Press Room

SCIO briefing on white paper 'Fighting COVID-19: China in Action' | June 11, 2020

The Associated Press of Pakistan:

China's epidemic prevention and control has been successful. Some media outlets believe that China has placed more emphasis on its institutional advantages and the roles of the Party and the government in the fight against the epidemic and has relatively ignored the overall efforts of the people. Do you have any comment on it? What role did the Chinese people play in the fight against the epidemic? Thank you.

Xu Lin:

First of all, I would like to point out that in China, the Party, the government, and the people are an entirety that is closely linked by flesh and blood. During the fight against COVID-19, Chinese people have played an enormous role. Doing all for the people and by the people is the starting point and goal of all the work of the CPC. The fight against the epidemic is no exception. In the battle against the epidemic, General Secretary Xi Jinping made two remarks that I think many of you are familiar with. One is that people come first, and lives come first. We are willing to protect people's life and health at all costs. The other one is that China will resolutely win the all-out people's war against the epidemic. These two remarks fully reflect the purpose and governing philosophy of the CPC and the main role of our people play in the fight against the epidemic. Under the strong leadership of the CPC, Chinese people have united as one and gained great strategic achievements in the fight against COVID-19 through arduous efforts. 

The general public served as the mainstay in the fight against COVID-19. Faced with the outbreak of an unknown virus, the Chinese people showed great faith in the leadership, the Party and the government. They courageously shouldered their social responsibility in the country's fight against the pandemic. The 1.4 billion Chinese people, irrespective of their gender, age, and occupation, shared a consensus that "protecting oneself was protecting others and making contribution to the country." They acted in unity, followed various measures on epidemic prevention and control, and voluntarily acted against the virus. People of different occupations joined the battle against the epidemic and contributed their due share. They united and cooperated to mount a collective response, demonstrating the profound love of the Chinese people for their family and their country. I would like to share with you stories of two persons in their 20s and how they showed their love and care for families and the nation.

One is about a young girl born after 1990 whose family of three were all diagnosed with COVID-19 and treated in different hospitals. In mid-February, her father died of severe symptoms. While coping with grief and her own illness, she pretended to be the father by signing on to his WeChat account every day and talked with her mother, giving her courage, strength and love. The mother and daughter were both discharged from their respective hospitals after the treatment. The strong-minded and smart girl has provided her mother with a will to carry on in the darkest moment.

Another story is about a young man from Changsha, Hunan province. Having known that people in Wuhan faced difficulty in carrying on essential outings after the lockdown, he posted "I do not fear death, but regret in this life" on social media. He then left his friends and family and drove to Wuhan. For a period stretching over dozens of days, he voluntarily drove medical workers to and from their work, and provided convenience to Wuhan residents in need. He was later named as the most lovable driver in Wuhan.

The two young persons are just examples of the national battle against COVID-19. This is also a true picture of the 1.4 billion Chinese people fighting the epidemic. All citizens share a responsibility for the fate of their country. They are filial, patriotic, kind-hearted, diligent, brave and tolerant. The Chinese people represent a formidable force in the fight against the virus. They are the source of strength in the development of the Chinese nation. Thank you.

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