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SCIO briefing on democratic reform in Tibet

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The State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China (SCIO) held a press conference on Wednesday morning to present a white paper titled "Democratic Reform in Tibet - Sixty Years On".  March 28, 2019

Read in Chinese

Norbu Dondrup, a member of the Standing Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Regional Committee of the Communist Party of China and executive vice chairman of the regional government;

Dawa, deputy director general of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Tibet Autonomous Regional Committee;

Luo Jie, director general of Ecological Environment Department of the regional government;

Ren Jingdong, deputy director general of the Development and Reform Commission of the Tibet Autonomous Region and head of the Energy Bureau

Hu Kaihong, spokesperson for the State Council Information Office of China

March 27, 2019

The State Council Information Office of China holds a press conference to present a white paper titled "Democratic Reform in Tibet – Sixty Years On" on March 27, 2019. [Photo by Liu Jian/China SCIO]

Hu Kaihong:

Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Welcome to this SCIO briefing. Today, the SCIO will brief the media about our white paper titled "Democratic Reform in Tibet - Sixty Years On". We are delighted to welcome the following attendees to today's briefing: Mr. Norbu Dondrup, a member of the Standing Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Regional Committee of the Communist Party of China and executive vice chairman of the regional government; Mr. Dawa, deputy director general of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Tibet Autonomous Regional Committee; Mr. Luo Jie, director general of Ecological Environment Department of the regional government; and Mr. Ren Jingdong, deputy director general of the Development and Reform Commission of the Tibet Autonomous Region and head of the Energy Bureau.

My name is Hu Kaihong, and I am a spokesperson for the State Council Information Office of China. First of all, I will give you an introduction about the white paper.

The white paper released today implements General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on Tibet, by focusing on people-centered development that is innovation-driven, coordinated, green, oriented toward global progress, and beneficial to all. It is guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the principles of the 19th CPC National Congress.

In order to make Tibet's development full of vigor and vitality, we have made great efforts to boost its economic and social development; safeguard and improve people's livelihood; promote interaction, communication and integration between ethnic groups; as well as strengthen eco-environment protection and construction. 

The White Paper focuses on the backwardness of Tibet's reactionary feudal serfdom in the past, the historical inevitability and significance of democratic reform in Tibet, the progress made through the reform, and the new look that Tibet puts on in the new era of development. With sufficient facts and a significant amount of data, the White Paper expounds that the democratic reform has been a magnificent revolution in Tibet's history with its great significance and far-reaching influence. The reform fundamentally transformed the social system of Tibet; emancipated and expanded the productive forces, and greatly promoted the overall progress of Tibetan society. It carries great significance in the history of the development of human society. 

The White Paper points out that the 60 years of great progress in Tibet bears testament to the fact that the reform conforms to the developmental path of the time, satisfies the essential needs of the different ethnic groups of Tibet, and is in line with the demands of Tibet's social development. This is an inevitability in Tibet's history of development. If the reform hadn't taken place, Tibet would not have been able to make the historic changes in its society and adapt to the developments of the time. Its residents also would not have been able to live happy lives and have their rights fully protected. 

Democratic reform is a heroic undertaking that has benefited Tibet's different ethnic groups. Through the reform, the people of all ethnic groups in Tibet have become the masters of the country. Deeply rooted in the hearts of the people is their dedication to unswervingly upholding the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the socialist path of development, and the system of regional autonomy for ethnic minorities. Now, under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the people of all ethnic groups in Tibet are striving, together with the whole nation, to create better lives for themselves and to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The mission to promote socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era has been launched and the future of Tibet will grow ever brighter. 

The full text of the white paper is about 25,000 words. It consists of three parts: preface, body and concluding remarks. It has been published in Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish and Arabic by the People's Publishing House and Foreign Languages Press. It will be issued across the country by the Xinhua Bookstore.

Now I have briefly introduced the contents, I will give the floor to Mr. Norbu Dondrup to discuss the situation in Tibet since the democratic reform. 

Norbu Dondrup:

Ladies and gentlemen, journalists and friends, good morning. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. It is also the 60th anniversary of the democratic reform in Tibet. Before 1959, Tibet was a feudal serfdom society that was darker and backward than the European Middle Ages. In 1951, the Central People's Government and the local government of Tibet signed the "Agreement on the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet" (referred to as the 17-Article Agreement). Since then, Tibet has shaken off the fetters of imperialist aggression, achieved peaceful liberation, and created a basic premise to achieve common progress and development with other parts of the country.

However, with the support of the imperialist forces, some of Tibet's ruling elite ignored the people's rising demand for democratic reforms. They stubbornly opposed reform and attempted to maintain feudal serfdom and the unity of politics and religion forever.

On March 10, 1959, they publicly tore up the 17-Article Agreement and instigated a full-scale armed rebellion. In order to uphold national unity and safeguard the fundamental interests of Tibetan people, Chairman Mao Zedong and the CPC central committee, led the Tibetan people to put down the armed rebellion. On March 28, 1959, Premier Zhou Enlai signed an order to dissolve the local government of Tibet, ending the dark history of the feudal serf system and the integration of politics and religion in Tibet. 

Under the leadership of the Party, millions of serfs carried out vigorous democratic reforms; and eliminated the political, economic, cultural and social systems that protected the interests of their feudal serf owners. Having shaken off the shackles of being oppressed, exploited and enslaved, the feudal serfs were utterly liberated, becoming masters of their country and their society, and critically, masters of their own destiny. Tibet's democratic reform is the most extensive, profound and greatest social change in the history of Tibet's development. It is an epoch-making and significant historical event for the development of Tibet's society and human rights. It is also of great significance in the history of human civilization and the history of human rights in the world.

We hold grand ceremonies to mark the democratic reform in Tibet, which is a magnificent feat in the history of human civilization. It is of great significance for us to deeply implement the Party's policies on Tibet and put into practice Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era; particularly the principles from General Secretary Xi Jinping's major expositions on governing border areas and stabilizing Tibet as well as a series of major instructions on work in Tibet. It is also of great significance to encourage government officials and the people of all ethnic groups in Tibet to push forward Tibet's rapid development and long-term stability, and thus write a good Tibetan chapter in realizing the Chinese dream of great national rejuvenation.

In 2009, the Second Session of the Ninth National People's Congress of the Tibet Autonomous Region decided to set March 28th as the "Serfs Emancipation Day". The Serfs Emancipation Day was set up to let the Chinese people of all ethnic groups, including the Tibetan people, remember more firmly the great historical event of democratic reform in Tibet, which marks the watershed between the old and new societies; see more clearly the cruelty and darkness of old Tibetan feudal serfdom; see more clearly the reactionary nature of the Dalai Lama clique; cherish more consciously today's hard-earned happy life in Tibet; and work harder to create a beautiful future for new socialist Tibet.

Tomorrow, the Tibet Autonomous Region will have a series of commemorative celebrations. To mark this important day and event, the State Council Information Office today has issued a white paper titled "Democratic Reform in Tibet: Sixty Years On." It is the 14th book on Tibet published by the State Council Information Office.

Using a large amount of historical materials and comparisons between the old and new societies, the white paper exposes the extreme darkness, cruelty and backwardness of the old Tibetan feudal serfdom; reveals the historical inevitability and great significance of the democratic reform in Tibet; and demonstrates the magnificent achievements in Tibet where productive forces have been unleashed and the people have become the masters of their own affairs. It reflects the historical progress of Tibet's political, economic and social development, ecological conservation, freedom of religious belief, and the equality and solidarity among all ethnic groups over the past 60 years.

With irrefutable facts, the white paper once again proves that the past 60 years of democratic reform in Tibet have witnessed the great victory of the Party's ethnic policy; the successful practice of the regional ethnic autonomy in China; and that the Tibetan people feel grateful to the Party and follow the Party.

The publication of the white paper fully reflects that the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core places enormous importance on Tibet and all ethnic groups in the region. It fully reflects the common aspirations of the people of all ethnic groups in Tibet to cherish the Chinese dream and strive for a new era.

Here, on behalf of the CPC Tibet Autonomous Regional Committee, the People's Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region, and the more than 3 million people of all ethnic groups in the region, I would like to express our firm and loyal support to the central government's decisions.

As we all know, serfs and slaves, who made up 95 percent of the total population in old Tibet, were completely deprived of their personal freedom and political rights. With the abolition of feudal serfdom during the democratic reform, the Tibetan people, like the Chinese people of other ethnic groups, became masters of their own country and society, gained the right to participate equally in managing state affairs, took control of managing social affairs in Tibet and their own destiny, and are able to create and enjoy the material and cultural wealth in Tibetan society. People of all ethnic groups in Tibet and other Chinese people live in harmony, and are working to create a wonderful new life together. In the span of a few decades, Tibet went through the democratic reform, the founding of the Tibet Autonomous Region, reform and opening up and other important stages of development. Under the strong leadership of the CPC, Tibet has achieved historic leaps in economic and social development, following the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Since the 18th CPC National Congress in particular, government officials and the general public of all ethnic groups have rallied closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, and held high the banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics. They have earnestly studied and fully implemented Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and the guiding principles from the 18th and 19th CPC national congresses, as well as the Sixth Central Conference on Tibet, and put into practice General Secretary Xi Jinping's major expositions on governing border areas and stabilizing Tibet, as well as his guiding principles on the work in Tibet. They strive with gratitude and help each other on the way, breaking new ground featuring significant development and long-term stability. At present, Tibet sees the CPC leadership strengthened in all respects, with accelerated economic and social development, greatly improved livelihoods of the people and substantially enhanced capacity in public services. Tibet also boasts a good ecological environment, a stable society, united ethnic groups, harmonious religions and consolidated border areas. People of all ethnic groups show increasing support to the CPC and love to the great motherland, and increasingly cherish their hard-won happy lives, ethnic unity and social harmony. The longing for stability there is stronger than ever before.

The brilliant achievements of democratic reform in Tibet in the past 60 years, especially the historic achievements and changes made since the 18th CPC National Congress, fully demonstrate the unrivaled superiority of the socialist system, the unrivaled warmth of the great motherland and the unrivaled correctness of the CPC's strategy for governing Tibet. Feudal serfdom in Tibet already passed into history, and a new Tibet has been unveiled to the world, with its people now working together with the Chinese people of other ethnic groups to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects and to enjoy a modern life for all people. All these achievements are the result of the strong leadership and kind care of the CPC Central Committee, the strong support of the government departments, ministries and commissions, as well as support from provinces and municipalities, central enterprises and people across the country, plus the joint efforts of CPC organizations at all levels, CPC members, and people of all ethnic groups in Tibet.

We firmly believe that as long as we adhere unswervingly to the leadership of the CPC, follow the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, uphold the system of regional ethnic autonomy, and implement the CPC's strategy for governing Tibet and General Secretary Xi Jinping's major expositions on governing border areas and stabilizing Tibet, the future of Tibet will be even brighter. Now, the floor is open to questions.

Hu Kaihong:

Thank you, Mr. Norbu Dondrup. Now, the floor is open to questions. Please identify your media organizations before asking questions.

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