ㄑ Press Room

SCIO briefing on development of Belt and Road Initiative

Belt & Road
A press conference was held Monday on the development of the Belt and Road Initiative.  August 29, 2018

Read in Chinese


Ning Jizhe, vice director of the Office of the Leading Group for the Belt and Road Initiative, deputy head of the National Development and Reform Commission, head of the National Bureau of Statistics

Qian Keming, vice minister of commerce

Zhang Jun, assistant minister of foreign affairs


Hu Kaihong, spokesperson for the State Council Information Office of China


Aug. 27, 2018

Hu Kaihong:

Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. Welcome to this press conference. This year marks the fifth anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping. 

Today, we are delighted to invite Mr. Ning Jizhe, vice director of the Office of the Leading Group for the Belt and Road Initiative, deputy head of the National Development and Reform Commission and head of the National Bureau of Statistics, Mr. Qian Keming, vice minister of commerce, and Mr. Zhang Jun, assistant minister of foreign affairs to brief us on the progress made under the Belt and Road Initiative over the past five years and its outlook in the future.

Now, Mr. Ning Jizhe will give you a brief introduction.

Ning Jizhe:

Thank you all. This morning, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, attended the symposium on the fifth anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative, and delivered an important speech.

Over the past five years, the initiative has witnessed a warm welcome and active participation in countries all over the world. Much headway has been made in the construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, as the Belt and Road Initiative has developed from a proposal and vision, into concrete activities.

First, enhancing strategic mutual trust and building international consensus. The Belt and Road Initiative and the principle of seeking shared benefits through extensive consultation and joint contribution have been included into many documents of international organizations like the United Nations. So far, 103 countries and international organizations have signed 118 cooperation agreements with China under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative. 

In 2017, the first session of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation was held successfully in Beijing. State and government heads of 29 countries, as well as more than 1,600 representatives of over 140 countries and over 80 international organizations participated in the event. Of the 279 items on the forum's outcome list, 265 items, or 95 percent of the total, have been completed or have become routine works, while great efforts have been made to accelerate the implementation of the remaining items.

Second, actively implementing cooperation projects to create demonstration effects. Solid progress has been made in a batch of cooperation projects, such as the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, China-Laos railway, China-Thailand railway, Hungarian-Serbian railway, Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway, and Gwadar Port Free Zone. As of Aug. 26, 10,000 cargo train journeys have been made on the China-Europe railway lines. The lines connect China with 43 cities in 15 European countries. 

Third, promoting cooperation in the pursuit of win-win results and mutual development. By June 2018, the total volume of trade in goods between China and countries along the Belt and Road had surpassed US$5 trillion, and China's outward direct investment has surpassed US$70 billion. China's total investment in the economic and trade cooperation zones in countries along the Belt and Road has surpassed US$20 billion, creating more than 100,000 local jobs and bringing tax revenue worth billions of dollars to local governments. Currently, Chinese enterprises are exploring ways to work with enterprises from developed countries, including some multinational companies, in third-party markets under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative. 

Fourth, improving service systems and enhancing financial support. China has endorsed the Guiding Principles on Financing the Development of the Belt and Road with 17 countries, greatly boosting the overseas development of Chinese financial institutions. So far, 11 Chinese banks have set up 71 first-class branches overseas. Joint financing services have been developed with several multilateral banks, such as the African Development Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The control of legal risks has been tightened. The mechanisms and institutions to solve international commercial disputes under the framework of Belt and Road Initiative are being established. 

Fifth, intensifying cultural exchange under the principle of openness and inclusiveness. Cooperation has been actively promoted in education, technology, cultural and other fields. Special cooperation plans have been designed in education, technology, finance, energy, agriculture, inspection and quarantine, the connectivity of standards, amid others. The "Silk Road" scholarship, Chinese overseas education institutions and other programs have cultivated many technological and managerial professionals for countries along the Belt and Road. In 2017, more than 300,000 students from these countries studied in China, and more than 60,000 Chinese students studied in these countries. In 2020, it is estimated that China and countries along the Belt and Road will receive more than 85 million tourists from each other, with a total expected consumption value of about US$110 billion.

The development of the Belt and Road Initiative over the past five years has proved that the initiative conforms to the trend of the times and the direction of development, thus winning greater international recognition and more partners, with its influence extending far and wide. However, we should also notice that the global economy is faced with many uncertain and unstable factors. Great changes are taking place in the world. The Belt and Road Initiative is also faced with many risks. A handful of countries remain doubtful about the initiative. Chinese enterprises are also faced with difficulties in overseas investment and development. Therefore, we should have an objective and reasonable understanding of the achievements and problems. We should remain resolved, use development and cooperation to solve problems, improve the safeguard system and international cooperation mechanisms, promote further, deeper development of the Belt and Road Initiative in a stable manner.  

In view of the new situation, the Chinese government will continue to stick to the principle of seeking shared benefits through extensive consultation and joint contribution, stick to the rules of the market economy, and stick to international conventions to promote the high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative with high standards, thus to pursue win-win results through cooperation. 

First, we will enhance overseas coordination, build closer friendships with more countries, and turn the Belt and Road Initiative into an initiative for peace. 

Second, we should promote win-win development, intensify mutually beneficial cooperation, improve connectivity and industry development, and turn the Belt and Road Initiative into an initiative for prosperity. 

Third, we should play the leading role in pursuing open markets, boost the development of trade, improve trade and investment facilitation, and turn the Belt and Road Initiative into an initiative for openness.

Fourth, we should enhance the establishment of various mechanisms, explore more ways of reform, promote cooperation in high-tech sectors, and turn the Belt and Road Initiative into an initiative for innovation.

Fifth, we should improve cultural exchange, enhance friendly communication, build up soft power in the cultural sphere, and turn the Belt and Road Initiative into an initiative for higher civilization.

That's all. Thank you.

Hu Kaihong: 

Now, let's welcome Mr. Qian Keming to give his briefing.

Qian Keming:

Friends from the media, since the Belt and Road Initiative was proposed five years ago, the Ministry of Commerce has firmly carried out the central authorities' decisions and deployment, advanced relevant economic and trade cooperation, and achieved remarkable effects, which are mainly embodied in the following five aspects:

First, the trade volume has increased continuously. We actively promote mutual market opening-up, enhance trade facilitation, optimize trade structure and cultivate new growth points in foreign trade. We make full use of the comprehensive exhibitions' roles as platforms, and actively organized trade promotional activities. In the past five years, China's trade volume with the countries and regions along the Belt and Road exceeded US$5 trillion, up an average 1.1 percent annually. We obtained positive growth of 1.1 percent, while world trade declined and witnessed negative growth. China has become the largest trade partner to 25 countries along the Belt and Road. 

Second, investment cooperation has also deepened. We unceasingly strengthen service guarantees, and encourage Chinese enterprises to invest and develop their businesses in countries along the Belt and Road. In the past five years, China's direct investment in these countries has surpassed US$70 billion, which has increased at an average annual speed of 7.2 percent; the foreign contract amount exceeded US$500 billion, up 19.2 percent annually on average. Meanwhile, we have constantly broadened entry fields for foreign investments, aiming to build a high standard business environment and attract these countries to invest in China.

Third, big projects have taken root. We, together with relevant parties, have prompted the materialization of a batch of big projects in infrastructure construction and industrial capacity cooperation. For instance, the Mombasa-Nairobi Railway and Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway have been completed; the China-Thailand Railway and Hungary-Serbia Railway constructions kicked off; the second phase of the construction of the Hambantota Port was finished; the Gwadar Port in Pakistan re-opened; and the transportation projects of the China-Laos Railway and China-Pakistan Economic Corridor are progressing steadily.

Fourth, the construction of economic and trade zone is steadily advancing. We actively promote the construction of economic and trade cooperation zones with countries along the Belt and Road routes. In the past five years, Chinese enterprises have built 82 such zones, with a total investment of US$28.9 billion, attracting 3,995 enterprises, which have paid US$2.01 billion in taxes to the host countries and created 244,000 jobs for local talent. 

Fifth, the free trade network is continuously expanding. We have accelerated the construction of free trade areas with countries along the Belt and Road, and signed five free trade agreements with 13 countries along the routes. A high-standard free trade network based on neighboring regions, covering the Belt and Road and facing the whole world is in progress. China has signed economic and trade cooperation agreements with the Eurasian Economic Union, and concluded the joint feasibility study of the Eurasian Economic Partnership agreement with Russia. 

It's important to note that China is actively preparing for the China International Import Expo in November, and so far, 138 countries and regions, three international organizations and more than 2,800 enterprises have confirmed their participation in the event.

Hu Kaihong: 

Thank you, Mr. Qian. Now let's invite Mr. Zhang Jun to speak more on the case.

Zhang Jun:

Hi everyone. Just now, Mr. Ning Jizhe and Mr. Qian Keming have already introduced relevant affairs. Now, I'd like to add a bit more information. 

First, looking back on the past five years and the construction of the Belt and Road, we are justifiably feel happy and proud of its achievements. The initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping has carried different peoples' wishes for common development and prosperity, conforms to the practical needs of resolving risks and challenges of the world economy; demonstrates strategic vision of leading and constructing an open world economy, as well as signifies China's constructive role as a responsible country in the world. In the past five years, the initiative has won the hearts of those involved, as well as the wide understanding, recognition, support and participation of the international community, harvesting a bigger circle of friends. Facts show that its construction has come at an opportune time, and is in line with the people's wishes and interests. It has achieved remarkable effects and proved to be the correct path not only for China, but for everyone involved.

Second, five years on, we stand on a new starting point today. We are confident about the prospects of the initiative. Our confidence comes from the correct direction of the initiative. It is in line with the times and trends of peaceful development and win-win cooperation; it upholds the concepts of collective consultation, joint participation, and shared benefits, which complies with the universal wishes of countries around the world to seek coordination and common development. Our confidence comes from the solid foundation of the initiative, which has concepts, proposals, plans, actions and mechanisms, and more importantly the wide support and participation of the international community. The Chinese economy has entered a phase of high-quality growth from its previous phase of high-speed growth. It has a strong driving force, is more open and resilient, and will inject stronger vitality to the initiative's construction.

Third, it takes concerted efforts of all parties to advance the initiative. President Xi has pointed out many times that the initiative stems from China, but belongs to the world. Facing the future, we will uphold the concepts of collective consultation, joint participation and common benefits to further advance the Belt and Road partnership. We will make the people the center, and economic cooperation the main line, focusing on the creation of more development opportunities, so as to bring more blessings to people from home and abroad. We will continue to promote synergy in policies and development plans with various parties and countries so as to achieve interconnected development and realize win-win objectives. We will adhere to opening-up and inclusiveness, welcoming any countries interested in the initiative to take part in it. We do not reject or target any other country. China will host the 2nd International Forum for Belt and Road Cooperation. We welcome all parties to actively take part in it. We will adhere to high quality and high standards, respect different countries' laws, and abide by the widely recognized international standards and market rules. We firmly support multilateralism, and safeguard the multilateral trade system based on the established rules. We are against trade protectionism. We sincerely hope the media can witness very glorious moments of the initiative's construction, tell good stories to the world and highlight the initiative's bright prospects. Thank you all. 

Hu Kaihong:

Now the floor is open. Please identify the media outlet you represent before asking the question.

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