ㄑ Press Room

SCIO briefing on National Constitution Publicity Week

China.org.cn | December 4, 2019


Tomorrow will mark the sixth national Constitution Day. I have learned that the Justice Ministry and the legal knowledge popularization office are organizing a weeklong nationwide Constitution publicity campaign. What the Justice Ministry and the legal knowledge popularization office have done in recent years in publicizing the Constitution? In particular, how do you plan to instill the spirit of the Constitution? Thank you.

Fu Zhenghua:

Actually, my previous speeches have somewhat answered your questions. However, I will provide a further explanation, which is also the objective and the mission of our work.

Publicizing the Constitution has always been the top priority in nationwide law popularization work, and has been highly valued by the Justice Ministry and the legal knowledge popularization office. Since last year, a series of publicity activities have been organized with the aim of educating the public in "respecting the Constitution, learning the detailed provisions of the Constitution, abiding by the Constitution, safeguarding the Constitution, and using the Constitution". In this field, we focus on five areas:

First, we should define our priorities. Focusing on the constitutional amendment approved in 2018, we have made great efforts to publicize the great significance of enshrining Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era into the Constitution and adhering to and strengthening the overall leadership of the Communist Party of China. We have promoted the Constitution in enterprises, in rural areas, in Party and government organs, at campuses, in residential communities, at military camps, and in the cyberspace. We collaborated with relevant departments to organize activities to promote the Constitution at public transportation hubs, hotels, and in every household, and across the border areas. Last year, we launched our Constitution publicity week campaign in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, emphasizing the importance of border areas in the publicizing of the Constitution. We broadcast videos to promote the Constitution at 2,300 stations and on 2,500 high-speed trains, injecting vitality into the publicity of the Constitution and implementing the publicity works at grassroot levels.

Second, our priority is to the leading officials and young people, the former being the "critical minority" and the latter "the future of our nation". To this aim, we held three lectures on the study and publicity of the Constitution at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. These lectures have been recorded on CD-ROM disks and promoted throughout the network to support the learning of the Constitution by the central groups of the Party committees (leading Party members' groups) in all departments and regions. Also, we have given full support to the team of lecturers popularizing the Constitution and its laws. The team carried out lectures on the Constitution for cadres, organized them to attend and sit in trials; and motivated them to take the lead in respecting, learning and abiding by laws and solving problems with legal knowledge. We have worked with the Ministry of Education in incorporating the learning of the Constitution into a guideline for legal education in schools . As a part of this program, the activity of "learning the Constitution and respecting the Constitution" is required to be carried out among students throughout the country every year and Constitution morning reading will be added to the curriculum of around 400,000 primary and secondary schools all over China, so as to enhance the constitutional awareness among young people.

The third is to develop the constitutional culture. We have named in two batches twenty-five legal publicity and education bases in China to present the constitutional culture to the public. By now, constitutional elements have been subtly integrated into more than 3500 parks, 12,000 squares and 34,000 cultural corridors all over China. We have organized the selection of national examples on the rule of law and recorded a program named "Principles of the Constitution and Power of the Rule of Law" in cooperation with China Media Group which will be released soon. Through these activities, the authority of the Constitution has been firmly established throughout the society and a constitutional culture has thus been developed.

The fourth is to innovate our ways of spreading awareness about the Constitution. We have conducted a micro video collection activity, which has received a warm reception from the public, far beyond our expectations. These excellent micro videos will soon be sent and broadcast on the Internet. In addition, we will send public service text messages to 1.26 billion mobile phone users across the country to promote knowledge of the law. We will work with the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development to compile a series of books that will help popularize the Constitution and alleviate poverty. In the future, we will launch intelligent law popularization platforms and carry out the Constitution publicity activities through new media and technologies.

Fifth, we have launched Constitution publicity week campaign on the basis of national Constitution Day that falls on December 4. As you all probably know, the campaign started last year and we achieved very good results. We will adopt similar methods to enhance the social effects of constitutional publicity during a weeklong campaign this year.

Next, we will continue to study and realize the principles of the fourth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, comprehensively institutionalize and regularize Constitution publicity activities and modernize the state governance system. We should encourage constitutional learning, publicity and education under Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. We must express the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership, and keep in alignment and confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We must resolutely uphold General Secretary Xi Jinping's core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole, and resolutely uphold the Party Central Committee's authority and its centralized, unified leadership.

The second is to give emphasis to cadres, the key minority, who have always been key to the popularization and learning of laws and solving problems with legal knowledge. Cadres should be leaders in the construction of the rule of law, promoting the central groups of Party organizations (or committees) in various departments and regions to put the Constitution on their theoretical learning plans. A system of law learning list clarifying what the cadres should know, and should be capable of, should be set up, as a means of promoting them to be leaders in respecting, learning and abiding by laws and solving problems with legal knowledge.

The third is to implement the responsibility system of "whoever enforces the law shall popularize the law", to give full play to the role of the inter-ministerial joint meeting, to develop and implement the responsibility list of state organs, and to promote state organs at all levels to carry out Constitution publicity and education. This includes the legislative, judicial, law enforcement and legal services.

Fourth, keep close to the people, and adopt a way of publicizing the Constitution that is both comprehensive and easily understandable. We must popularize the Constitution in an accurate, thorough and vivid manner. We also hope that all our journalist friends will make a contribution to help publicize the Constitution. Thank you.

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