Press Room

SCIO briefing on securing a decisive victory in poverty alleviation | March 14, 2020

China Media Group:

During the COVID-19 epidemic, banning wildlife trade has been part of certain efforts to meet the requirements of the epidemic prevention and control work. However, as we known, specific types of animal farming have been developed as the local special pillar industry in many poverty-stricken areas, contributing needed income locally. The policies established will have huge impact on these areas, so are there any programs to ease the impact for farmers and these areas? And what impact will this bring to the progress and achievements in poverty alleviation?

Liu Yongfu:

Regulations and laws were established before on wildlife farming limitations and bans, and there is regulation particularly dealing with eating wild animals. Recently, decisions were made by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on banning consumption of wild animals. As you mentioned, in certain rural areas, they do undertake wildlife farming and trading businesses developed as local special industries. However, the size is limited, so they are not "pillar industries" of those areas. Those areas with an intention to develop the wildlife businesses as the special industry have indeed invested hundreds of thousands of yuan or even millions of yuan in the businesses. However, none have assumed the status of a large-scale industry. Accurate data on this has not showed up in the statistics.

After the decisions went into effect, relevant departments have been developing detailed catalogues that will list what animals can be raised and which cannot. No matter what the current situation is, we will ensure that the decisions are carried out, the laws are put into effect and outmoded customs are abolished eventually. For those businesses that have continued to adopt wildlife farming, we will close down them or help them change into other business lines. For their losses in this regard, we will provide multiple forms of assistance, which will include finding them alternative products or help them switch into other production lines. In general, it will not have much impact on the poverty alleviation work, and it will not have any major impact on completing our tasks in particular. You can rest assured on that. Thank you.

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