ㄑ Press Room

SCIO briefing on the science-based treatment of severe COVID-19 cases

China.org.cn | March 21, 2020

Dutch Public Broadcaster:

Thank you very much. With NOS the Dutch public broadcaster. Doctors, could you give us a bit of an insight into how the situation is now in the hospitals in Wuhan? We've seen that several temporary hospitals have been closed down. Also, what I would like to know, since we're talking to the best doctors of this country, what advice or lessons would you like to share with people on the frontline in other countries that are facing the start of the epidemic, for instance the Netherlands? Thank you very much.

Du Bin:

Is there anyone who wants to answer the question? I'll answer first. Yes, you are right. I believe that all mobile cabin hospitals have been closed. Some of the designated hospitals for COVID-19 have also been closed, either discharging their patients or transferring their patients to other designated hospitals. It seems to us that, like Doctor Cao just said a minute ago, the outbreak of COVID-19 in Wuhan and Hubei has come to an end. 

We should be alert, though, to any abnormal signals or sporadic cases that rise from communities, what is happening during these days, and the imported cases from other countries out there and anywhere else. The second question: what kind of lessons or cleanup experience we can share. There are so many things. However, I should say the most important thing when combatting infectious diseases, such as COVID-19, is to prevent and control the disease rather than treatment. Thus, treatment is only secondary. Prevention and control are the primary goals. Previously, I remember talking about planning. You must have a plan. Failure to prepare is preparedness for failure. So even now, in Wuhan and Hubei, we have fewer newly diagnosed cases, but we should remain alert and prepare for future sporadic cases and imported cases, as well as learn from our own experiences of success and failure. Thanks.

Xi Yanchun:

Yes, Dr. Yan, please. 

Yan Xiaowei:

To my overseas colleagues, I would like to address two points. The first is to the doctors: you should take good care of yourself from the coronavirus infection. This is the precondition for you to take care of patients. Also, it's a precondition to protect your colleagues and your family. My second point is the public should be educated widespreadly for the protection of themselves.

It is not complicated. Just wash your hands, wear a mask, and avoid gathering, etc. Otherwise, health care facilities and systems will be overwhelmed by the outbreak of COVID-19. Thank you.

Xi Yanchun:

Okay, Dr. Wu, please. 

Wu Dong:

I want to share a few words with the general public of other countries. I want to say that we totally respect that every nation, every person, has their own condition that could be very different from others. 

We are not saying that this is the Chinese example and you should follow. We're not saying this. We totally respect that you should take your own actions. But every one of us should take this very seriously, take necessary actions, change your behavior, and be responsible. As for the medical community, I would like to say that we have to protect them because, in the last few days, we know that our European colleagues have also contracted the disease during daily practice. And the proportion is quite similar to that in the early stages in Wuhan. 

So we need to protect our medical staff working in the ICU. The environment is quite stressful. The mortality is relatively high. As a physician, you will lose some of your patients from time to time, no matter how hard you have been trying to save their lives. This could easily damage the morale of the ICU staff. So I suggest them to rest and relax. You need to take very good care of yourself. Thank you. 

Xi Yanchun:

Ok. Next question, please. The gentleman in the right area in the second row, please. 

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