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Economic Globalization January 22, 2020

Economic Globalization

In his keynote speech to the opening session of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting on January 17, 2017, Xi Jinping talked about the idea of promoting and charting a sound course for economic globalization. He called on the international community to develop a model of dynamic growth, of open and win-win cooperation, of fair and equitable governance, and of balanced and inclusive development, to gain a keen sense of a community with a shared future for humanity, and to promote global development.

This speech offered an in-depth analysis of the essential nature of economic globalization, while acknowledging the structural problems it creates. Economic globalization has resulted from growing social productivity, and is a natural outcome of scientific and technological progress, he said. It has powered global growth, but is a double- edged sword. Given the pitfalls in the process, the international community should chart the right course for economic globalization.

He proposed that state leaders act proactively and manage economic globalization so as to release its positive impact; work on the basis of existing national conditions and embark on the best course to integrate into economic globalization at the right pace; and strike a balance between efficiency and fairness to ensure that all share in the benefits of economic globalization.

He said, "China's development has provided an opportunity for the world; China has not only benefited from economic globalization but also contributed to it. Rapid growth in China has been a sustained, powerful engine for global economic stability and development." He also welcomed other countries aboard the express train of China's development.

The above points constitute the main part of the vision of economic globalization. It refocused the audience's understanding of the impact of economic globalization, and boosted confidence and proposed a future direction. It also helped the rest of the world gain a full understanding of China's model and philosophy of development, enhance their faith in the Chinese path, and narrow their distance from this country in the East.


2017年1月17日,习近平在世界经济论坛2017年年会开幕式上发表主旨演讲, 畅论要坚定不移地推进经济全球化,引导好经济全球化走向,打造富有活力的增长模式、开放共赢的合作模式、公正合理的治理模式、平衡普惠的发展模式,牢固树立人类命运共同体意识,共同促进全球发展。

此次演讲深刻诠释了经济全球化的客观必然性,同时不回避全球化进程中的结构性难题;明确阐述了经济全球化不仅符合中国自身利益,也符合世界各国的共同利益。他指出,经济全球化是社会生产力发展的客观要求和科技进步的必然结果, 既为世界经济增长提供强劲动力,又是一把“双刃剑”,面对存在的不足应该积极引导其走向;要主动作为、适度管理,更多发挥经济全球化正面效应;要顺应大势、结合国情,正确选择融入经济全球化的路径和节奏;要讲求效率、注重公平,共享经济全球化带来的好处。中国的发展是世界的机遇,中国是经济全球化的受益者, 更是贡献者。中国经济快速增长,为全球经济稳定和增长提供持续强大的推动。中国人民欢迎各国人民搭乘中国发展的“快车”“便车”。上述观点构成了经济全球化观的主要内容。它厘清了人们对全球化效应的认识,坚定了各国对全球化前景的信心,有力引领了全球化发展的正确方向; 同时也为世界认识中国发展模式、把握中国发展理念提供了全面视角,提振了各方对中国道路的信心,拉近了中国同世界的距离。