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SCIO press conference on China's imports and exports in 2022

China.org.cn | January 20, 2023

Nihon Keizai Shimbun:

We've been keeping an eye on trade between China and Russia. Could you share the data on China-Russia trade in 2022 and the GACC's assessment of trade between the two countries last year? Thank you.

Lyu Daliang:

Thank you for your question. I'll brief you on the relevant data on China-Russia trade. According to customs statistics, our imports and exports with Russia reached 1.28 trillion yuan in 2022, accounting for 3% of China's total foreign trade. In terms of scale, China-Russia trade maintained steady growth in 2022, and bilateral trade reached a new high. Thank you.

Nanfang Daily:

It has been one year since RCEP came into effect, and the benefits continue to be realized. Could you share with us the details about China's trade with other RCEP countries? What has the GACC done to promote the implementation of RCEP? And what has been achieved? Thank you.

Lyu Daliang:

Thank you for your questions. On Jan. 1, 2023, we marked the first anniversary of RCEP coming into effect. Over the past year, China has implemented RCEP with a high level of quality, reaped numerous policy dividends, and further promoted regional economic integration. According to customs statistics, China's imports and exports to the 14 other RCEP member countries in 2022 reached 12.95 trillion yuan, a 7.5% increase, accounting for 30.8% of China's total imports and exports. The trade has the following characteristics:

First, the proportion of imports and exports has steadily increased. As RCEP policy dividends continued to be released, its role in promoting intra-regional trade became more evident. From the first to the fourth quarter, China's imports and exports to other RCEP member countries accounted for 30.4%, 30.5%, 30.7% and 31.4% of China's total import and export in the same period, respectively.

Second, the trade has been dynamic. In 2022, China's trade with eight RCEP member countries exceeded double-digit growth, among which Indonesia, Singapore, Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos all experienced growth of over 20%. Our trade with the ROK was the largest among RCEP countries, reaching 2.41 trillion yuan, a 3.2% increase.

Third, industrial cooperation has been strengthened. In 2022, China's imports and exports of intermediate products to other RCEP member countries reached 8.7 trillion yuan, an 8.5% increase, accounting for 67.2% of China's total imports and exports with other RCEP member countries in the same period. In terms of major commodities, China's exports of mechanical and electrical products and labor-intensive products to other RCEP member countries went up by 13.2% and 20.7%, respectively. Electronic components, batteries and automobiles increased by 15%, 50.3% and 71.6%, respectively. China's imports of mechanical and electrical products, metal ore and ore sands, and consumer goods from other RCEP member countries accounted for 46.2%, 10.4%, and 10.2%, respectively. The import of energy products such as crude oil and natural gas also grew rapidly.

Fourth, private enterprises have had a strong performance. In 2022, the import and export of private enterprises to other RCEP member countries reached 6.56 trillion yuan, up 17.4%. This accounted for 50.6% of China's total imports and exports to other RCEP member countries in the same period, an increase of 4.3 percentage points over the previous year. 

Over the past year, the GACC has resolutely implemented the requirements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on RCEP implementation and conscientiously carried out various customs-related work.

First, together with the Ministry of Commerce and four other departments, we jointly issued the Guidelines on High-Quality RCEP Implementation, breaking down and refining 16 key tasks in three aspects and promoting the special evaluation of the implementation of RCEP-related measures at customs across the country. Second, we focused on the rules of RCEP in the field of customs inspection and quarantine, and improved relevant rules and regulations. We upgraded the customs operating system, standardized and simplified customs procedures, and continuously optimized the customs clearance process, in a bid to improve customs clearance efficiency and reduce costs. Third, we actively served enterprises, helping them seize the opportunities of RCEP and making full use of various preferential policies. Through publicity, training, seminars, visits and translation of regulations and standards of RCEP member countries, we helped them tap the RCEP market. We have built an enterprise-oriented service system targeting the role of RCEP in reducing technical barriers to trade, and released the interpretation of relevant measures and policies of RCEP members through the official Customs 12360 WeChat account and our portal website. We have introduced the approved exporter system, intelligent verification and self-printing of the RCEP certificates of origin, and other facilitation measures, providing quality services and guarantees for enterprises to enjoy benefits. Thank you.

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