ㄑ Press Room

SCIO briefing on China's efforts to protect intellectual property

The State Council Information Office of China (SCIO) holds a press conference on China's efforts in intellectual property protection on April 28, 2019.  April 29, 2019

People's Daily:

Mr. Shen, the Outline of National Intellectual Property Strategy released in 2008 might expire in 2020. So what are our next steps? Thanks. 

Shen Changyu:

Thank you for your question. I believe you are an expert in the field of intellectual property, especially in that you know IP strategy very well. In 2008, China issued the Outline of National Intellectual Property Strategy, which is the first strategy outline in its field. Since its implementation ten years ago, China's IP industry has achieved rapid growth and great results, showcasing the plan's leading role.

Last year, we completed a thorough review of the strategy's implementation. It revealed that the major goals and tasks designed for the year 2020 will be realized successfully, and some of them have already been met. A report of this review was published a few days ago, and provides a systematic display of the achievements made by implementing the strategy outline over the past 10 years. Generally speaking, progress was made in the following aspects:

First, the creation of IPR has been advanced in both quantity and quality, making China a major IPR country. Second, IPR protection has been strengthened and the environment for business and innovation has improved, leading to a steady increase in social satisfaction with IPR protection. Third, the utilization of IPRs has produced a powerful effect, offering a strong impetus for economic development. Fourth, a model of IP management based on China's national conditions has been established, and the performance of regulations and capacity of public services have seen a continual increase. In terms of international IPR cooperation, China has remained a strong defender, major participant and active builder of international trade rules. In addition, since the Outline of the National Intellectual Property Strategy was issued in 2008, public awareness of IPR protection has significantly improved. We have made considerable progress.

To ensure the continuity of the strategy's implementation, to ensure this strategy can keep playing a leading role, and guided by the "two-step" strategy adopted at the 19th National Congress of the CPC and the related policies developed by the State Council, we are working hard to formulate the Outline of the National Intellectual Property Strategy for 2035. We are trying our best to make our country more robust on intellectual property rights, and ensure the continuous implementation of the strategies on intellectual property. The first draft of the outline will be finished at the end of the year and we welcome the participation, support and attention from all parts of society till then. Thank you.

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