ㄑ Press Room

SCIO briefing on Guangdong province's development

Around China
A press conference was held Monday to introduce Guangdong province's reform, opening up and innovation-driven development.  June 4, 2019

Ma Xingrui:

The world we live in today has been undergoing tremendous changes which are unseen in the past century, and the global economic order is facing unprecedented challenges. Guangdong will fully implement all major policies and plans made by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, uniting as one, and continuously focusing on managing China's own affairs well to prepare for any difficulties and challenges. With the strong leadership of Comrade Xi Jinping and the Central Committee of the CPC; the solid foundation established since the PRC was founded 70 years ago and the reform and opening up that was initiated 40 years ago, especially since the 18th CPC National Congress; as well as the capability and experience of market entities and with the united effort of the whole nation, we are fully confident in dealing with the various challenges and risks.

Last October, General Secretary Xi Jinping made major policy speeches during his visit to Guangdong province, giving important instructions in four aspects including pursuing deeper reform and greater opening up, promoting high-quality development, encouraging a balanced and coordinated form of development, and strengthening the leading role of the CPC and Party building. Guangdong province has fully implemented and made further progress in the "1+1+9" Plan, in which the two "ones" refer to the political guarantee of strengthening the leading role of CPC and Party building, and the driving force from pursuing deeper reform and greater opening up. The "nine" in the Plan refers to nine key missions, which are the following -- promoting the construction of the Guangdong-Hongkong-Macao Greater Bay Area; implementing the strategy of innovation-driven development; promoting high-quality development; building a modern economic system; laying a good foundation for the "three critical battles" against potential risks, poverty and pollution; implementing a rural revitalization strategy; improving the regional development plan of "One Core, One Belt, and One Region ( improve the economic structure of the Pearl River Delta as the core of the area; to foster new sources of growth in east and west Guangdong province which form a costal economic belt with cities along the Pearl River Delta; and to turn the mountainous region in north Guangdong province into an ecological zone.)"; developing a culturally prosperous province; and establishing a social governance model based on collaboration, participation and common interests. General Secretary Xi Jinping has instructed us to continue to be consistent in our efforts and stressed the significance of the tangible outcomes from these projects. General Secretary Xi Jinping has also noted that Guangdong province is an important window, not only for China to showcase to the world the achievements of our reform and opening up, but also for the international society to observe the process of our endeavor. The crucial status has placed Guangdong province under the spotlight, especially in the following aspects:

First, we take the building of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area as the guiding principle for Guangdong's reform and opening up in the new era, and will dedicate all of our province's strength to work on it.

We join hands with Hong Kong and Macao to build a world-class city cluster and an international-level bay area, promote the joint pursuit of the Belt and Road Initiative, and bolster the leading role of Guangdong to create a new pattern of high-level comprehensive opening up to the outside world. We place top priority on our work to promote the consistency of rules and regulations among the three places. Under the principle of "one country, two systems," we enact flexible measures in line with local conditions, align our business environment with a high-standard of international economic and trade rules, and promote the smooth flow of people, goods, funds and information between the Greater Bay Area. It can be said that Guangdong in the Greater Bay Area is worth looking forward to.

Second, we focus on promoting innovation-driven development.

We resolutely and calmly respond to challenges and tests of any kind, and we have strengthened our capacity for self-reliance and independent innovation. While aiming to increase core competitiveness, core technologies for key fields and basic research, we will invest more in scientific and technological innovation, and concentrate our efforts to improve the regional technological innovation system with enterprises playing a leading role. At the same time, we will speed up the adjustment of industrial structures and promote the transition of Guangdong from a manufacturing-orientated to an innovative province with high-quality development. It can be said that a Guangdong province with high quality development is worth looking forward to.

Third, we pursue a more balanced form of development across the regions as well as the rural and urban areas.

We will vigorously implement the strategy for rural revitalization, make good strides in the battle against poverty, and pursue coordinated development of Pearl River Delta region, coastal economic belt and mountainous area of North Guangdong.. We will show even greater resolve, make greater efforts, and take more practical measures to support the revitalization of the old revolutionary base areas and the development of areas with concentrations of ethnic minorities. According to the provincial financial plan, in 10 years and over different phases, we will invest 160 billion yuan to strengthen the weak links in rural infrastructure and basic public services, and speed up the improvement of rural life. It can be said that a Guangdong province with coordinated development is worth looking forward to.

Fourth, we pursue the balanced development and mutual reinforcement of material and cultural and ethical progress. 

We have launched activities to enhance cultural and ethical progress in the new era, and promote the building of the system of public cultural services. For example, we will promote the innovative development of the traditional Lingnan culture (a prominent culture in South China), based on the approach of respecting others' cultural characteristics while pursuing their own so as to progress together as the Chinese nation. It can be said that a Guangdong province with cultural prosperity is worth looking forward to as well.

Fifth, we will unswervingly advance the construction of an ecological civilization. We will implement China's new concept for development in an all-encompassing way and put into practice General Secretary Xi Jinping's instruction that "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets." We will adopt a holistic approach to conservation programs aimed at protecting our mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes, and grasslands, and apply the most stringent rule of law in this process. We will put in place key measures of protecting the environment, conserving energy, reducing emissions, promoting green development, pursuing a low-carbon and circular economy, and advancing ecological civilization. Our goal is to make Guangdong province a homeland with beautiful mountains, waters and nostalgic memories. An ecologically beautiful Guangdong is worth looking forward to. 

Sixth, we will create a social governance model based on collaboration, participation, and common interests. We will implement the general plan of the rule of law and further make Guangdong a place that is safe and based on the rule of law. We will strengthen social governance and make our business environment more internationalized, convenient and based on the rule of law. We aim to make Guangdong one of China's safest and most stable, fair, and just areas. We will continue to increase the people's sense of gain, happiness and security. A safer and more harmonious Guangdong is worth looking forward to.

On our new journey in the new era, Guangdong will hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, rally even closer around the Central Committee with Xi Jinping at its core, follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and fully implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's speeches and instructions on Guangdong. We will remain true to our original aspirations and keep our mission firmly in mind. We will continue our hard work, forge ahead, and write a new chapter in the new era of Guangdong's reform and opening up. We will strive to meet the requirement for Guangdong to become a national leader in four areas – establish institutions favorable for high-quality economic development, build a modern economic system, break new ground in pursuing the opening up on all fronts, and create a social governance model based on collaboration, participation, and common interests. Guangdong will also serve as two important windows – a window to showcase China's achievements in its reform and opening-up to the world and a window for the international community to observe China's reform and opening-up. By doing this, we will make our contributions to helping realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.

Thank you again, friends from the press. Thank you for attending today's press conference. Now my colleagues and I will begin to take your questions.

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