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, we still adopted all possible methods to make sure the report reflects the true concerns of the public. Thank you.

Guo Wei:

I'd like to add that the proposals and suggestions reflected in the report are not limited to those collected during the drafting process. This year's report has implemented the guiding principles of the fifth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee and the Central Economic Work Conference, making detailed arrangements for the 14th Five-Year Plan period and clear requirements for the work ahead. Actually, the process of formulating the documents of the fifth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee and the Central Economic Work Conference was a process of soliciting opinions widely. General Secretary Xi Jinping extensively took in views and suggestions by presiding over meetings of relevant departments, localities, and professional fields, and held a series of special symposiums before the two abovementioned meetings. The documents of the two meetings had gone through repeated opinion-soliciting before the formal versions were presented.

This year's report was drafted in accordance with the decisions of the fifth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee and the Central Economic Work Conference, and fully reflects people's desires and their wisdom after soliciting extensive opinions from people of all walks of life. The drafting process can guarantee that we uphold the leadership of the CPC in the economic and social development of our country, and ensure that various measures are implemented following the people-centered development philosophy, and ensure that the government makes decisions in a sound, democratic and effective way. We can see significant institutional strengths from the drafting process of the report. Thank you.

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