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SCIO briefing on China's national defense

National Defense
A press conference was held Wednesday morning to introduce the white paper "China's National Defense in the New Era."  July 26, 2019


The new white paper is entitled "China's National Defense in the New Era". This differs from the title of previous comprehensive national defense white papers. Why is the document so entitled? Besides that, we take note of the fact that the international situation is undergoing a profound transformation. How does the new white paper describe the international and domestic security situation? Thank you.

Wu Qian:

Please allow me to answer your questions. As stated in the report to the 19th CPC National Congress, socialism with Chinese characteristics has crossed the threshold into a new era, and we have reached a new starting point in strengthening national defense and the armed forces. 

In the new era, China's national defense forces fully implement Xi Jinping's thinking on strengthening the military, and his thinking on military strategy. We are committed to achieving the goal of building a strong military capability in the new era, implement the military strategic guideline for a new era, and continue to strengthen the military in the Chinese way. We have made historic achievements and promoted historic changes in the national defense and army building campaigns. Changes have occurred in the people's army's system, its structure, patterns and appearance. 

The first comprehensive white paper on national defense in the new era responds to the trend of the times. It provides a precise summary of the world situation, that of the country and the pertaining to the Chinese military. It provides a comprehensive introduction of the new policies on national defense and army building, as well as the new missions, tasks, strategic deployment and practices related to building a strong military force. It will be helpful for the world and the Chinese people to have a more comprehensive and objective understanding of our national defense and army building efforts in the new era. 

Regarding your second question, the international strategic landscape is undergoing a profound transformation. The process of disintegration and re-integration of various international powers is gaining momentum. Emerging markets and developing countries have acquired greater strength. With various powers growing or waning, the global power configuration has become more balanced. Seeking peace, stability and development has become a common pursuit of international society. The forces for peace far outweigh factors causing war. At the same time, however, hegemony, power politics and unilateralism are mounting, and regional conflicts and wars are ongoing, threatening the international security system and order.

The white paper contains four strategic conclusions on the current international and domestic security situation: First, the international strategic landscape is undergoing a profound transformation. Second, the security situation of the Asia-Pacific region generally remains stable. Third, the security risks and challenges facing China should not be overlooked. Fourth, international military competition is intensifying.

In the face of such a complex international and domestic situation, China firmly believes that peace, development, cooperation and prosperity for all are irreversible trends of the times. Any attempt to seek hegemony or expansion is doomed to fail. Security and prosperity should be enjoyed by all. 

We call for all countries to go beyond outdated concepts such as a clash of civilizations, Cold War and a zero-sum mentality, and uphold such principles as conducting dialogue and consultation, seeking common ground while setting aside differences, and making joint contribution and sharing benefits. We should make joint efforts to tackle global challenges, promote peace and development, build a community with a shared future for mankind, and build an open, inclusive, clean, and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security and common prosperity. Thank you.

China Daily:

The new white paper on national defense stresses Xi Jinping's thinking on military strategy. Could you please tell us the background and significance of the formation of this important thinking? What are its theoretical characteristics and historical contributions?

Cai Zhijun:

Thank you for your questions. Military strategic thinking is the banner that guides an army, and it should keep up with the times. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, President Xi, in his dedicated leadership of national defense, the building of our armed forces, and commanding actual military campaigns, has taken a broad view of the profound changes in the world not seen for a long time to deal with various risks and challenges involved in ensuring national security and meet the requirements of comprehensively building Chinese military into a world-class force. He has put forward a series of new ideas, viewpoints, judgments and requirements to enhance military strategic guidance as required by the times. Against this background, Xi Jinping's thinking on military strategy has taken shape. Xi, as the core of Party leadership and as commander-in-chief of the armed forces, is the main architect of this important thinking, and plays a decisive role in this process.

Xi Jinping's thinking on military strategy has always adhered to the strategic concept of active defense. It has profoundly revealed the important relationship between war and peace, military affairs and politics, national security and military security in the new era. It has comprehensively and systematically answered a series of fundamental, overarching and directionally important questions related to military strategic guidance in the new era. The important thinking is an innovative development of the Marxist view of war and methodology in China's national defense and armed forces building in the new era. It is the application and development of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. It is an important part of Xi Jinping's thinking on strengthening the military. It is a scientific ideological and theoretical system.

Xi Jinping's thinking on military strategy has distinct scientific qualities. First and most important, in terms of theory, it inherits and develops the essence of the Party's military guidance theory, and is the latest achievement in adapting the Marxist view of war and its methodology to a Chinese context. Second, from an historical viewpoint, it seizes the right moment when socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and China's national defense and armed forces building has followed suit. Third, from a strategic viewpoint, it grasps the laws of waging war and directing war, endowing the strategic concept of active defense with new connotations. Fourth, from a practical viewpoint, a great truth emerges from the great practice of strengthening and revitalizing the armed forces, so it has a unique strategic style and insight.

Xi Jinping's thinking on military strategy has established a new realm in the Marxist view of war and security. It enhances the strategic drive of realizing the Chinese Dream of great national rejuvenation. It breaks new grounds for implementing national security strategy. It broadens our vision of modernizing national defense and armed forces. The thinking is a fundamental rule and scientific guidance for using and building our military forces at present and in the future. At the military work conference of the Central Military Commission held in Beijing in January 2019, Xi Jinping's thinking on military strategy was established as the fundamental guiding ideology of China's military strategy in the new era. The decision is based on political, practical and strategic needs. It is also is also the common expectation of the whole army. Thank you.


Regarding South Korea's accusation against Russian and Chinese aircraft of "violating" its airspace, the Pentagon spokesman said the U.S. Defense Department was in close coordination with its Korean and Japanese allies about the event, and will continue to monitor activities as they make follow-up contacts with the Russian and Chinese military in diplomatic channels. I would like to know China's response to it.

And I have another related question. Mark Esper was sworn in as the new defense secretary in Washington yesterday. He has long pushed for the U.S. to take a hardline stance against China. Earlier this year, he stated the U.S. was engaged in strategic competition with China, which is both the foundation and the shaping of his views in this regard. Also, he thinks that Russia and China's aggressive development of formations, capabilities and weapons systems in recent years poses a long-term threat to American interests. Many people believe that the U.S. military is more likely to engage in a public standoff with the Chinese military during Esper's tenure. What is your comment on this? Do you have any concerns about the Sino-U.S. military relationship while Esper serves as defense secretary? Thank you.

Wu Qian:

For your first question. On July 23, the Chinese and Russian air forces organized the first joint air patrol in Northeast Asia. China's two H-6K bombers, along with two Russian Tu-95 bombers, patrolled a pre-planned route over the Sea of Japan and the East China Sea. During the patrol, the planes of China and Russia maintained their flights in line with international rules and did not enter territorial air space of any other country. 

This joint patrol was carried out with the aim of deepening the two countries' comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era, of further increasing understanding between the armed forces of the two countries, and of enhancing their capabilities to carry out joint actions, and strengthening global strategic stability. The exercise was performed in line with the planned annual military cooperation program between China and Russia and was not aimed against any third country. 

Furthermore, we also noticed that the Russian Ministry of Defense has issued a statement in this regard, and I suggest you read it. 

For your second question, Mark Esper has been confirmed as the U.S. Secretary of Defense and we would like to extend our congratulations to him. We hope that the military relations between China and U.S. could achieve healthy and stable development during his tenure. However, here I also would like to emphasize two points: first, China's sovereignty, security and developmental interests are inviolable. Second, the development of China's military power is entirely in line with the development of the forces for world peace. Thank you.

China Military:

We noticed that the White Paper introduced the measures and progress made in reforming the national defense and the armed forces. So, what are the reasons behind the progress and what kind of measures have been taken to push forward the reform? Last November, the Central Military Commission held the working group meeting to comprehensively launch reform for military policies and institutions, which was also mentioned in the White Paper. Would you please talk about the major characteristics and progress of the reform?

Wang Wei:

Thanks for your questions. I'll start answering your first question. President Xi Jinping was personally involved in leading and pushing forward the reform of national defense and armed forces, offering the fundamental guarantee for the reform. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, President Xi has been involved in the decision-making part of the reform, and included the national defense and military reform into the overall plan of comprehensively deepening reform. As the leader of the Leading Group for National Defense and Military Reform of the Central Military Commission, he worked to study major issues with regard to the reform and formulated the plan. He took part in a series of group meetings, presented the military flags to the newly adjusted and established units and delivered a series of major speeches. We overcame many difficulties and made a huge achievement in deepening the reform of national defense and armed forces. All of these are under the strong leadership of the Party, Central Military Commission and President Xi and guided by President Xi's thinking on strengthening the military.

The national defense and military reform is based on the systematic design of three major issues. First, reforming the leadership and command system and removing institutional barriers. Second, supporting reforms in force structure and composition and solving structural problems. Third, deepening reform of military policies and institutions and resolving policy-related problems. We owe our achievements to the leadership of the Party Central Committee, the Central Military Commission and the guidance of President Xi Jinping on the national defense and military reform, and to the concerted efforts of the Party, the military, and all the people in China. The PLA has dismantled the long-established systems of general departments, military area commands and the force composition with a dominating land force, and established a new pattern of the CMC exercising overall leadership, the TCs responsible for military operations and the services focusing on developing capabilities.

Your second question is about the reform of policies and institutions. The reform of military policies and institutions is a major part and solid guarantee for deepening the national defense and military reform. It involves all areas, all aspects, and all parts of the military practice, and is more systemic, comprehensive, and balanced. One of the characteristics of the military policies and institutions reform is to maintain a profound understanding of the implication of policy and system building, and strengthen planning at the top level and adopt a holistic approach in doing so. We should comprehensively advance the military policies and institutions reform, striding forward along the path to build a stronger military and fully transform the people's armed forces into world-class forces. We should launch our reform in the fields of command, construction, management and inspection. We should develop a socialist military institution with Chinese characteristics. We should focus on reform measures from four aspects: strengthening Party building in the military, improving policies and institutions for military force employment, reformulating policies and institutions and reforming the policies and institutions for military management. All of these measures have a clear, comprehensive and balanced guide for their reform, which is catered for national and military conditions and is suited for the new era, new mission and new system.

According to the plan of the policy and institutional reform, by 2020, reform of the main structures of all systems and areas will be completed, and the basic framework of the socialist military policy and institution with Chinese characteristics will be established. By 2022, we will further improve the coordinated policies and establish the system of socialist military policy and institution with Chinese characteristics. Since the CMC held its working group meeting on policy and institutional reform last year, all departments and units in the military have taken their responsibilities to mull over plans in different systems and areas, with steady progress in military policy and institutional reform. We also actively responded to the urgent demands of the military reform and carried out a series of reform measures with respect to Party building in the military, improving the wellbeing of service personnel, the joint operations commands and conducting supervision on military training. We have already put all 27 policies into practice in the first half of the year. Related information has been released by the media, which you can refer to.

All these policies played an important role in deepening reform, uniting the military and responding to the concerns of officers and soldiers, which were highly commended by the military.


We have noted that, in the white paper's view, protecting national interests abroad is one of the important strategic missions for the People's Liberation Army (PLA), meaning the army will be involved more frequently in overseas military actions. Therefore, my question to our spokespersons is whether the actions will disturb PLA's path leading to peaceful development? Thank you.

Wu Qian:

Please allow me to answer your question. My short response is they do not contradict each other at all. While going abroad, the PLA can, on one hand, better implement the missions required in the new era to protect China's overseas interests; and on the other hand, provide more public security goods to meet the general expectations of the international community. Be they peacekeeping missions, navigation escorts on the high seas or humanitarian aid, there are sufficient examples mentioned in the white paper. The socialist system of China, the strategic decision to follow the path of peaceful development, the independent foreign policy of peace, and the best of our cultural traditions – considering peace and harmony as fundamentals – determine that China will pursue a national defense policy defensive in nature. It will never seek hegemony, expansion and establishment of spheres of influence. The promise reflects the distinctive feature of China's national defense in the new era. In other words, what the PLA brings to the world while going abroad are neither threats nor challenges, but stability and opportunities for promoting peace. Thank you.

Phoenix Satellite TV:

As has been mentioned, this is the first comprehensive white paper issued since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC). After a simple comparison with previous white papers, I find relatively large changes in the evaluation of the security situation, especially in the area of risks from the aspect of national security. It very clearly states that the situation regarding the "fight against separatists is becoming more acute". This was only briefly mentioned in the past and it was never explicitly stated from where the security threats came. This time it is different and the use of the term "more acute" is also different. So, can you please tell us what considerations went into making these changes? Thank you.

Wu Qian:

When the white paper talks about the fight against separatists being "more acute ", it is based on only one thing, and that is the fact. As you can see, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) stubbornly sticks to "Taiwan independence" since it came to power, refuses to recognize the 1992 Consensus, and promotes a gradual independence within the island. By seeking the help of foreign powers to intervene, they have gone further down the path of separatism. This is a fact that is obvious to all. The signal we want to convey through the white paper is very clear and straightforward: seeking "Taiwan independence" would go nowhere, and China will not allow the loss of a single inch of its sovereign territory. We want to do our utmost to strive for the prospect of peaceful reunification, and will never allow the secession of any part of its territory by anyone, any organization or any political party by any means at any time.


As we know, President Xi Jinping has attached vital importance to raise political awareness in the military, which is also seen as a fundamental task for our armed forces. Could you give us an introduction on raising political awareness in the military after the CPC's 18th National Congress?

Pan Qinghua:

Thanks for your question. Political work is the lifeline of the PLA, as well as its most prominent characteristic and greatest strength. Since the Party's 18th National Congress, in order to achieve the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation and the goal of developing world-class forces in an all-round way, we have made great efforts to reinforce and improve political work and catalyzed innovative development. China's armed forces unswervingly take Xi Jinping's thinking on strengthening the military as the guidance, firmly uphold Xi Jinping's position as the core of the CPC Central Committee and the whole Party, firmly uphold the authority of the Central Committee and its centralized and unified leadership, and follow the CMC Chairman responsibility system, in an effort to further strengthen the consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core and keep in alignment.

It is reflected in the following three aspects: First, focusing on some prominent problems in the past, "The Decision on Issues Concerning the Army's Political Work Under New Circumstances" was adopted. Efforts to this end include promoting the ideals, values and principles of the Party, establishing new political standards for military personnel, and fostering a culture that values political work ethics. Second, a meeting on Party building of the Central Military Commission was held, so as to enhance its political and theoretical buildup, consolidate organizations, improve conduct, and enforce discipline in the new era. Third, to meet the objective of building a strong military for a new era, great efforts are being made to cultivate officers and soldiers of the new era with faith, ability, courage and integrity, and build troops with iron-like faith, conviction, discipline and commitment.

Global Times:

According to foreign media reports, Qian Weiping, the former vice head of the Equipment Development Department under the Central Military Commission (CMC) was arrested for alleged spying allegation. What is your comment on these reports?

Wu Qian:

I can tell you categorically that the spying allegation is false. As far as I know, Qian is now under investigation by the CMC's Discipline Inspection Commission for severe disciplinary violations and work-related crimes.

Wenhui Po:

I noticed that the Fifth Chapter of the White Paper covers China's defense expenditure. At the conclusion on Page 42, it states: "There is still a wide gap between China's defense expenditure and the requirements for safeguarding national sovereignty, security and development interests, for fulfilling China's international responsibilities and obligations as a major country, and for China's development." Can you elaborate on this? Thank you.

Wang Taiguo:

In the new era, to meet the strategic demands of national security and development, the armed forces are required to firmly implement the missions and tasks entrusted by the CPC and the Chinese people. They are endeavoring to provide strategic support for consolidating the leadership of the CPC and the socialist system, safeguarding national sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, protecting China's overseas interests, and promoting world peace and development.

However, as the only major country yet to be completely reunified, and one of the countries with the most complex peripheral security environment, China faces serious challenges in safeguarding national sovereignty, territorial integrity, and maritime rights and interests.

Nowadays, with increasing global issues and challenges, as well as the development of China and its armed forces, the international community has higher expectations in regard to the international public security goods provided by the Chinese military. Therefore, our armed forces will spend more in fulfilling their international responsibilities and obligations as well as in participating in peacekeeping operations, vessel protection operations and disaster relief. 

At the same time, the armed forces are moving towards coping with the demands of the current informationization era, and shouldering arduous tasks in adapting to trends in worldwide RMA (Revolution in Military Affairs) and speeding up RMA with Chinese characteristics.

Therefore, there is still a wide gap between China's defense expenditure and the requirements for safeguarding national sovereignty, security and development interests, fulfilling our international responsibilities and obligations as a major country, and for the overall development of the country. China's defense expenditure will keep step with national economic development and maintain moderate and steady growth.

The China Times:

Page 15 of the white paper mentioned "sailing ships and flying aircraft around Taiwan." We know that we are six months away from the 2020 leadership election in Taiwan next year. During that time, will the PLA increase the frequency of warships and aircraft sailing around the island? Some opinions in Taiwan believe that the greater the movement of the People's Liberation Army, the more it will mean that the mainland will suppress and threaten Taiwan -- which will help the Democratic Progressive Party candidates gain popularity in their elections. What is your comment on that? In addition, the mainland's Ministry of National Defense recently put out news during Tsai Ing-wen's foreign visits, saying that the PLA held a routine military exercise on the southeast coast. The Global Times also quoted sources familiar with the matter and said that five military service branches were involved in the joint exercise, which would form a deterrent force for Taiwan. Please tell us about the exercise.

Wu Qian:

Indeed, as you said, many references about Taiwan in the white paper show that the Taiwan issue is of vital importance to China's core interests. We believe that the mainland and Taiwan share natural kinship, and that blood is thicker than the water. We are willing to strive for the prospect of peaceful reunification with the utmost sincerity and best efforts. However, we must resolutely point out that engaging in "Taiwan independence" is a dead end. If anyone dares to try to separate Taiwan from China, the Chinese army will certainly not hesitate to fight and resolutely defend the sovereign and territorial integrity of the country.

Regarding the second question about the exercise on the southeast coast, the Ministry of National Defense has released information on this issue, and I have nothing to add here.

China News Service:

The white paper mentions that the strategic guidance for China's national defense in the new era is to implement the military strategic guideline for a new era. Could you further introduce the strategic guideline? Thank you.

Cai Zhijun:

Thank you for your question. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the PLA has inherited the strategic concept and tradition of active defense and made eight major adjustments to the military strategic guideline, on average once every eight to ten years. Every adjustment was made in accordance with three principles: first, the strategic concept and military policies of the CPC are the fundamental guidance for formulating and adjusting military strategy; second, the profound changes of the international strategic landscape and its impact on national security environment are the objective reference; and third, the profound changes in military regard resulted from scientific and technological progress, especially the evolving form of war, are the motivation. 

The military strategic guideline for a new era is an important decision made by President Xi Jinping after tapping into the prevailing trend of development, with an overall vision on national security and innovation on military strategic guidance. The guideline is introduced in the following contexts: 

First, the Party's new theories have been constantly enriched and developed. The 19th CPC National Congress established Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and Xi Jinping's thinking on strengthening the military as the guiding ideology of the Party and the military, requiring us to advance with the times and innovate the strategic guidance.

Second, there are new strategic goals for national development. The 19th CPC National Congress mapped out the new "three-step" development blueprint, which entrusts the military with missions and tasks for the new era, and put forward the ambitious goal of transforming our people's armed forces into world-class forces in all respects, which demands the strategic guidance to meet the requirements of building a strong country with a strong military.

Third, the international strategic landscape has undergone profound and complicated changes. We live in a world of profound changes unseen in a century, where uncertainties unseen in a century inevitably exist. Increasing risks and challenges, both predictable and unpredictable, require the strategic guidance to better respond to national security and development demands. 

Fourth, reforms of the armed forces have realized a historic and revolutionary restructuring. Adhering to the general principle of "the CMC exercising overall leadership, the TCs responsible for military operations and the services focusing on developing capabilities," we established five theater commands, new services and units. This has put forward new requirements for the strategic guidance in regard to the building and employment of military forces.

By implementing the military strategic guideline for a new era, China will remain committed to peaceful development and pursue a defensive national defense policy, never seeking hegemony, expansion or spheres of influence, sticking to the strategic concept of active defense and continuing to strengthen the military in the Chinese way. The guideline fully put into effect the guiding principles of the 19th CPC National Congress as well as Xi Jinping's thinking on strengthening the military. As a guideline for the building and employment of military forces in the new era, it bears four historic missions:

First, it has established the fundamental guidance for military strategy. It established Xi Jinping's thinking on strengthening the military as the military strategic guidance for a new era, and fully implements it as faith and principle.

Second, it is subordinate to and in the service of national development. Focusing on effectively fulfilling the military's tasks and missions in the new era, it, through in-depth study, gives answers to a string of major strategic issues concerning the critical juncture of China's development. 

Third, it has enhanced the holistic planning of the military strategy. It takes a political and comprehensive perspective, basing in the present while looking ahead to the development, seizing the strategic key point, so as to innovate the strategic guidance. 

Fourth, it has stressed the focus on enhancing military preparedness and combat capabilities. It has prompted all work serving the aim of strengthening military preparedness and enhancing combat capabilities and made significant achievements in this regard. Thank you.

Hu Kaihong:

The last two questions please, due to time considerations.

New York Times:

In the white paper you refer to, seeking partnerships rather than alliances, and you already mentioned the joint patrol yesterday with Russia. Do you anticipate more or deepening operations with Russia or any other countries? And related to that, there were reports this week of China seeking a basing arrangement with its neighbor forces in Cambodia, do you also see and anticipate additional efforts to establish operating bases or arrangements with other countries in other parts of world? Thank you very much.

Wu Qian:

Your questions comprise several specific points, to which I'll respond one by one.

First, it concerns foreign military relations. China actively develops constructive relationships with foreign military forces. A new configuration of foreign military relationships that is all-dimensional, wide-ranging and multi-tiered is taking shape. However, what we are engaged in are dialogues rather than confrontations, and partnerships rather than alliances. Regarding your questions about whether China and Russia will continue to hold joint aerial patrol, this will depend on the negotiations and decisions reached between the two sides on pragmatic cooperative programs. As we all know, the military relationship between China and Russia, following the epochal bilateral ties, is entering a new era. Under the strategic blueprint charted by the two State leaders, the bilateral military relationship is expected to achieve historical peaks one after another. The two countries will support each other's core interests, improve cooperative institutions on multi-tiered levels and expand cooperation in high-level exchanges, strategic partnership, military training, equipment technology and counter-terrorism. In doing so, we are positively acting to fulfill our duties to safeguard global peace and strategic stability.

In addition, you asked about the so-called military base arrangement in Cambodia. Our relevant administrations have already clearly stated that this is nothing but rumors. Although the two countries have maintained good cooperation through exchanges in military exercises, personnel training, logistical services and equipment development, our partnership targets no third party.

Hu Kaihong:

The last question.

Now TV (Hong Kong):

There have been so many conflicts and demonstrations in Hong Kong recently. How did the Ministry of National Defense evaluate and judge the situation there? Also, do you feel that some "Hong Kong independence" forces are also on the rise, and, if so, how will the Ministry of National Defense handle this?

Wu Qian:

In recent weeks, we have closely followed development of the situation in Hong Kong, especially the demonstrations and violent incidents on July 21, as well as the incident in which radical demonstrators violently besieged and stormed the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR. The Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council has already responded to this. The behaviors of some radical demonstrators have blatantly challenged the authority of the central government and touched the bottom line of the principle of "one country, two systems." Such behaviors are absolutely intolerable. "The Pearl of the Orient", Hong Kong, is not to be tarnished. Regarding the specific question you raised, the answer is that Article 14 of Chapter 3 of the HKSAR Garrison Law of the People's Republic of China has specific provisions in this regard.

Hu Kaihong:

This concludes the press conference today. Thank you all.

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