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Du Fu

The Academy of Contemporary China and World StudiesUpdated:  August 30, 2024

Du Fu

Du Fu (712-770) was a great realistic poet of the Tang Dynasty (618-907). His poems are known for their broad social realism, and provide a profound reflection on society in the two decades before and after the An Lushan Rebellion. They are referred to as "poetic history". His poetry reflects Confucianism, and is full of the compassionate love of the people, affection for all living things, and a patriotic spirit, making him a revered "Poet Saint".

Du lived a life of constant turmoil and displacement. He observed the realities of life and society with a keen sense of reason and empathy, drawing from his own experiences to empathize with the joys and sorrows of the people, and demonstrating a strong political consciousness. His poetry is known for its simple and melancholic style, as reflected in works such as Ascending the Heights, Spring Prospect, Northern Expedition, and My Cottage Unroofed by Autumn Gales. His influence on both Chinese and Japanese literature is profound.


