Press Room

SCIO briefing on China's regular prevention and control of COVID-19 | May 18, 2020

Beijing Youth Daily:

According to current data, the COVID-19 pandemic is still serious, but most countries in Europe and the United States have now gradually relaxed their control measures. Clustered infections have occurred successively in some parts of China, and this raises concerns about the possibility of a second outbreak. What is the Health and Safety Commission's stance on this? What countermeasures are being taken? Thank you.

Zeng Yixin:

For this question, I'll give the floor to Cui Gang.

Cui Gang:

Thank you for your question. At the beginning of the press conference, just now, Mr. Zeng has briefed us on the pandemic situation at home and abroad in recent times. You can also learn from various media outlets about the current pandemic situation. Generally, pandemic prevention and control efforts are still severely complex. Different countries have adopted varied prevention and control strategies and specific measures based on national willingness, social systems, economic development, public health resources and emergency response capabilities. You have just mentioned that some European and American countries, especially some countries where the pandemic situation is still serious, have loosened control measures for various reasons. At present, if the research on vaccines and specific drugs yields no results, the relaxed measures will increase the risk of a rebound in local cases and strengthen the complexity and duration of pandemic prevention and control. This will lead to greater challenges in prevention and control in our country.

Right now, our country has achieved periodic achievements and victories through prevention and control efforts. Our monitoring and early warning capabilities have been significantly improved, and our professional teams for disease prevention and control and medical treatment have been well-trained. We have accumulated effective experience in joint and group prevention and control, and the public's awareness and preventive capabilities have improved significantly. At the same time, with the implementation of regular pandemic prevention and control measures in China, we have determined that we will be able to manage the risks of a resurgence caused by imported cases.

Recently, secondary cases of imported cases have appeared in some parts of our country. This reminds us that, in the entire chain of enclosed management for prevention and control, if any link possesses weaknesses or blind areas, there will be a risk of disease transmission. In accordance with the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, all relevant departments are being integrated into the actual prevention and control work, carefully investigated hidden risks and further-improved prevention and control measures. We have implemented the enclosed management from the doorsteps of the country to the doorsteps of family homes. There are several primary measures that we have adopted. They are as follows:

First, we are strengthening joint prevention and control efforts. The National Health Commission and other departments, such as foreign affairs, customs, immigration inspection, civil aviation, and railways, have given full play to prevention and control efforts and further strengthened measures to prevent imported cases. For example, we have been insisting on a 14-day medical observation at quarantine sites for all people entering China, and we have been developing these measures.

Second, we are highlighting key links. We have implemented "four early measures," which are early detection, early reporting, early quarantine and early treatment. We have strengthened the monitoring of fever clinics and infectious disease reporting online, and we have implemented the enclosed management of "screening-diagnosis-reporting-quarantine". At the same time, we have further expanded the scale of testing. Just now, Mr. Zeng introduced the overall arrangement and measures for promotion.

Third, we are strengthening targeted control. According to laws and regulations, we have scientifically delimited the area of prevention and control. If instances of community spread or clustering cases occur, we will take the most effective measures as soon as possible, promptly deal with cases, identify the origin of infection and effectively cut off the transmission route.

Fourth, we are strictly implementing the responsibilities of local areas, departments, institutions, and individuals. We will strengthen the management and prevention in key regions, key institutions, key places, key populations, fully implement all measures and leave no stone unturned. At the same time, we also continue to widely promote scientific publicity and knowledge on prevention and control, actively guide the public in scientific prevention and control and jointly create a good environment for all members of society to participate in together. Thank you.

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