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Jiang Jianguo calls for increased media cooperation

Jiang Jianguo has called for strengthened media cooperation and exchanges between China and Latin America at the China-Latin America Media Forum.
China SCIOUpdated: October 30, 2017

Jiang Jianguo, deputy head of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee and minister of the State Council Information Office of China, has called for strengthened media cooperation and exchanges between China and Latin America at the China-Latin America Media Forum.

The China-Latin America Media Forum hosted by the State Council Information Office of China and Xinhua News Agency is held on Oct. 27 in Beijing. [Photo/Xinhua]

The forum, held on Oct. 27 in Beijing, gathered delegates from 19 major media organizations in 11 countries in Latin America and more than 50 delegates from Chinese media.

The forum focused on the future cooperation between China and Latin America after the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, with the aim of strengthening media cooperation and improving mutual understanding.

During a keynote speech delivered at the opening ceremony of the forum, Jiang Jianguo gave a detailed briefing on important decisions and results made at the 19th CPC National Congress as well as the international significance of the key meeting.

"The coverage of 19th CPC National Congress from Latin American media will help the world have a real and comprehensive understanding about China and the CPC," Jiang said.

He said that the State Council Information Office will provide more assistance to boost the media exchanges between China and Latin America and inject more energy into the development of the relationship between China and Latin America.

"We will strengthen the media exchanges by carrying out China's plan to provide training to 500 media professionals from Latin American and Caribbean countries in the next five years, which was announced by President Xi during his Latin America visit," Jiang said.

Olga Ojeda, director of International News of the Mexican State News Agency (Notimex), said that the media exchange is a key part of the relationship between China and Latin America, and both sides should strengthen media cooperation and seek a bigger voice in the world.