Press Room

SCIO briefing on the cooperation between China and the int'l community in fighting COVID-19 | March 28, 2020

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We are aware that during this epidemic outbreak, China has provided a large amount of anti-epidemic assistance, including epidemic prevention materials and dispatched medical teams to other countries. Will the foreign aid affect prevention and control of the epidemic at home? Thank you. 

Deng Boqing:

Thank you. China's foreign aid has always been carried out under the principle of doing what we can and doing our best. The same is true of the ongoing foreign anti-epidemic aid. Whether we provide material assistance or dispatch medical teams to foreign countries, the first thing we must do is to ensure the need for prevention and control at home. Because the domestic prevention and control work progressing well, in fact, is also a contribution to the entirety of mankind.

Under the personal command and deployment of General Secretary Xi Jinping, the epidemic situation in China continues to improve. The domestic medical teams supporting Hubei province are being withdrawn in an orderly manner, and the production capacity of detection reagents, masks and other medical protection and treatment materials is also rapidly increasing. When we provide anti-epidemic material assistance to foreign countries, we should first of all, in conjunction with other relevant departments, carefully analyze the needs of the domestic anti-epidemic work, and take into account various factors such as the existing domestic material stockpiles and production capacity. The proposed material assistance plan will not affect domestic anti-epidemic work. In addition, the number of medical expert teams we have sent to other countries is not large. Although there are many batches of medical experts going to many countries, the main task is to exchange experiences, share medical practices and provide some policy suggestions and medical advice. At the same time, we can also provide epidemic prevention guidance to overseas Chinese, Chinese students, and Chinese-funded institutions and enterprises.

We should also note that China's current anti-epidemic work is facing a severe challenge, that is, the risk of imported cases is increasing. Our assistance to relevant countries is also conducive to the efforts of the international community in combatting the epidemic, reducing the risk of inbound cases from overseas regions, and consolidating our hard-won achievements in fighting the epidemic in the previous stage. Thank you.

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