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SCIO press conference on safeguarding public safety to ensure high-quality development

China.org.cn | November 5, 2023

Nanfang Metropolis Daily:

The recently concluded summer crackdown campaign by the public security departments has indeed garnered significant attention. Can you give an introduction as to its achievements? Will this summer campaign become regular in the future? Thank you.

Qiu Baoli:

I'll take your questions. From June 25 to Sept. 30 this year, the MPS organized a nationwide summer campaign to crack down on illegal and criminal activities of all types and deal with outstanding problems concerning social security. This action, referred to as the "summer campaign," was implemented by all public security forces across the country. All policemen nationwide were dispatched to work on the campaign, taking regular patterns and characteristics of cases often found in summer into consideration. Our primary targets have been outstanding criminal activities and places with serious public security problems. We have concentrated on "two unifications, large campaigns, thorough investigation, and dynamic zeros," which refers to the unification of crackdowns on major cases, unification in public security inspection and publicizing activities during summer nights, promoting large campaigns in accordance with local conditions, thoroughly investigating all individuals and items that need to be investigated, and achieving dynamic zero risks and hidden dangers. By implementing these comprehensive measures, we have made remarkable progress. During the campaign, the ministry successively deployed three cluster battles, three rounds of centralized and unified inspections and publicizing activities during summer nights, and seven large regional campaigns. All police forces nationwide were coordinated to promote the actions in a comprehensive way. Consequently, more than 566,000 criminal cases were uncovered, 2.042 million cases of public security offenses were tackled, and 975,000 suspects were captured in the campaign. We also resolved 2.846 million disputes and eliminated 865,000 hidden dangers. Reported crimes and public security offenses received by the 110 hotline fell by 13.8% and 5.2%, respectively, achieving our expectations.

In the next step, the MPS will summarize and consolidate the valid practices gathered from last year and this year’s summer campaigns, further enhancing the analysis and research on the patterns, characteristics and situation of social security during summer, and always staying responsive to the call of the people. While cracking down hard on all kinds of illegal and criminal activities, we will also organize public security organs across the country to address prominent criminal behaviors and public security problems that seriously affect social stability and public peace, making every effort to safeguard the safety of people's lives and property, so as to ensure overall social stability. Thank you.

The Poster News APP:

Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets. As a main force in safeguarding ecological security, what achievements have been made by public security departments in cracking down on environmental pollution crimes? This work requires coordination and cooperation between various departments and localities. What valuable practices and experiences can be shared with us? Thank you.

Li Jiantao:

I will answer your questions. The report to the 20th National Congress of the CPC has made major strategic deployments to promote green development and harmonious coexistence between humanity and nature while pursuing modernization. Public security departments have thoroughly learned and implemented Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization and the Rule of Law, upheld the concept that “lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets,” adhered to the strictest systems and the most rigorous rule of law to protect the ecological environment, cracked down on all kinds of environmental pollution crimes in accordance with the law, and helped win the battle against pollution.

First, we have conducted special campaigns to crack down on crimes. We have organized the "Kunlun" operation for five consecutive years, with environmental pollution crime as the focus of the crackdown. From January to September this year, public security organs across China have filed and investigated more than 2,400 cases of environmental pollution crimes, representing a year-on-year increase of 19.7%.

Second, we have made great efforts in investigating key cases. We have tackled minor crimes at an early stage while simultaneously fighting major crimes, focusing on environmental pollution crimes that are severely harmful and despised by the public, and targeting the organizers, profiteers, and operators within the criminal chain. The MPS has supervised the handling of more than 70 major cases. A number of major cases, such as the inter-provincial disposal of waste lead batteries by 26 people led by Li in Wuqing district, Tianjin, and the inter-provincial disposal of aluminum ash via internet by 49 people led by Cai in Taizhou, Zhejiang province, have been successfully solved across the country.

Third, we have actively engaged in early-stage management. We integrated preventive and regulatory measures with actual crackdowns, and timely informed relevant administrative departments about the hidden problems, discovered while investigating cases, such as the illegal dumping of hazardous waste using oil field facilities, and the unlawful transfer and disposal of specific types of hazardous waste across provinces, thus to work in collaboration to address problems at the source.

Given the often cross-regional and cross-departmental characteristics of environmental pollution crimes, public security organs have vigorously strengthened coordination and cooperation mechanisms to promote collaborative governance. In terms of enhancing inter-departmental cooperation, we have worked with relevant departments to improve interaction between administrative law enforcement and criminal law enforcement, continuously organized special actions to crack down on environmental violations and crimes involving hazardous waste, and conducted cross-departmental special rectification on fraud crimes by third-party environmental protection service agencies, to generate synergy and work together. Regarding cooperation among regions, we have guided regions such as the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, Yangtze River Delta, Yellow River Basin, and Chengdu-Chongqing area to establish and improve cross-regional and cross-basin police cooperation mechanisms and have solved a number of cross-provincial cases such as the illegal disposal of oily mud led by Wu in Yongchuan District of Chongqing.

A sound ecological environment is a universal wellbeing. In the next phase, the public security organs will thoroughly learn and implement the guiding principles of the Party's 20th National Congress, shoulder political responsibilities, innovate thinking and ideas, crack down and maintain high pressure on crimes of environmental pollution, and introduce hard measures to offer legal guarantee for building a beautiful China. Thank you.

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