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Harmony without Uniformity

The Academy of Contemporary China and World StudiesUpdated:  August 30, 2024

Harmony without Uniformity

This notion of harmony without uniformity originated in The Analects of Confucius. "The gentleman aims at harmony, and not at uniformity," reads the quote. "The mean man aims at uniformity, and not at harmony." A gentleman is affable with others, but he has his own views when it comes to a particular issue and will not follow others blindly. The opposite is true of the mean man. Harmony without uniformity is considered by Confucius to be a basic principle to guide interpersonal relations. It also epitomizes the ancient Chinese view on diversity and uniformity in the world.

Seeking harmony requires reconciling differences and striking a balance between them and promoting uniformity implies making everything identical. Harmony without uniformity connotes respect for differences and stresses that such differences make the world diverse. Everything has its place and value; things coexist harmoniously to make a diverse whole. This concept shines light on the social values of the Chinese people: They resolve differences based on mutual respect, seek common ground while acknowledging differences, and pursue harmonious coexistence through cooperation.


