ㄑ Press Room

SCIO briefing on China's economy in H1

A press conference was held on Monday morning to introduce China's national economic performance during the first half of this year.  July 16, 2019

Hong Kong Commercial Broadcasting:

As we can see, the second quarter produced the lowest growth in 27 years. After the trade negotiation between Beijing and Washington resumes, do you think economic growth will continue to fall to a new low or can it recover in the second half of the year? Thanks.

Mao Shengyong:

As I said, China's economic growth reached 6.3 percent in the first half of the year, which does indeed represent a comparative slowdown in contrast with the past. However, if the increasingly harsh and complicated internal and external environments are considered as the backdrop, the speed remains high, particularly compared to other major economies in the world. 

So, judging from this angle, we should adopt a broader vision to comprehend the current growth speed. Using a new development concept, we have to look beyond growth speed in dealing with the economy. On the one hand, the economy is operating in a stable manner within a rational range. On the other hand, more energy is being expended on restructuring the economy and upgrading various industries. We cannot compromise our policies just for the sake of maintaining a certain growth speed. So, it is fair to say the current growth involves solidity, quality and sustainability, and is in line with the requirements of the new development concept. Therefore, its gold content is comparatively high. This is the first point.

Secondly, world economic growth, including international trade, has slowed down to some extent. Against this backdrop, in the first half of the year, although China's economic growth slightly decelerated, it still operated in a stable form within a rational range. And this is not so easy to come by.

The indicators of employment, commodity prices, incomes and protection of the ecology and environment all performed well. This indicates that, in order to respond to the changes in the external environment, we need to pay more attention to maintaining strategic concentration, and focusing on managing our own business well. For instance, we should focus more on reform and innovation, and constantly upgrading the wide range of our industries. We should further expand opening-up at a high level. We should take the initiative to lower import tariffs. Last year, the overall tariff level was lowered to 7.5%, and there will be a further cut this year. We need to further optimize the business environment, reduce the negative list, and promote stable development of foreign investment and foreign trade. Thanks.

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