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SCIO press conference on white paper 'China's Green Development in the New Era'

China.org.cn | February 5, 2023


The white paper mentioned that in the past decade, China has improved the efficiency of resource utilization, such as in the usage of energy, water, land, and raw materials. Could you please share relevant examples with us? Thank you.

Zhao Chenxin:

Thank you for your question. China is a major resource consumer. Conserving energy, resource, and improving resource utilization efficiency is of great significance to China and even global resource security. In the past decade of the new era, China has fully implemented Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization and adopted strong and effective measures to greatly improve the efficiency of resource utilization.

First, we have strengthened planning and guidance. China has incorporated indicators of resource conservation into its five-year plans, established and improved the evaluation assessment system, and promoted departments and local governments to fulfill their responsibilities. The State Council and relevant departments have issued a series of major comprehensive working plans on energy conservation and emission reduction, the building of a water-saving society, and the development of the circular economy. Such efforts have covered various aspects and forged synergy in pushing forward the resource conservation work. 

Second, we have strengthened energy conservation and improved efficiency in key areas. In major areas, such as industry, construction, transportation, and public institutions, we vigorously promoted energy saving through technological, management, and structural ways. In terms of industry, Mr. Xin just briefed us about green manufacturing. We have carried out the national water conservation campaign and promoted efficient irrigation in agriculture. We have strictly controlled the increase of land designated for construction projects. More efforts have been made to curb waste throughout the entire grain industrial chain. In 2021, the energy consumption per unit of the added value of industry above the designated size and water consumption per 10,000 yuan of value-added of the industry dropped by 36.2 % and 55%, respectively, from 2012.

Third, we have established and improved market-based mechanisms to promote resource conservation and increase efficiency. We have fully implemented the tiered pricing system for residential electricity, water, and gas, which encouraged the public to conserve resources as much as possible. We have introduced a differentiated electricity price policy for industries with high energy consumption. Efforts have been made to implement preferential tax treatments and explore trading systems for energy consumption rights, and water use rights, to promote the efficient allocation of resources. 

Fourth, we have strengthened legal frameworks. We have formulated and revised the Energy Conservation Law, the Anti-Food Waste Law, and Regulations on Energy Conservation by Public Institutions. We have strictly investigated and punished violations of laws and regulations. Measured against internationally high standards, we have developed and improved standards for the consumption of energy, water, and materials in key industries and products and ensured effective implementation.

Fifth, we have encouraged the participation of the whole society. Various activities have been carried out to promote resource conservation. We have worked to raise public awareness about cherishing resources and resource conservation. We have held week-long national campaigns to promote energy conservation for 32 consecutive years and week-long campaigns to promote water conservation for 31 consecutive years. Both achieved great progress. 

We will thoroughly implement the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress, carry out a comprehensive resource conservation strategy, and accelerate the fundamental shift in the use of resources to pursue development on the basis of utilizing resources in a more rational, secure, and sustainable way, providing effective guarantee for building a modern socialist country in all respects.

Thank you.

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