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SCIO briefing on white paper on energy in China's new era

China.org.cn | December 26, 2020

Beijing Daily:

Thank you, chairperson. In 2013, the central government proposed to fight a tough battle against pollution and win the battle to defend the blue sky. What results has China made in energy conservation and emission reduction? In addition, what measures will be taken to improve energy efficiency and to transform energy consumption patterns? Thank you.

Zhang Jianhua:

This question goes to Mr. Zhao Chenxin, secretary-general of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC).

Zhao Chenxin:

Thank you for your question. You just mentioned the fight against pollution and the battle to defend the blue sky. These are important strategic deployments made by the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as its core, with focus placed on the overall development of the Party and the country, and comply with the people's expectations for a better life.

In recent years, in accordance with the deployments of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, the Energy Bureau of the NDRC and related departments have jointly adhered to the energy development strategy of priority to conservation. We have carried out related work focusing on energy conservation, improvement of energy efficiency, and the reduction of pollutant emissions. I can say that very good results have been achieved.

I would like to introduce the specific situation to you in four aspects:

First, the energy-saving target responsibility has been further strengthened. We continue to regard the decline in energy consumption intensity per unit of GDP as a binding indicator for national economic and social development. We have established a dual control system for total energy consumption and energy intensity, and enhanced evaluation and assessment, using energy conservation to force high-quality development. The effect of this is evident.

Second, we are constantly improving energy-saving laws, regulations and the standards system. The Energy Conservation Law has been revised, and management methods such as energy efficiency labeling, energy-saving reviews, and energy-saving supervision have been formulated and revised. The current number of national mandatory energy-saving standards has reached nearly 200, which is a very large number. The relevant standards are becoming more and more perfect. The leading and regulating role of laws, regulations and standards has been continuously strengthened.

Third, energy conservation in key areas has been further strengthened. We have accelerated the green transformation of industries and fully implemented green construction standards. In addition, as everyone may know, the number of new energy vehicles in China now ranks first in the world. At the same time, we also encourage public institutions to take the lead nad set an example for energy conservation.

Fourth, the energy-saving policy mechanism is being further improved. We have implemented market-oriented mechanisms such as contract energy management, formulated and implemented supportive policies such as price, taxation, and finance that are conducive to energy conservation, and also carried out trials of energy rights, paid use, and transactions.

You can find a series of data listed in the white paper "Energy in China's New Era. I will not repeat them here. These data introduce the reduction in energy consumption per unit of GDP and the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions in China in recent years. Mr. Zhang also introduced the relevant situation in his speech just now. I think these changes have provided strong support for improving the quality of the ecological environment and promoting the sustainable and healthy development of economy and society.

Next, we will continue to implement Xi Jinping's thinking on ecological civilization and the spirit of the fifth plenary session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. According to the deployment of the Central Economic Work Conference, we will take effective measures to achieve peak carbon emissions and carbon neutral goals, continue to improve energy efficiency and accelerate the transformation of energy consumption patterns.

Here I will also go into details and talk about several aspects.

The first is to uphold and improve the dual control system for energy consumption, establish and improve management systems such as energy budgets, and promote efficient energy allocation and rational use.

The second is to accelerate the adjustment and optimization of the industrial structure and energy structure, vigorously develop photovoltaic power generation, wind power and other renewable energy sources, and promote coal consumption to peak as soon as possible.

The third is to strengthen the management of key energy-consuming entities, accelerate the implementation of energy-saving projects such as comprehensive energy efficiency improvement, and further promote energy conservation and consumption reduction in key areas such as industry, construction, and transportation. We will also continue to improve the energy efficiency of new infrastructure.

The fourth is to accelerate the construction of a national energy rights trading market, extensively carry out national energy conservation actions, and create a good overall social atmosphere conducive to energy conservation.

These are my answers to this question. Thank you.

Zhang Jianhua:

Thank you, Secretary-General Zhao Chenxin. Let me add a set of statistics, which can help you better understand Secretary-General Zhao's answers.

Between 2013 and 2019, China's energy consumption per unit of GDP dropped by 24.4%, which translates into energy savings of more than 1.2 billion metric tons of standard coal, which is equivalent to reducing carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 2.7 billion metric tons. I also said in my speech that it means an average annual energy consumption growth rate of 2.8% supports the GDP growth rate of 7%. Thank you.

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