Press Room

SCIO briefing on master plan for Hainan Free Trade Port | June 12, 2020

Liu Cigui:

We highly value institutional innovations in the past two years. We released 77 institutional innovations successively, many of which were national firsts. We formulated 69 measures on business environment meeting World Bank standards. Now, Hainan has made remarkable achievements in streamlining approval procedures, allowing all of them to be handled on a single online platform, with a single approval seal, and at a single window. At the same time, we have strictly controlled the real estate sector. Hainan did not develop the sector by building as much as was wanted and thus turning itself into a promotional vehicle for the real estate sector. In view of the limited land available and drawing on the lessons of history, Hainan should not lack variety when developing a modern industrial system. In the past two years, we have vigorously attracted foreign investment and key market players, with an additional 444,000, up 65%, compared to the period before the April 13 speech in 2018. There are 572 new projects worth over 100 million yuan, registering a total investment of 582.8 billion yuan. Among them, 125 projects are worth over 1 billion yuan, registering a total investment of 443.1 billion yuan; there are even five projects worth over 10 billion yuan. While undertaking all this development, we have attached great importance to environmental protection. Any regulatory streamlining can only serve its purpose when supported with enhanced compliance oversight. To this end, we have established a sound social governance system, under which customs across the island would be closed after implementing zero tariffs at the free trade port, mainly aiming to prevent smuggling. We have been working on prevention in these past two years, and building prevention and control zones for nearshore, offshore, coastline and island areas. The master plan for the free trade port has been released, and we will convene the eighth plenary session of the seventh provincial Party committee shortly to fully implement the important instructions of the General Secretary and the master plan released by the central authorities. It will focus on how to put it in place, and how to make every effort count. Here are a few key points:

First, while always adhering to the Party's leadership, developing a comprehensive leadership, over the construction of the free trade port. We will firmly pursue the correct direction in all aspects of construction, take the Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as our guide, further strengthen our consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core and maintain constant alignment with the central Party leadership, stay confident in the chosen path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics, uphold General Secretary Xi Jinping's core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and uphold the Party Central Committee's authority and its centralized, unified leadership, and resolutely ensure the construction to be pushed forward always under the leadership of the Party Central Committee. Under the direct leadership of the leading group overseeing Hainan's comprehensive reform and opening up, we have broken down the tasks in the plan, worked out timetables and the paths to be followed, specified responsibilities at different levels, and carried out activities across the province calling for contributions to the construction funds. Our motto is: dare to venture, dare to try, dare to be first, and work hard, fully expressing the spirit of the special economic zone. We will try to make each day really count to ensure that all policies are well put in place.

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