ㄑ Press Room

SCIO briefing on current situation in Hong Kong

Around China
A press conference was held Monday afternoon to introduce the central government's position and views on the current situation in Hong Kong.  July 30, 2019

Xinhua News Agency:

What do you think of the role that some Western countries played in the recent turmoil over the proposed legal amendments to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance in Hong Kong? Thank you.

Yang Guang:

Thank you for your question. Regarding the series of demonstrations and violent incidents that happened in Hong Kong, some irresponsible Western individuals have made irresponsible remarks and played a disgraceful role. Some remarks display a perverse logic that violent offenders deserve sympathy, understanding and even forgiveness, while police fulfilling their duties to protect public order and security, and safeguard the rule of law in Hong Kong, should face criticism, outright condemnation and be held to account. Such logic is absurd and ludicrous.

As I said just now, the nature of violence and unlawful acts will never change because of any hypocritical claim. This is a bottom line of a society based on the rule of law, and must not be challenged.

Hong Kong is part of China, and its affairs are of domestic concern alone. The Chinese government absolutely does not allow any foreign forces to interfere in Hong Kong's affairs. Chinese State Councilor Wang Yi and spokespersons of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have reiterated our unwavering stance many times. Some Western politicians time and again have made irresponsible remarks and even backed some certain people. Their ulterior motives are to disrupt Hong Kong, change Hong Kong into a troublesome sore for China and in turn constrain Chinese development. These attempts will get them nowhere. Thank you.

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